Star Conflict v.1.1.1 Discussion

There seems to be a bug with the kill display, the enemy is displayed in a blue color if the killing blow is dealt by a friendly weapon.




I think it is intended.  It makes sense anyway.

It’s confusing if someone of the enemy team is suddenly displayed in the color that indicates he’s on yours. And since it’s not in the log, I assume it’s a bug (heard that? Nerfed invasion loot is a bug until declared feature).

why guard turrets in my shipyard keep shooting at me?!


It’s confusing if someone of the enemy team is suddenly displayed in the color that indicates he’s on yours. 

well it indicates that you killed yourself but guy listed was the last one from enemy team dealing dmg to you

It’s confusing if someone of the enemy team is suddenly displayed in the color that indicates he’s on yours. And since it’s not in the log, I assume it’s a bug (heard that? Nerfed invasion loot is a bug until declared feature).

I don’t think it’s a bug since



well it indicates that you killed yourself but guy listed was the last one from enemy team dealing dmg to you


(it also indicates, friendly fire killed u I think, but it doesn’t happen much nowadays :D) but I have to agree, it’s confusing, it could use another color, like light red. I can remember first time I saw it, I opened the player menu to look if that guy is in my team, because the color confused me.

Got used to it, still confusing.

I’m pleased with the patch. The only thing I would’ve liked to see that I didn’t was a patch for the DLC looting attempts.


I’m happy with the new gauss, having 8 charges was a bit OP, as it only took 13% crit chance to be guaranteed a crit at full-charge.

[Cr0](< base_url >/index.php?/user/243374-cr0/), [Bonem4chine](< base_url >/index.php?/user/254846-bonem4chine/), 

Thank you guys for nice words.

[o0ANTI0o](< base_url >/index.php?/user/250021-o0anti0o/)

As i said, the loot was nerfed only by price, not quality nor quantity. As for others, and your friends they should try to loot at a different time :slight_smile: There would always be something worthy.

Went into invasion for an hour or so yesterday with my sai and sprinted across the sector picking up all the mysterious containers I could find and all of them had 5-15k credits… no blueprints… no vouchers… no iridium.

Sometimes I am unable to enter to the Federation Corporate Shipyard. It has happened only when I was flying the Grey Falcon. After logging back in, it seemed to be fixed but started again.

[o0ANTI0o](< base_url >/index.php?/user/250021-o0anti0o/)

As i said, the loot was nerfed only by price, not quality nor quantity. As for others, and your friends they should try to loot at a different time :slight_smile: There would always be something worthy.



The problem is, for most people, quality is synonymous with price.  The higher the credit gained, the higher the quality of the loot.  So you nerf the price, then you nerf the quality also, and people are unhappy.


10k credits doesn’t even pay for ammo when you redock…

Kill pirates = Free tons of money


currently we are collecting feedback on loot prices and other pricing feedback, and we would implement some changes later

First of all, thank you for actually listening to the community about this and secondly…i’d say just put the prices back to what they were before, i’m not really a forum guy, but the talk i see ingame is usually people wanting less useless stuff/low value trophies, not more of them.

The only weird thing i always found about the trophies before the patch was how the rare trophies you need for the achievement were worth less then quite a bit of other ‘‘normal’’ trophies (the light cell stands out the most), if anything those rare trophies should’ve increased in value IMO.

Also as RennieAshII suggested in the previous patch thread;

’‘I also think that loot worth 7k credits taking up a cargo space is a waste (unless it is a resource), these should go straight to account.’'

I would go even so far as to do this with loot worth 10k and under, i rarely kept Software Units before the patch, that or put more of those cargo drones into the game.


PS: Were enemies always able to pulsar you through walls in Invasion? Maybe i never noticed it before because of the lack of enemies with Pulsar before, but now with plenty of times having 2-3 Hunters chasing me, cover seems kind of useless when they can just pulsar right through it.

Hunters could always pulsar through walls except when they changed it for that PvE. 


