Star Conflict v.1.1.1 Discussion

Update content

Looks good. Nothing too crazy, nor was it expected. Overall, pretty decent patch.

Nothing major which is fine. _ Still _ no corporation logo updates, though. Really want that as soon as possible…

No change to the credit nerf in Invasion? Ah well, I can live without that.


Still, it’s good to see phase 2 of construction underway, and I’m so glad to see that the “bug with one of the biomorphs having 1’000’000 durability pts.” is finally gone!

Where are the crabs? This isn’t funny guys… I was going to cook some.


In other news, old Gauss returned and Iridium ammo got slightly (?) smurfed.

No loot buff for invasion and on top of it i didnt read anything about the booster bug im sick of it to loose my boosters all 3 minutes.

At least they changed the second railgun to a real gauss again now we only need a firerate nerf on our second RF blaster.

New Dread part and old gauss is really nice but we really need some work on the problems ^ up there :fed001:

Gauss Cannon

Changed weapon mechanics according to testing in real battles. To make a more versatile weapon our engineers abandoned 8 charges in favour of 3 and also made accumulating 2 charges automatic.

Cannon now has 3 charges

Parameters have been changed so that DPS is the same

Awesome  :006j:


Iridium charges

Charges were too powerful compared to other ammunition.

           Reduced spread from 75% to 50%

NOOO!   :fed013:


How about make it 25% cheaper now?

Cheap? They cost like 1 metal blank…

wse will try to include it in the next patch

currently we are collecting feedback on loot prices and other pricing feedback, and we would implement some changes later

Thank you, we would think of something

Good to hear about gauss and spread ammo


slugs are bad now?!


slugs are bad now?!

Not bad, just more balanced. Shrapnel with that ammo was ridiculous

Won’t affect the people who fly at 300m anyway :) 



currently we are collecting feedback on loot prices and other pricing feedback, and we would implement some changes later


 Thank you very much for that news! :smiley:



On the first Technical Level ships do not have too many modules or slots, which puts several roles at a disadvantaged. Here’s how we dealt with the situation:

Beam Cannon T1 range increased by 200 m.

Beam Cannon T1 damage increased by 3%

The problem is a bit deeper than “Many Modules or Slots”.

The fact is it’s really hard for Frigates in Low Tiers to have any form of Optmisation on Weapons is not new. It’s like this since the change on the Heavy Blaster (Removed Slow Barrel + Progressive Spread).

Indeed, it will be more comfortable for new players to play frigates in T1, but It will change nothing to the fact they will take the “Coil Mortar” as soon as they will reach T2.


The “Disadvantage” mentionned is non other than a module disavantage and it’s not a weapon “buff” that will change a lot of things.


Edit1: The change on the Iridium Slug is nice but will only impact Shrapnel vs Small/Mobile Target.

Not bad, just more balanced. Shrapnel with that ammo was ridiculous


Well i tried it out and there is not much of a difference it will not be at easy to hit one of the interceptors with a full load now but from what i tested against fighters and frigs it still hits pretty much 100% of the shot even at max distance

currently we are collecting feedback on loot prices and other pricing feedback, and we would implement some changes later



Very glad to hear that! This would make all the work you put in the new Invasion mode worth it. (Besides some other issues on Invasion missions, which are too hard to fulfill.) Hope the changes will make the Scanner worth the money again.

@Skula: Posted at 7:45h am? Well thanks for getting up early / working all night. :012j:


Gauss cannon is great again, awesome patch! Good to see devs noticing when something is broken.

all weapon visuals are changed, wasnt in patch notes

What about the insane alien follow range???