Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.8 update1 Discussion

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 “You can now find 10 to 50 artifacts in each search spot during the trophy search phase” is this the only change??? or am i missing something??


ah okay the patchnotes just changed. nvm…

Can’t access the blog to see matchmaking changes… But since you didn’t put them in the patchnotes proper it’s safe to assume you didn’t fix anything.

Coil mortar machineguns incoming! :storm:

Anyway, good changes to fix flaws from previous patch. Why you direct to russian blog?

Can’t access the blog to see matchmaking changes… But since you didn’t put them in the patchnotes proper it’s safe to assume you didn’t fix anything.

My online translator from russian to spanish said other thing. I think they have changed a lot of things. Now it depends on your modules, your winnnings, losses, skill ratting and such.


What I don’t know is if those were already implemented or they are new.


On the other side…


“Faction changing is now free” HELL YEAH!!!

Translated (sorry for no formating):

In this article we will talk about how the matchmaking (balancer) in our game.

The work is based on the rating of matchmaker player.

What are the top matchmaker?

It is important to understand - this is not a rating of downed ships!

Rank matchmaker - is a numeric value. At the matchmaker rating is affected by:

Rank ship. Each rank has its own rating. This rating is the basic rating matchmaker.
Installed modification tools of ship:
Mk1: -2 points
Mk2: 0 points
MK3: 0 points
MK4: 2 points
Synergy ship.
Level 1: -2 points
Maximum: 0 points.
The size of the link:
1 pilot: 0 points
Pilot 2: 1 point;
Pilot 3: 3 points;
4 Pilot: 5 points.
“Rating downed” player. Every 100 points deviations from baseline (1100) provide ± 1 point, but in an amount not more than 4 points.
The results of recent fighting.
Victory Increases your matchmaker by 0.5 points
Defeat lowers rating on the matchmaker - 0.5 points
The maximum effect of combat effectiveness is ± 4 points
When you first enter the game for the last day of the influence of the previous day’s fighting halved

How does the rating?
In fact there are two ratings: full and abbreviated:

Full rating is calculated by the above rules and is used in the separation of selected players in the battle for the teams
Reduced rating is used in the selection of pilots in combat.
Rules for calculating Acronym matchmaker rating:
if the total is more than the base rating of more than 2 points, while the reduced rating is equal to the basic rating plus 2 points;
if the total rating less than the base by more than 2 points, while the reduced rating is equal to the basic rating minus 2 points;
If both conditions are not met, then the reduced rating is equal to the full.
Rating level calculated in a special way which is described below.

Ratings, ships and game modes
Above you can see that when talking about the ratings and the ships, we have always used the singular.
The fact that the rating calculation depends on the game:

Rank matchmaker single pilot in PvP is taken by the oldest ship in the battle of the installed slots.
Rank matchmaker link in PvP is taken according to specific rules. described below.
Rank matchmaker single pilot in PvE taken over the ship the youngest player in the battle of the installed slots.
Rank matchmaker link in PvE is over the average of the youngest ships of all players level of combat set in the slots.

See ratings matchmaker can chat team / set cl_showMmQueueInfo 1

Depending on the rating you fall into one or more queues. One and the same pilot may be simultaneously in multiple queues. As a consequence, one can enter the command ships of different levels.
The server selects the party of players with similar ratings on the importance of reducing matchmaker within the queue. After the game the players selected for the fight, it is divided into two teams based on full rated matchmaker.

The distribution of the queue through the ranks and ratings

Attached File mmqueue.PNG 42.75K 0 Number of Downloads:
Of Pictures show that:

total there are 10 queues
1,3,5,7,9 queue are basic: these ships enter the queue only one level
2,4,6,8 are intermediate stage: in the queues get the ships of the two neighboring levels

The links

How is the definition of ratings matchmaker for managers?

For each pilot’s level, according to the general rules, the full ranking is calculated matchmaker.

Depending on the size of the link is determined by the limit of Acronym matchmaker rating:

1 unit of the pilot of the single player: growth restriction rating is 2 points
link of the 2 pilots growth restriction rating is 3 points
link of the 3 pilots growth restriction rating is 5 points
member of the 4 pilots growth restriction rating is 7 points

The average of the full rankings for all pilots link. If the full pilot rating below average rating level, the ratings of the pilots are not taken into account in calculating the total rating level.

Thus, it is impossible to artificially lower the rating level, taking it deliberately weak pilots on ships of low rank.

Top links

We have said that the units can receive up to 7 Rating matchmaker. What happens if the fight goes on the link in the senior ranks of the ships?

