Star Conflict v.1.0.4 discussion

hi, where can i find this patch? i can’t log

Added a new location: ‘Ellydium’ Base
Location is under Federation jurisdiction, in Velorum system
Location is an alternate route from Velorum to Olympus
Location allows ships of Rank 7 and higher
Location has no Station Protection


Added new PvE Mission ‘Ellydium’ Base Raid.
A recently formed structure ‘Ellydium’ is engaged in research of Alien technology and study of the properties of Iridium. They constructed a prototype installation for the processing and the practical application of Iridium in military areas and followed it up with a number of successful experiments in this area. According to intelligence reports, the Cartel is behind this organization. We have to carry out a raid to seize the ‘extra’ Iridium from the ‘Ellydium’ base and hand it over to more loyal groups.
Mission takes place in ‘Ellydium’ Base
Mission consists of 3 rounds:
Round 1. Suppressing Defences
Round 2. Defending Transports
Round 3. Clearing the Zone
Mission is available to ranks 4-15

More maps is always a nice thing. But you already have roughly 30-40 maps in the game, most of which aren’t being used… How about making something for those?

Statistics show that hull is often more effective at protecting ships that the shield. This is due to the fact that the shield is much larger than the ship. Because of this, some smaller ships were at a disadvantage due to their size.
To remedy this disadvantage, we increased maximum shield charge for a number of ships:
Jericho interceptor shield strength increased by 16%

Federation interceptor shield strength increased by 10%

Jericho fighter shield strength increased by 9%


In addition to these changes, we decided to improve implants affecting ship shields:
Neurocontroller ‘Doctus’ 3-1
Implant efficiency increased by 33%
Neurocontroller ‘Owl’ 3-2
Implant efficiency increased by 40%
Neurocontroller ‘SR Mark 2’ 3-3
Implant efficiency increased by 50%
Besides, to improve general interceptor shield efficiency, we tweaked the module Shield Amplifier S
Shield regeneration increased by 50%

Don’t remember what those do, so bleh.

As you know, the missile bay can be loaded not only with mines and missiles, but also with other devices. One such device is the Anomaly Generator. However, implants improving the work of missile compartment, still do not affect the operation of this rather powerful weapon.
Now implants affecting the missile bay, also affect the operation of the Anomaly Generator
Alpha-inhibitor ‘Malleus’ 4-1 now increases damage
Alpha-inhibitor ‘Sting’ 4-2 now reduces shot preparation time
Alpha-inhibitor ‘RR-25’ 4-3 now increases range

Finally… Guard gameplay just got 5% more interesting.

Gauss Cannon is positioned as a long-range weapon. However, in the current iteration, projectile speed is not sufficient to defeat manoeuverable targets (for example, interceptors). The damage done by this weapon is also too low. In this update, we tried to make it so that the pilots of tacklers and command fighters in squads could once again use this great weapon effectively.
Range increased by 7%
Damage increased by 10%
Projectile velocity increased by 15%

A good attempt at diminishing the current Ion meta. Will it work!? We shall see.

In this update, we streamlined the situation with reloading missiles: all ways to speed up missile reloading now also influence reloading missile cassettes.
In this regard, we have improved reloading acceleration through Neuroaccelerator ‘RR-50’, but reduced a similar effect of ‘Improved Pylons’. Ship bonuses to missile reloading remained unchanged, and they also influence both missile and cassette reloading speed.

Translation misshap, there. It’s a “magazine”, in English. Or, should be…

Improved Pylons
Now influences both missile and cassette reloading speed.
Modifier efficiency reduced by 61%

Hahaha. Serves you right for abusing the crap out of it this past week.

Made balance changes some Covert Ops role modules. On the one hand, Covert Ops modules take quite long to recharge, on the other hand, for a few seconds a Covert Ops ship can destroy virtually any other ship.

Not just ONE ship, if they have the opportunity. Especially not with R13 implants!!!

We decided to accelerate the reloading of some modules, but to reduce their active time. These changes are intended to give a chance to survive to the ships attacked by Covert Ops. Please note that changes are made ​​in such a way that the average damage caused by a Covert Ops ship has not changed.
Special role module ‘Plasma Web’
Active time reduced by 30%
Reloading time reduced by 33%
Active module ‘Orion’ Targeting Complex
Active time reduced by 20%
Reloading time reduced by 20%



Most ship modifiers allow the installation of several modules of the same type, allowing you to further improve various ship parameters.
However, after the recent tweaks, Adaptive Shield, didn’t have this option.
With the 1.0.4 update, pilots can safely install multiple Adaptive Shields:
The effects of two Adaptive Shields are now added together
Each Adaptive Shield has its own activity indicator

> Recent

Sooo… was the Adaptive Shield “fixed”, or is it intended to only boost Shield?

Added highlighting pilots with a Premium license in battle debriefing



Bug fixes

Fixed a bug with invalid processing of dropping cargo when changing locations

Whaaaaa… no more Infinite Monos? Laaaame… Ohwait. What about all the people that HAVE been abusing it, so far?



Alright. I’ll bite. This was your 3rd best patch, so far. So, that’s a plus.

Patch is surpisingly good, but it’s sad to see Devs missing the point time and again.

Hull tanking being better is nothing to do with hit boxes. Hull tanking is better because of MODULES! The best boost to shield resist only works when afterburning in a straight line; the best hull boost works all the time. Simple as. Want shield tanking to be better? Then give us better modules!

I’m going to have to echo what others have said - servers and matchmaking need to be fixed. This should have been fixed before release, and we’ve told you MANY times what’s wrong with matchmaker (not that you listened).