As for the “Software unit” I picked up a 3k software unit that had to take a cargo spot, then I pick up a container that contained 35k credits that went straight to account (*no cargo space*)… wth

Hunters could always pulsar through walls except when they changed it for that PvE. 


As for the “Software unit” I picked up a 3k software unit that had to take a cargo spot, then I pick up a container that contained 35k credits that went straight to account (*no cargo space*)… wth


You now get more credits from plain credits than from invasion loot/trophies.


Metal blanks and other materials are worth more than signal decoders and other things.

So NPC’s no longer drop fuel when you kill them other than maybe transport ships.  Fuel is burned when not moving and just idle in open space.  Fuel is only found near missile/gun platforms and blown transports.  Where did I miss these changes in the patch notes???  It is so hard to stay in open space because your getting jumped by waves of npc’s and none drop fuel then you cannot jump back because you need 25% minimum to jump. 

If the loot was even half of what it was pre-dread this discussion would go away. I’m sure they will fix it before the 9th of May sales. They have to or they will not realize the cash boost they see from spatials/DLCs during that period.

So NPC’s no longer drop fuel when you kill them other than maybe transport ships.  Fuel is burned when not moving and just idle in open space.  Fuel is only found near missile/gun platforms and blown transports.  Where did I miss these changes in the patch notes??? 


Fuel is burned when you use afterburners or active modules.  If you are burning fuel while standing still, you are probably in an engineer/command ship and have an “aura” module activated.  This is also be the case for the guard’s damage reduction module for example.



It is so hard to stay in open space because your getting jumped by waves of npc’s and none drop fuel then you cannot jump back because you need 25% minimum to jump. 


In every sector it is possible to find fuel.  Either next to cyber turrets (those structures where there are four of them, two top, two bottom), or on the permantent wrecked cargo ships.  There is usually one of the latter in every zone.  You just have to keep an eye out for it!  


Also, make sure you always have enough fuel for several other jumps before jumping.  You never know what is on the other side, and you may have to jump back without being able to refuel.  Personally before even leaving the home sector, I stock up my reserves with fuel, so that I always have ~100% + 50 in reserve.

So NPC’s no longer drop fuel when you kill them other than maybe transport ships. Fuel is burned when not moving and just idle in open space. Fuel is only found near missile/gun platforms and blown transports. Where did I miss these changes in the patch notes??? It is so hard to stay in open space because your getting jumped by waves of npc’s and none drop fuel then you cannot jump back because you need 25% minimum to jump.

if you need fuel that much just kill a player,players drop lot of fuel sometimes

Went into invasion for an hour or so yesterday with my sai and sprinted across the sector picking up all the mysterious containers I could find and all of them had 5-15k credits… no blueprints… no vouchers… no iridium.


Mysterious containers never contained any Iridium.


All you got now is:


  • Credits (now almost obsolete) Instead of credits there should be a Secret Project component (randomly selected)

  • Loyalty vouchers (15K, randomly selected)

  • T4/T5 Blueprints (randomly selected)

  • Processing Block

  • Screened Battery


There was never any Iridium in Mysterious containers, which makes Spatial Scanner even less attractive and less useful.

If you would add special Iridium caches of 150 units, I can guarantee you, that the sales for Spatial Scanner would skyrocket and there would be no more complaints.


To do list for Mysterious Containers:


  • remove credits loot and replace it with Secret Project component (10% base chance)

  • introduce Iridium caches as well (150-200 Iridium) (15% base chance)

  • loyalty vouchers - 15k (20% base chance)

  • remove T4 mark V standard blueprints only (replace it with T5 Standard blueprint and Pirate blueprint only) - T5 blueprints (25% base chance)

  • Screened Battery - (35% base chance)

  • Processing Block - (35% base chance)

  • Still, include credits for credit loot, but under another category and with higher credit value. (Minimum 250k, medium 500k, maximum 750k) (40% base chance)


Do this and all complaints will go away.


I am waiting.

I agree, i think artifact loot ranging from 30-100 or something would be a nice addition with dreadnaughts out now