Star Conflict v.1.5.1 Journey (Discussion)

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

You need to revert the changes to Pirate Stash containers in space. That was uncalled for.


oh I thought Stripped Deposits was eerily empty today … I just thought it was an invisible Tai’Kin taking all the stashes … no worries I already farmed 10’s of 1000’s iridium and got my GS and my [Proximity mortar 17] … I thought it was too good to be true … yes  it was stupid that they removed the one thing you can’t buy with real world cash that was jump starting the trade system that you can actually spend real world cash on … well on the bright side  the entire forum had the opportunity to see a positive TAZ for 2 weeks … I guess its back to same old TAZ and his famous BOLD CAPS

Ohh man, finally the ‘discussion’ is open huh? Time to dump my wall of text then.



Although it seems useful to give players a form of guide in what they should be doing when playing the game, one of the  initial missions  is a literal suicide mission.
The description of the mission tells players to take a lynx and go to PB-42. This in almost every case ends up with the poor sucker in the lynx getting slaughtered by the Hunters (more on them in a bit). The description should be changed to just fly to PB-42, it shouldn’t misdirect players into being weaker than they should.


Oh and some of the later rank challenges need fixing. The mission will reset when caches missions expire and rotate and is annoying when going for tougher medal requirement ones.


Open Space

Trying to form a legitimate opinion on this one is hard because there is so much good and so much more _bad. _So instead I’ll just list notes for and against it.



Removal of fuel system means you can fly around for as long as you can

New pirate stash drops finally makes them relevant rather than a rare spawn container with more fodder

‘Rare’ achievement drops are now reasonably obtainable with the removal of all fodder

Random containers giving munitions and premium munitions is fantastic and useful, especially if you know where the cargo drone is

Enemies deal significantly less damage overall, meaning new players won’t be slaughtered if they stop off in the wrong sector, instead they have a chance to escape

The ability to warp to whatever sector you want for a slight fee is nice I suppose

Rare drops from caches might have been boosted or something. Yay I guess, you nuggets weren’t ignoring the problem of module acquisition completely - instead you chose to give the incorrect solution.

Monocrystals becoming a commodity is nice.

Having the ability to select Neodium, Beryllium or Electrum for a timed mission reward is nice, but the Electrum reward should either be 24 or the cost for enriched Electrum should be dropped to 10 ore.



Aliens got buffed  WAY TOO MUCH. Hunters now have a 5km aggro radius and typically will do 7-8k a shot. AKA two shot just about any ship. Whoever is in charge of balancing deserves a slap for this one.

Container drop rate (from enemies) is way too low. A player shouldn’t be able to kill off every enemy in the sector and see no drop at all, especially if when they do get one it isn’t the item they need.

Front Blaster is making PvP far more stupid than before. I don’t know exactly what happened, but now PvP is filled with suicidal Covert Ops nuggets.

Furthermore most of the builds I’ve seen involving the Front Blaster do perhaps ~20k-30k DPS, which if you can’t read numbers is enough to slaughter any fighter and frigates take just over a second to die. Seriously, nerf the absolute sh*t out of this weapon. This is the worst meta yet.

Module, weapon and passive drops seem way too crammed. There are so many sectors and so many different enemy spawns, why aren’t they spread out more?

What is the legitimate point of increasing pilot level above 10 if level 10 is what unlocks rank 17 (aka the final lot of ships)? Currently pushing past former limits seems irrelevant/ a waste of time.


Rank 16 Ships

Now this one is a very annoying cookie, as I’ve had some arguments with Corp members who seem to outright be addicted to these things but let me get my points straight.

These ships require a gigantic resource investment

They are restricted in build

They generally aren’t worth the resource investment


Unless the next batch of rank 16 and 17 ships just blows the meta out of the water, the new ranks suck. Not many people use them (Oh look, a front blaster meta instead), those that do use them die inconceivably quickly and what little that makes them ‘unique’ doesn’t set them apart from a rank 15 premium or a SP ship. So in general the ships need a bit more of a buff and a bit of a resource requirement reduction


The Atlas

This is maybe one of the best parts of the update, since it not only adds a layer of transparency as we are shown upcoming modules and weapons but also gives a clear view of what you have or do not have. The only real negative I can think about this thing right now is there are a lot of items that aren’t sorted correctly or don’t have an assigned category at all. If that was fixed and maybe a search function added then the Atlas would be close to perfect.


New Zones

Although I absolutely love PB-42 and it is maybe my favourite zone in Open Space right now, they should not be outright disconnected from the rest of the game. Currently the literal only way to access PB and the Excavation site is to spend iridium which doesn’t seem right at all. There should be gates in adjacent systems that lead in once the respective campaign quest is completed.