Fix the vital stuff, then worry about new maps.

Patch is surpisingly good, but it’s sad to see Devs missing the point time and again.

Hull tanking being better is nothing to do with hit boxes. Hull tanking is better because of MODULES! The best boost to shield resist only works when afterburning in a straight line; the best hull boost works all the time. Simple as. Want shield tanking to be better? Then give us better modules!

I’m going to have to echo what others have said - servers and matchmaking need to be fixed. This should have been fixed before release, and we’ve told you MANY times what’s wrong with matchmaker (not that you listened).

Fix the vital stuff, then worry about new maps.

The problem is that hull tank don’t need skill to use. Perma resistences and instant repair.


Shield tank need ab for tanking or being selective with the resistences you get. And shield booster, even if it is better all around than repair kit, needs to be used in advance, instead of an emergency button.


Anyway, thanks to the crews (implant maximization), shield buffs, and diffusion shield buffs, finally jerry commands are playable. And they can be really tanky if you know how to use them.


Concerning the patch, overall it looks like a nice patch. I’m afraid of jerry interceptors being a bit op now, specially ECM which already have bonuses to survivability, but anyway, most if not all of jerry ceptors were tanking with adaptives and repair kits so… little changes here.

Patch is surpisingly good, but it’s sad to see Devs missing the point time and again.

Hull tanking being better is nothing to do with hit boxes. Hull tanking is better because of MODULES!


No Jasan, no. And no. And another no. I can’t understand how an experienced player such as you says “it has nothing to do with hitboxes”. Shields have huge default regen compared to hull, but just melt under fire because you ALWAYS HIT THEM. They are a big big circle around the ship, that you only have to touch. 

The hull on the other hand is always harder to hit with any weapon except bubbles. With rails you get 1-2 bullets out of 4 to hit, with lazors you slip by a wing and lose damage, with everything you lose damage. 

So really? It really has nothing to do with hitboxes? 



P.S. I’d be killing inties all day long if i was hitting hull like i’m hitting shields. 

No Jasan, no. And no. And another no. I can’t understand how an experienced player such as you says “it has nothing to do with hitboxes”. Shields have huge default regen compared to hull, but just melt under fire because you ALWAYS HIT THEM. They are a big big circle around the ship, that you only have to touch. 

The hull on the other hand is always harder to hit with any weapon except bubbles. With rails you get 1-2 bullets out of 4 to hit, with lazors you slip by a wing and lose damage, with everything you lose damage. 

So really? It really has nothing to do with hitboxes? 


Well tbh, hitboxes are only a problem with interceptors. Frigates and fighters are big enough so they difference doesn’t matter.

I’m getting a message about spamming chat/will be banned when I haven’t posted for over 30 minutes. Apparently others are also getting similar messages for things like posting “gg” at the end of a battle…

Precisely. If you’re ‘tanking’ you shouldn’t be flying interceptors. They are meant to be for alpha strikes, map control and outflanking - frigates, and to an extent fighters are the ones who should be soaking up damage.

Shield size might be a factor for Interceptors, but it is neither the sole, nor even the main reason for people to favour hull.

Well tbh, hitboxes are only a problem with interceptors. Frigates and fighters are big enough so they difference doesn’t matter.


Stop thinking only about yourself, maybe other people don’t have such a steady hand as you. Me i don’t always hit fighters hull 100%, as i hit their shields. Frigates yeah not a problem, but fighters no.

Let’s try to make a statistic

Hit chance: 


                     Shield           Hull

Frigate          90%              80%

Fighter          80%              60%

Intie              70%              30%



For me it’s a big difference caused by hitboxes. 

pylon nerf?!


Hahahahaha! I love this patch!!!

adaptives are fixed WOOOOO ALEX IS BACK IN TOWN

Wait! Massive ninja change to match making. Who is the guy that had this idea??? It’s the worst thing i ever seen so far. Insta-match with 16 bots facing in 2 squad and only 2 player in t3…

pylon nerf?!



Are you serious ? they buffed it SOOOOO MUCH.

18.3/21.5/24.5/26.3 are the new reduction given by it if wiki is true.

A 120sec reloading (when out of missile) is reduced to 48 seconds with 3 pylon !

3 torp or one nuke each 48 seconds.  :008j: 

Wait! Massive ninja change to match making. Who is the guy that had this idea??? It’s the worst thing i ever seen so far. Insta-match with 16 bots facing in 2 squad and only 2 player in t3…

what, 16 bots ? WHAT ?

unable to log in, it says password is invalid using the client, yet i can log into the forum?


seems to work now

what, 16 bots ? WHAT ?

Yes two squad of 8 bots at least facing each others, this happens also in sec. conquest… and try to make a pve. Make some laugh.

never mind, seems to work now

thanks for update  :fed001:

very nice stuff  :001j:

I got ban warnings, if I posted 2nd comment on global chat.


Please, don’t spam the chat or you will be banned…


Also, PVE Matchmaking is broken. I do not know about PVP MM. I’ve tried to do daily mission, but when I started the game, it said estimated waiting time 1:00, maximum waiting time 0:45 seconds.


After 1st second, I got in PVE match, where I was ALONE! One man’s army against entire PVE Scenario with T5 Naga (Captured Dreadnought).


Seriously, who broke something again? Gremlins/Dwarves or Developers?

never mind, seems to work now


Yeah they fixed it on the fly, MM is working as usual now. I can retreat my trolling troopers from the forum :stuck_out_tongue: