Ok, so I’ve been ingame for about an hour or so now and there are a few issues…
Firstly, and probably the biggest is that those little extra boosters you used to be able to buy for 3 battles up in the right hand corner are now bought on a per ship basis. And no, the price has not decreased. They have also consolidated all of the credit-bought boosters into one slot, and all the GS bought ones in another, so you can no longer have hull/shield and weapon strength boosters at the same time.
I like the idea that now you can specialize a ship a bit further, but the amount of micro-management it introduces is insane. For players to be at their absolute peak they must now manage the boosters on 4 separate ships. That’s not including crafting rare Mk 4 ammo or Attack Drones for maximum potential. That’s a bit too much RTS in my MMO, thanks.
^This change wasn’t mentioned in the patch notes.
Secondly, the rare craftable ships are only available once you’ve reached Rank 14 in their specific faction. Which means you have to level up ALL of the factions to Rank 14 if you want to get the entire set. This also means you are out of luck if your preferred hull design is in a completely different faction than the one you chose to focus on. This is coming from a player who was looking forward to crafting the Mjolnir, only to discover that I now have to grind up the Empire tree from Tier 2…
Of course, if you’d rather not grind, you can just pay for a Premium T5 ship to unlock the craftable one’s rank requirement. So, not directly pay-to-win, since you’re only paying to unlock access to the best ships _indirectly. _Yeah. Not a big fan of that.
Lastly, and not surprisingly, the number of clueless T4/5 pilots with only a single Premium Tier 5 ship in their lineup has begun to increase, leading to some very frustrating games of realistic beacon capture.
An no, DestroyHer, I didn’t see your sticker. I may have overlooked it, but I didn’t see it.