Also how the flying f**k do I get back to Fort Muerto. I can see it on my map but can’t find a way into it.



This update is okay. It isn’t good but it isn’t terribly bad like a certain other update that occurred at the beginning of the year. Once Front Blaster sees it’s nerfing and people drop the damned meta to try out their new stuff and adjustments are made to aliens and container drop rate in OS then maybe this update can be called good. For now it is just a let down.


Also can we get a fix for:



And G’Thar’Du, Halo Launcher and Pyro Emitter still trigger the Aggressor status in Open Space regardless of Station Protection. Previous report of this bug still applies at it is still occuring


On 15.03.2018 at 3:21 PM, Original_Taz said:


parts  drop in boxes and whole weapons  drop in open space  but the point is  that you can actually sell things now  and get GS to buy what you don’t have or don’t want to farm … doing missions give a different parts box every hour and in that hour you can get 3 of those boxes  iridium is in dailies and open space so you can literally spend a 12 hour session and get 36 sell-able items and also farm the iridium to continuously buy the boxes … IT HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER TO PLAY THE GAME… it takes a lot to remove the negative comments from my posts  and  I have not made EVEN ONE negative comment sense patch 1.5.1   … this is the  best patch ever and the most player friendly patch ever … if your negative about this patch your just too lazy to play the game at all


First thing, that guy wrote about the fact that standard items that were available at the store are available only in OS. That guy didn’t write about boxes, or iridium, or selling things from boxes for GS. He wrote about one single fact: moving standard items from store to OS. Spending time in OS praying to RNGesus to get what you want is not easier than clicking “buy” when it comes to getting standard modules. End of the sentence. You know, there are players who don’t have all standard modules(whoa!) that were available in the store before the update.


Second thing, instead think from new player’s perspective who do not spend 12h non stop in the game but ~2h maximum per day and does not care about iridium. I have the time for the game but my friends don’t, they are example of players like that. They are playing r11 destroyers using items from r8 destroyers because they have no time to drop the items all their available praying to RNGesus that they will get what they want and hoping that no one else is on the map. If something was made easier for top-level players who know the game and know how to exploit and get advantage of every smallest thing in the game, it does not mean that it will be the same for average player. My friends got pushed behind a grindwall because they wanted to log in, play the game for one hour and log out. After three days(~1-1,5h per day) of their playtime they gave up with searching for modules they want because they were getting modules for ships they even didn’t want to play instead of what they wanted to get. I tried to help them but with that amount of their online time it was impossible(5x of the same module they don’t need in a row FTW). I saw games that pushed towards elite players and didn’t care at all about new players or players who don’t play much, low levels of these games became a ghost town and number of players was drastically lowered. Average and below average players who play only from time to time won’t come to forum and write what is wrong with the game. Remember that everyone was a newbie once.

Anyway, I heard that iridium in OS was fixed so your explanation about infinite iridium is invalid now.



Just to make things clear, I agree that many things were made easier, like getting monocrystals, buildings r11 and r14 destroyers etc. but that’s not something what newbie players immediately care about. I just realized that I forgot to tell one of my friends what are monocrystals for. We, I mean players who already bought before the update everything we needed don’t care that some items can’t be bought anymore but low level players do.

I must say, its very surprising to me that the Front Blaster hasnt been nerfed yet. Even 5k range strafe Golden Eagles are a thing now. 300+ resist 30k+ shield guards get murdered in a matter of seconds.


Honestly, no interceptor should be able to facetank Fighters and Frigates like that.

4 hours ago, Scar6 said:

I must say, its very surprising to me that the Front Blaster

Not really surprising. They have waited weeks to nerf obviously OP things all the time

52 minutes ago, _terrorblade said:

Not really surprising. They have waited weeks to nerf obviously OP things all the time

Remember Thar’Ga  ![:alien3:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/alien3.png “:alien3:”)


It took them literal months to nerf that thing which was literally ruining PvP.

welp they seem not to care much about the quality of games


it kinda is also one of the unspoken reasons people leave

Front blaster and deconstructor need to be re-balanced, not your usual 7% stat nerf, but hey, it’s not like anyone is reading this comment anyway, i’ll just leave it here, passive-aggressive as usual.

33 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Front blaster and deconstructor need to be re-balanced, not your usual 7% stat nerf, but hey, it’s not like anyone is reading this comment anyway, i’ll just leave it here, passive-aggressive as usual.

Deconstructor was nerfed 10% and special effect by 50% - almost no one is using that as it is on par with any other gun now. However a person that put extra  ‘0’ with front blasters buff should correct that error. 80-90% of teams are now Falcon-Ms and Golden Eagles. There is absolutely no skill involved - I shot down 3 interceptors in a row with doomsdays - they didn’t even bother to strafe. The only good thing is that people finally learned to focus fire. If something is not an interceptor - shoot. However. I was shot down more times by a lasers than any of those guns above as they are good maybe against slow flying frigates, but most of the kills are on people that can’t fly inties (and still they do) or accidental pot shots. It’s chaos. 

