Star "Grind"flict

I’m sure we can all agree, the grind in this game is ridiculous. It takes far too long to progress.


I was recently discussing this with the OWLs, and something that came up was how much time people have to devote to the game to actually get somewhere. We were discussing how much we play the game, and it occurred to us that we play the right amount of time to actually progress at a reasonable rate, which is insane, considering we play several hours every day. In most other F2P games, you don’t have to spend nearly this much time to progress at a reasonable rate. Players who are serious about this game are going to have to spend a few hours every day to progress. This is a huge flaw in this game.


I completely understand that the point of making the grind hard is to persuade more people to buy gold standards and buy their way to the top. But this is also poor logic. Allowing people to tier-rush like this only ruins the game for those who took the time to grind their way to T5. I’m not saying that they should reduce their income, I’m saying there are better ways to make money in this game. For instance, give pilots more incentive to buy a license. Premium ships are always good investments, as they always have been, same with DLCs. There are many other ways for the dev team to make money as well.


Imo, the grind needs to be reduced, but not to the point where anyone can get to T5 without even trying. The grind needs to be challenging for new players, but should get easier as you develop your skills as a pilot.

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I am not sure. When I started, my initial goal was to get all ships. Took me about 4.5 months, 450 hours, 3500 matches, to get there. With license, and when it was still sometimes possible to get 500k syn in a single match (which no longer seems possible). Without license? Would have maybe taken about 600 hours and 5000 matches.


Teach me master, I have near 1k hours according to Steam and I still dont own all ships sitting on 91 fleet strenght.

The grind gives veterans something to play for, most f2p games are grindy these days.


But yeah I’m sure most new players will uninstall before they grind enough to reach rank 10 so they can unlock all the maps.  

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Star Conflict is far away from being in the Top Most Grinding Games.

I’m just gonna be a bit whiny here…


Sooo the grind in Star Conflict before the dreadnoughts was bearable, given you had a bit of devotion and knew where to go. But now the grind has become LITERALLY almost unbearable. Pilots in PvE are so uncoordinated that every single time in T4 pve it is a failiure, whereas when you do succeed you only get 600k. Now to put that into perspective, I need ~17Million credits to get the rest of the ships I have unlocked, and just doing pve will burn me out within a day, so I essentially cannot progress in the games current state since I either progress and brun myself out or I stay as an active player who is essentially locked in purgatory. The only reason I haven’t mentioned pvp currently is since it’s only good for grinding synergy up for ships, but only yields around 100-200K per match.


Okay, whingefest done.


@Rakza I know SC isn’t up there in the most grindy games but it’s slowly moving up the ladder.



@Rakza I know SC isn’t up there in the most grindy games but it’s slowly moving up the ladder.


The day you will need to craft 3 parts of your ships, each taking 24 hours then need 72 hours to assemble them, it will be in the ladder.

Yeah. The game is grindy BUT that is so that people have a goal, and that you feel pride that you progressed that 1. Single. Synergy. Level.


Also you can lessen the grind with GS, and buying GS equals money for the devs, which is the goal of being a dev.


It seems fine right now, but then again, I haven’t touched T4 or T5, only T3.

The day you will need to craft 3 parts of your ships, each taking 24 hours then need 72 hours to assemble them, it will be in the ladder.


Warframe isn’t even a top grinding game xD

You don’t play world of tanks don’t you?

I have 1600 hours in steam, but I got all the ships when I was around 900. Premiums excluded.

Comparing with warthunder or wot, this game is the less grindy of all.

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Having played both Wot and War Thunder, i do feel this game is the least grindy of the lot. At the very least we can swap weapons and modules from one ship to the next, and we can put purple or orange modules on new ships right away, something that makes the grind a lot less tedious. 

Having played both Wot and War Thunder, i do feel this game is the least grindy of the lot. At the very least we can swap weapons and modules from one ship to the next, and we can put purple or orange modules on new ships right away, something that makes the grind a lot less tedious. 


I fully agree with you.

Here’s an idea. Rather than making the same mistake the devs are making by looking at other games and saying “well that’s how they do it.” Why not ask, “What is a good for this game?”

The truth is, while this game isn’t as grindy as some freeware games, its community perceives it as asking for too much of their time in relation to the rewards given. If enough of your community reaches this conclusion, it doesn’t matter what the other games get away with. Your customers will leave.

This is even more true if cash items continually display a “bait and switch” trend; where the item starts out being slightly (or greatly) OP, and after a significant number of players purchase said item it is suddenly balanced without warning…

This game currently does not have the content to justify its grind. In fact, it could be said the grind is making up for a lack of content by artificially inflating progression. For instance, why is there a race to build dreadnoughts, when each stage is capped? Because they aren’t finished and the devs are stalling for time.

This game is full of artificial longevity tricks. And the players are starting to notice.

What I like about this games grind (at least from tier I to II) where I am at, is that it is a gradual level up in skill level. I have tier III prem ships, but I don’t play them cause I’m not good enough. I’m just swamped when I try. The goal, at least for me is to learn how to play the ships, and by the time I figure out a general strategy and flip modules and weapons a few times, I have the ships elited (this is at the beginning of the grind). 


It also seems to help to play a little each day rather than alot in a few days. 


Bang for buck wise, you get more power out of your dollar in this game than you do in WOT or any WG game or WT. 


And the metagame difference between tiers is cool. Games like WOT and World of Warships have a lot less reason to grind up to the top, unless you want to play competitively. I find that in those games I pick a vehicle I like and just play it. WOWP is the best of the WG games for grinding. 

I u dont want grind u can buy the premiums, which are already full synergy, then buy premium licence to get money and vouchers fast and u have a good setup on purple easily in a few weeks. 

I u dont want grind u can buy the premiums, which are already full synergy, then buy premium licence to get money and vouchers fast and u have a good setup on purple easily in a few weeks. 


Add ten dollars (or 20 if you want Dlc, which i reccomend) your life will be set, if you use your GS carefully and on sales. All you need is a premium command, or a premium engineering.

After playing the game again since about a month and a half, i must say the game is WAY more grindy now than it was.

This is due to the synergy crap and the need to level every single ship. Now you need to also level ships you don´t even care about. This is the part that makes it feel grindy for me.

Even with premium and buying syn you don´t get really far and still have to play a lot of ships you don´t need/want.


While the individual ships are okay to level and the progress is okay, i personally would love to be able to skip a lot of ships like in the old days. Just buy it, and up to the next one. But no, that ain´t possible and i have 50M of credits i can´t do jack with…