If the rating level matchmaker for greater than 50, then it gets a link to a special 10th place, which can not get a single pilot of any rank.

Ran that page through a translator. If anything, it looks like the matchmaking is worse than before… which shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone really.


I mean, what did we expect? We told them we didn’t want to be matched vs T5 when flying T3, and they patch the game to make that happen more often. The only people who didn’t see that coming are the people who don’t play the game, and even then half of them will have heard enough bad press to guess it would happen.

 “You can now find 10 to 50 artifacts in each search spot during the trophy search phase” is this the only change??? or am i missing something??


ah okay the patchnotes just changed. nvm…

Where did you read the blue part?

Anyway, in theory the patch looks good. 

Only thing I am worried about is:


“Module icons no longer have ship role and class icons they’re installed on”


So let’s just hope it is properly implemented :slight_smile: ~Gets his hopes up~

Ran that page through a translator. If anything, it looks like the matchmaking is worse than before… which shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone really.


I mean, what did we expect? We told them we didn’t want to be matched vs T5 when flying T3, and they patch the game to make that happen more often. The only people who didn’t see that coming are the people who don’t play the game, and even then half of them will have heard enough bad press to guess it would happen.

As soon as you lose few games you will be paired with lower ranks. Seems like the Blizzard MM, no matter what you do, you will have 50% WR, because the more you win, the better will be your opponents.


I can live with that.

As soon as you lose few games you will be paired with lower ranks. Seems like the Blizzard MM, no matter what you do, you will have 50% WR, because the more you win, the better will be your opponents.


I can live with that.

If I wanted to fly vs T5, I would fly T5 ships (if I owned them).


If I wanted to fly vs T1, I would fly T1 ships.


I don’t want to be flying T3 solo and have half of my team wasting space in T1s, nor do I want to be farmed by T5 when flying in a squad.


If I am in T3, I want T3 on all sides of the conflict.


That. Is. Not. Hard.


Also, can’t help but notice no balance changes to the Guard…

Well… at least they fixed the contracts… a little bit…

Translated (sorry for no formating):


There will be a translation soon. 

If I wanted to fly vs T5, I would fly T5 ships (if I owned them).


If I wanted to fly vs T1, I would fly T1 ships.


I don’t want to be flying T3 solo and have half of my team wasting space in T1s, nor do I want to be farmed by T5 when flying in a squad.


If I am in T3, I want T3 on all sides of the conflict.


That. Is. Not. Hard.


Also, can’t help but notice no balance changes to the Guard…

20% reduction in propulsion inhibitor range.

we first have to wait and test the mm, the idea doesn’t seem too bad imo (can’t be much worse than it was?), at least if you are a medicore player. pros will likely be matched even higher now.

Still: unmixed tiers are still needed, otherwise pros/squads face unfair matchups.

the matchmaking apperently tries to still let pros play vs. Aces, with the change that the Aces now got high-rank ships so they won’t lose so hard? it is NOT fun to lose vs. less skilled players just because they got the tech advantage. what does you skill matter if the enemy can tank all the damage and kill you in a few hits? in the end it is just utterly frustrating for good players and somewhat punishes players for beeing skilled.


what we want is simple: good players face good players, squads face squads and Aces face Aces… all in the same tier. is it really that hard?

given the playerbase it is hard actually. if you need to wait 15min when you play in squad, I guess you’ll be even more pissed.

given the playerbase it is hard actually. if you need to wait 15min when you play in squad, I guess you’ll be even more pissed.


the playerbase used to be higer irc. there mm worked nicely back in the days…



Faction change is now free - Finally. Good change.

Significantly increased contracts profitability - Will check after maintenance, but I hope on 2x at least. I had to grind 5 days (full contracts lvl 1-14) for 1 module.




Added new matchmaking queue - English translation ?

For more information visit our blog

Mass Propulsion Inhibitor


Active radius reduced by 20% - 4K was too much. 3K is survivable.

I’m pleased with the changes in the paper, let’s see what happens in the game… :smiley:

I’m pleased with the changes in the paper, let’s see what happens in the game… :smiley:

You’re happy to be grouping with someone and fighting higher and higher Tiers and groups as you win?

From what I google translated it MM sucks even more now. With my natural 1550+ DSR from playing objectives and not even care about it (checked it last night and once in awhile) I am given +4 to MM. If I squad in 4 men squad with my blue R11 ships on full synergy I get +5.  So basically I can get up to +10 with the “for win” add ?

So you tell me I should get T1 ships, strip them off any gear and let newbies kill me 50-100 times to artificially drop my DRS to under 1000, so I can play normal matches with ships of the same tier I fly in (r11) ?