Indeed it is, that gun was supposed to involve skill when using it, now people just dart towards eachother in the hope of getting a kill, when dodging even the highest of projectile speeds from it need nothing more than circle-strafing, yet they go in a straight line, now that the gun has some rotation to it you can even strafe and keep your reticle on the target now that it can also snap to it, its definitely vulnerable at close ranges which is what the increased manoeuvrability that comes to it its supposed to help with, getting medals such as lead rain is not fun nor easy now that the meta is EM and thermal damage, my best performance was with the Tai’thaq getting around 8-10 kills in some games, as niri said the Deconstructor cannon is on par with other weapons which means its not going to help out a whole deal, the low range and energy consumption don’t make it a good choice anymore, I ended up doing ~350 damage on regular hits on shields, and the hull damage from critical going as low as 100, I even had Cutters struggling to kill me when playing as frigates, the best alternative is to hope the Front blaster will get its righteous nerf in the next patch and have people move on to the next meta that will hopefully be kinetic, I’m putting my hopes onto the Geyser.

On ‎3‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 7:39 AM, Original_Taz said:

+1,000,000 for patch 1.5.1

In other news the trade system has taken off with a BULL market … Player market is up 750 points and rising … If the BULL market continues like this it will be a truly great year for the veteran players that stuck with the game through the hard times …  Back to you CinnamonFake … Keep up the good work !!!

they took space drops and minerals from normal game play, hunting freighters was my very favorite part of star conflict, . they took corp. iridium away  no more  members merely leveling their ship they , must dig out of pocket for the already very rare iridium,  they replaced the drops with stashes ,and took those away … I had built a dreddy solo , I have now dismantled it , gone  . I logged in lastnight took 15 minutes to catch a single ai run  the server is dead the game has ended . unfortunately the devs have killed the best game on the net and I lament over the loss of such a great game 

I dont know why i even bother with optimizing the durability of my ships, since every kind of tankieness is now obsolete thanks to front blasters.


A simple fix would be just to remove the double range/damage feature ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

[@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/)


It’s a nice and easy way to obtain needed module. To improve it you still need to do other activities in the game to gain needed resources.

Forcing players to play a really boring conceived game-mode just to get new weapons/mods is not a good idea. I understand the need for it in campaign but why move everything there?


If the end goal is to get people to spend more time in game why not just make these weapons drop from PvP loot also? That way people who dislike open space gameplay can just have fun in PvP and get modules & weapons that way. As it stands, PvP loot is garbage.


By forcing open space on people you’ve hurt PvP. Games are now smaller and queues are longer than they were pre-patch


27 minutes ago, _terrorblade said:

[@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/)

Forcing players to play a really boring conceived game-mode just to get new weapons/mods is not a good idea. I understand the need for it in campaign but why move everything there?


If the end goal is to get people to spend more time in game why not just make these weapons drop from PvP loot also? That way people who dislike open space gameplay can just have fun in PvP and get modules & weapons that way. As it stands, PvP loot is garbage.


By forcing open space on people you’ve hurt PvP. Games are now smaller and queues are longer than they were pre-patch


What they said

Picking lootsets before the start of a pvp match like in crossout would fix the issue of hurling people into OS although i see no problems with it much but it does represent itself in later hours.

no can do " win pirate fort raid mission " in cainpain ---- i  win in 1 position at r14,15,16 – but task not end - someone have same sytuation? its bug or do something wrong???

13 minutes ago, solopawelek said:

no can do " win pirate fort raid mission " in cainpain ---- i  win in 1 position at r14,15,16 – but task not end - someone have same sytuation? its bug or do something wrong???

You have to kill 40 pirates. The description is wrong since the last update.

Everything has been said already, but let me add one grumpy voice to the mix. Why is this Front Blaster still ruining PvP!? Just how hard is it to make one hotfix!?


And while at it, how about reducing the duration of Quantum Defence to two seconds or less?

Yes, Front Blaster and Quantums.


Some zones, like Control Point are very difficult to farm (I had to give up on R9 Duelist Protocol), because they spawn very few groups of mobs with high density of patrols that immediately obliterate them. Fix that or increase drop chance.

8 hours ago, Vohvelielain said:

Everything has been said already, but let me add one grumpy voice to the mix. Why is this Front Blaster still ruining PvP!? Just how hard is it to make one hotfix!?


And while at it, how about reducing the duration of Quantum Defence to two seconds or less?

How OP is it in a scale from 1 to Over8000?

Also how easy is it to get?