Star Conflict v.1.0.15 Discussion

I am still waiting for the official statement from Mr. Lawrence H, about the crews issue, since he promised to make an official statement again.

I am still waiting for the official statement from Mr. Lawrence H, about the crews issue, since he promised to make an official statement again.

It’s in work:)

Overall I think this patch was very positive!


Positive :

  • The tournament was awesome! There was so many players, I really enjoyed the fights. The GS reward was a very good idea.

  • The crew was the only p2w part of the game, I’m glad you made it free.

  • We can paint ships in the queue again.

Negative :

  • The servers can’t handle the 26 team at the same time? The tournament should be the best advertisement for the game. Players having fun, and ask their friends to join. And we was throw out after each match, and at the last game we started 3v6 because our team was in the login queue… It will need to improve asap.

  • I spent 20 euros for open the 3 crew. at that time I already had all the ships. I don’t think there should be a full refund, because I used the advantage of the crews, but you communicated we’ll never be able to get it for free and that was the reason why we bought it. I would be happy with a partly refund, or a special preset for the “Funders” who’s invested into a free item. I think a new nice unique preset would be a symbolic refund.


Yesterday we had more than 26 teams. More like over 40, according to other sources. I got 1/3 more ping on the Russian server and increased packet loss ratio as well. All within orange parameters.

This issue must be corrected. If the server service with optimal efficiency cannot be provided, because of the “server investment”, the development team and/or the publisher should serioulsy reconsider, if they really care about their customers.


Server messages, because of overload, were contanst during T3 tournament. I believe, that the servers are pretty much optimised fine, but their performance is based on their capabilites, which were exceeded yesterday.

Again, investment in a good servers is of critical importance, if you want to attract new players.

  • The servers can’t handle the 26 team at the same time? The tournament should be the best advertisement for the game. Players having fun, and ask their friends to join. And we was throw out after each match, and at the last game we started 3v6 because our team was in the login queue… It will need to improve asap.


I agree with Gizmo, servers needs to be improved as soon as possible. If the next weekend tournament will be still in T3, there will be amuck on Sunday. On the last appointment of the last weekend tournament, I counted about 50 teams, which means at least 400 players at the same time. Even the team-names were not enough, I saw 2 “Wardens” teams facing against each other. :smiley:

Weekend tournaments was the best idea in this game so far, I think even developers didn’t prepare that amount of success of this patch. :slight_smile:

I agree with Gizmo, servers needs to be improved as soon as possible. If the next weekend tournament will be still in T3, there will be amuck on Sunday. On the last appointment of the last weekend tournament, I counted about 50 teams, which means at least 400 players at the same time. Even the team-names were not enough, I saw 2 “Wardens” teams facing against each other. :smiley:

Weekend tournaments was the best idea in this game so far, I think even developers didn’t prepare that amount of success of this patch. :slight_smile:


Propose the new names then. Also, review all the names as well. Some of them had spelling errors in them.

Free stuff always attracts people :slight_smile:

Just like if you make an event in Germany and want many people to come, you give out Freibier (free beer)! It always works

Free stuff always attracts people :slight_smile:

Just like if you make an event in Germany and want many people to come, you give out Freibier (free beer)! It always works

Free beer will work everywhere

The only thing that makes me mad about the crews becoming free is that the devs had repeatedly stated they would never be free.


“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”


Now I just have to wait for GS ship paint to become a permanent unlock like the special preset options, and everyone should go nuclear about how much they wasted…



I will say, AT LEAST this game is heading in a favorable direction again with the removal of this blatant Pay 2 Win crap.

