Star Conflict v.1.5.1 Journey (Discussion)

Welcome to discuss [Star Conflict v.1.5.1 Journey!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/36289-star-conflict-v151b/)



What about some love for the MIRV Launcher? ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

No new ships? Also why did you change the Spike Ram? I had already gotten mine to Mk4…

Locking open space locations and regular weapons behind a new grindwall was a bad move. 

We should NOT have to grind all over again for content that we already had access to. 

It’s fine to add NEW content and make us grind for it. 

It’s not fine to lock OLD content behind a new grindwall. 

+1,000,000 for patch 1.5.1

In other news the trade system has taken off with a BULL market … Player market is up 750 points and rising … If the BULL market continues like this it will be a truly great year for the veteran players that stuck with the game through the hard times …  Back to you CinnamonFake … Keep up the good work !!!

When will I have access to Pandora again?

27 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

Locking open space locations and regular weapons behind a new grindwall was a bad move. 

We should NOT have to grind all over again for content that we already had access to. 

It’s fine to add NEW content and make us grind for it. 

It’s not fine to lock OLD content behind a new grindwall. 


It takes literally 30 minutes to fly a  Tai’Kin from LINE to MEZZA as for the  weapons ,modules and modifiers it has NEVER been easier to farm or buy them

30 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:


as for the  weapons ,modules and modifiers it has NEVER been easier to farm or buy them

Really?..  Really? It’s easier to waste time in open space hoping for a drop than to hit buy like we used to be able to? That’s a very stupid statement


[@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/) Maybe you should do to the MIRV what was done for the first Iteration of the Coil Mortar. Reduce it damage and increase its Rate of Fire to keep the same DPS Value. The “Round Per Minute” is way too low for a Barrel Cycling Weapon (Even worse on the base Ship "Alligator-C due to its weapon positionning) and as far as I saw, this weapon is not really used.


 Plasma Devastator could have received a lesser buff (25% instead of 50% on the effect) if the projectile speed and Projectile size (Hitbox) were buffed instead 

Breach Laser needs to be available on more Guards


Rain Season Transformer’s description need to say that the Shield Regeneration is not instantly, it’s confusing)


Swarm Missile needs to have a little bit more mobility on the Cluster Charge


The Uniques modules distribution seems a bit weird too, I don’t understand the Logic behind MIRV+Ballistic Codebreaker on Inquisitor S while T-Rex MkII got Missile Swarm and Plasma Devastator.


The Ballistic Codebreaker and Plasma Devastator would work perfectly for the T-Rex MkII due to its natural mobility

The MIRV Launcher and Missile Swarm would work as well on the Inquisitor S since it has Missiles and Cooldown Bonuses.

1 minute ago, _terrorblade said:

Really?..  Really? It’s easier to waste time in open space hoping for a drop than to hit buy like we used to be able to? That’s a very stupid statement



parts  drop in boxes and whole weapons  drop in open space  but the point is  that you can actually sell things now  and get GS to buy what you don’t have or don’t want to farm … doing missions give a different parts box every hour and in that hour you can get 3 of those boxes  iridium is in dailies and open space so you can literally spend a 12 hour session and get 36 sell-able items and also farm the iridium to continuously buy the boxes … IT HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER TO PLAY THE GAME… it takes a lot to remove the negative comments from my posts  and  I have not made EVEN ONE negative comment sense patch 1.5.1   … this is the  best patch ever and the most player friendly patch ever … if your negative about this patch your just too lazy to play the game at all

To properly balance the wolfhound i suggest you let us craft it the way we want with bonuses to em weapons aswell, idk where you got pre-determined slots from but as the ship costs 60 electrum plates u better change that cos thats just stupid.

can we get any date or information about R16 and R17 implant ??

do you have anything planned with ellydium ship ? opening them to R16 and R17 with new upgrade and modules ?

are we getting new PvE mission ? if yes any possible date ? 

any further changes to the destroyer ? 

any further changes to the Wolfhound and the ignis blaster ?

nerf to front blaster ???

that all the question i have right now ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

Already can change the subtitle of the game to “unbalanced”
or change the base of the game from free to 100% paid (sarcasm)

_The enemy boots are far above the level, for God’s sake change this is impossible to win the battle.
for example at level 8 we are facing boots acting more efficiently than a human being. you can not face them
We understand that you want to please the paying players ($$$) but making the game difficult for the free ones is not a solution.


ps: : sorry for my english I used the google translate


I think the Light Coil Mortar would benefit mostly from lower spread or faster spread recovery instead of a marginal damage buff.


Also, the rate at which the Focusing Laser increases its range should be reduced once more. I also feel like its critical damage modifier is too high.


The Deconstructor Cannons proximity fuse range should be reduced, since aiming it feels a lot easier than, say Shrapnel Cannons.


Maybe the bonus damage aura of destroyers needs a rework, too, aswell as their damage output. Destroyers feel very binary: they either mow down entire squads as long as there are no enemy intys or they get murdered instantly as soon as someone pulls a Covert Ops.




What is the _ Adaptive resonator _ module ?


 [Shrike221 said:](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/247622-shrike221/ “Go to Shrike221’s profile”)

                (…) Adaptive resonator
                            Active time increased by 20%
                            Efficiency increased (…)

did you mean [Adaptive plugin 17/11]  (CPU modifier, Kite, Falcon M)?

2 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

Also, the rate at which the Focusing Laser increases its range should be reduced once more

I would rather say it should lose max range instead of range increase. 8km is just a bit over the top.

Since I saw a Developer titled player squadding with another, who exactly abused the focusing laser with orelus, while he was flying the front blaster, I am a bit disappointed that Laser did not get any nerfs.


Overall, I am not sure if the Flux Phaser needed a damage buff, if I see it used, it’s just as annoying as ever, same for the pulse laser, if these weapons are underused its because you dont fix your meta breaking stuff.


What exactly has been done with the front blaster?

I do not see how that “bugfix” affected it at all.


That weapon is responsible for queues suddenly emptying after a few games where people abuse it. I don’t  need access to statistics to realize that the population suddenly drops by 80% because people ragequit.

Does it really need an automatic aim? and if you do that to allow high ping users to also use it, at least make the snap on radius smaller.


So except these extremes, that yet again dont get addressed fast enough, I am fine with the patch. I just whish, if you even have some Devs playing the game, you would realize such stuff faster.



No worries, Front Blaster will be nerf in the same patch that will bring Rocket and Medium missile equivalent to the Doomsday.


aka neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I think that all PvP game mods are going in way of Survival mode that we had. OP weapons for fast kills that game can be fast over and that we start new one.

The buff on Wolfhound special module is nice… but I still prefer some projectile speed buff for ‘Ignis’ Blaster if possible…
I like the update since 1.5.1 Journey BTW.  ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

You need to revert the changes to Pirate Stash containers in space. That was uncalled for.