@SoldiersFortune I only haven’t painted my ships because paint is a one time use, not buy once and use forever

Edit: I got over myself a bit, and thought over what is really bugging me with the new rewards. I keep my old desperate post in spoilers, and have written down [a thread](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/26177-what-if-the-player-retention-cool-rewards-daily-bonus-system/) about it

have to say, that with the new daily bonus, i get junk, i would not need, but others might be happy about; while many things i could get, are so faint in chance, it might not be worth keeping the habits… similar to the missions…
what about some expansion in the hangar-game, and make people be able to influence their daily bonus, by deciding what newspapers his avatarish dude reads in the morning? putting their interest into separate entities, like “alien politics: monocrystals”, “economic politics: supplies and credits”, “planetary politics: loyality and synergy” or just keep it at total random (“sports section”), having higher chance or almost sure chances to win/have income in those categories? even by opting for the one day license on day 5 (“jobs section”)? much better then the usual chest system, which rather reminds of a fantasy mmo.
the example is just an example. including the newspaper. just an example. it could be opted to change it after day 5 maybe. dunno.
maybe people would appreciate to influence their incomes there in some sort, since atm. i really feel like the new system is just a loss to me in 90% of the time, since my daily devotion to visit sc just is a ticket now for a lottery game, but until now had some sort of relevance.
so aftermath after this patch for me is not, that the tournament system had a rough start, i still love that part of the patch, but the new rewards kinda are a bit of a letdown; even if 10 monocrystals sound incredible (well compared to the current income, it’s still - “the game is not rewarding enough in general for proper retention”, didn’t switch my personal standpoint there, yet) once you get lucky on the fifth day…
anyone feels the same, or am i just unlucky and should swallow it like a proper bot?

have to say, that with the new daily bonus, i get junk, i would not need, but others might be happy about; while many things i could get, are so faint in chance, it might not be worth keeping the habits… similar to the missions…


what about some expansion in the hangar-game, and make people be able to influence their daily bonus, by deciding what newspapers his avatarish dude reads in the morning? putting their interest into separate entities, like “alien politics: monocrystals”, “economic politics: supplies and credits”, “planetary politics: loyality and synergy” or just keep it at total random (“sports section”), having higher chance or almost sure chances to win/have income in those categories? even by opting for the one day license on day 5 (“jobs section”)? much better then the usual chest system, which rather reminds of a fantasy mmo.

the example is just an example. including the newspaper. just an example. it could be opted to change it after day 5 maybe. dunno.


maybe people would appreciate to influence their incomes there in some sort, since atm. i really feel like the new system is just a loss to me in 90% of the time, since my daily devotion to visit sc just is a ticket now for a lottery game, but until now had some sort of relevance.


so aftermath after this patch for me is not, that the tournament system had a rough start, i still love that part of the patch, but the new rewards kinda are a bit of a letdown; even if 10 monocrystals sound incredible (well compared to the current income, it’s still - “your game is not rewarding enough in general for proper retention”, didn’t switch my standpoint there) once you get lucky on the fifth day…

I like new rewards. 


i hate tournament. it should be daily and winners of each tourny get 100 gs. that way you can do it twice a day (reasonably) and earn gs faster. 

I like new rewards. 


i hate tournament. it should be daily and winners of each tourny get 100 gs. that way you can do it twice a day (reasonably) and earn gs faster. 

I think the daily tourney would be too often. Players will lose interest if they can go too often. They won’t care if they skip one and it will starts means nothing.

For us the rest of the week should be the training days. I would like to see more 4 squads in every tier practicing. You can get 750GS/week if you have a strong team. If you don’t have you should practice more to be able to get it. These tournaments makes the T3 Gold ships reachable for everybody and this is a really positive message from the devs.

Daily tournaments are a short-term solution to a long-term problem. Weekly tournaments solve this better by keeping people online and encouraging them to play and squad up to remain fresh.

I had suggested Gold Battles every weekend to encourage play. This is a much better solution than that, as it requires fewer games to earn GS but overall players will play more. It also encourages players to purchase t3 premium ships, as the purchase may ultimately pay for itself with tournament wins.



I’ve been trying to run 3/4-mans in t3 to prepare, but as with all squad problems, it can be tough to find a match. I would really like to see more corporations squad up to play. :smiley:

Really, the best way to get a match that way is to announce you’re flying one in queue. Hopefully someone else out there takes notice and pits their squad vs yours.