Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.4 Discussion

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Looks quite good actually. Will have to see ingame to make certain after school, but looks quite good in theory.

Just 1 question:

Hull modifiers

Thermal Insulator

Shield Modifiers

Thermal Modulator

Will those be the only resist mods? 

EM-insulation  is now available at rank 1

Suggests otherwise, but it doesn’t get mentioned in the list of modules.


The PVE change, I am not certain how I feel about it…

PvE Missions

“Blackwood” Shipyard

Added hull and shield repairs

Reduced difficulty for ranks 1-3

Now the player can only loot one purple spot per day
The odds of an experimental module in a purple spot have been increased by 100%


How is that mechanic?

1 purple spot in PVE per day? Or 1 purple spot per PVE map per day?

I wouldn’t mind seeing it go to 2 or 3, but will be intresting to see :slight_smile:

Does all old passives modules will be refund at the cost prices ?

This is a huge change. I hope you put a lot of thought into it. 


What do you mean with submattershield @ rank 12? This is odd? Can I buy them if I have rank 12 or can I only fit them in rank 12+ ships. 

This would break the tier somewhat… makes no sense to me. 


About purple loot spot: Per scenario or in general?

Now the player can only loot one purple spot per day

The odds of an experimental module in a purple spot have been increased by 100%

Wow. Instead of forcing us all into PVE now, why not award one random purple along with the 2x daily bonus? Misread that, but still would like to suggest to add that daily purple spot to PVP as well for those who are not interested in fighting bots.


Increased ship speeds

Reduced the difference between the base and the afterburner speed ships

More speed for the frig balls? Shame, maps already felt small. Would have preferred the opposite of both of these changes actually.

This is a huge change. I hope you put a lot of thought into it. 


What do you mean with submattershield @ rank 12? This is odd? Can I buy them if I have rank 12 or can I only fit them in rank 12+ ships. 

This would break the tier somewhat… makes no sense to me. 


About purple loot spot: Per scenario or in general?

It’s likely only for R12+ ships. So, just for T5 ships.



Increased ship speeds

Reduced the difference between the base and the afterburner speed ships

It might compensate the lack of Lightweight Hull on low Tiers, but I think we’d like specific numbers on those.



Pulse Laser : Damage increased by 5%

Heavy Blaster : Damage increased by 6%

Singularity Generator : Damage reduced by 6%

Penalty for full overheating increased to 2 seconds

Urgh. Finally. That nerf needs to be bigger, though, my Ceptors are still hit for 4k+ damage. Some AoE you have on that thing… Pulse Laser, contrary to popular belief, is fine as it is. I got my xxxx kicked by a Swarm using those things, yesterday.



Improved passive module system:

 Now, each ship can have up to 3 slots for modifiers of each ship system

Ships of different sides of conflict have different modification options

Passive modules are now system modifiers

 I really hope Jericho have 3 shield modifiers. Otherwise I’m gonna get grumpy.



Wow. Instead of forcing us all into PVE now, why not award one random purple along with the 2x daily bonus?

More speed for the frig balls? Shame, maps already felt small. Would have preferred the opposite of both of these changes actually.

I think that means you can only loot one purple spot on PvE per day. That purple spot automatically gives you a Military item, you don’t want to break their income, now do you?..


And Frigballs need boosting, man, they were in danger of vanishing.

I think that means you can only loot one purple spot on PvE per day. That purple spot automatically gives you a Military item, you don’t want to break their income, now do you?..

Yeah I actually misread that. They doubled the chances of purple loot, not set it to 100%. Still would prefer to have that one daily purple spot available in PVP as well.

And Frigballs need boosting, man, they were in danger of vanishing.


About purple loot spot: Per scenario or in general?


1 spot in general. 

1 spot in general. 

thanks for answering. Mind getting to my other questions? :wink:

Hmm. Kind of hoping the list of modules is incomplete. The choice of engine mods in particular is rather lackluster.

Is this not listing modifiers that didn’t change?

Hmm. Kind of hoping the list of modules is incomplete. The choice of engine mods in particular is rather lackluster.

Those are just the previous passives. The old engine modules would still be there as well as far as I understood.

Those are just the previous passives. The old engine modules would still be there as well as far as I understood.

I hope so, though it lists things like Submatter Shield and Lightweight Hull, which were previously modifiers, hence my confusion. Oh well, all will become clear with one look at the warehouse anyway.

I hope so, though it lists things like Submatter Shield and Lightweight Hull, which were previously modifiers, hence my confusion. Oh well, all will become clear with one look at the warehouse anyway.

Hmm true. And true. :slight_smile:

thanks for answering. Mind getting to my other questions? :wink:

Resist mods - we haven’t deleted any modules from the game. So all modules that were there remained. 

Resist mods - we haven’t deleted any modules from the game. So all modules that were there remained. 

ok thanks

Hmm. Kind of hoping the list of modules is incomplete. The choice of engine mods in particular is rather lackluster.

Is this not listing modifiers that didn’t change?

That’s the list of CHANGED modules. Everything else seems to have remained.

Only one purple per day in PvE? This is ridiculous.

Only one purple per day in PvE? This is ridiculous.


Only one purple loot spot* - rather than one purple item.


The purple spots had a much higher chance to spawn purples, and this has now been doubled vs. before. It means that for your first (succesful) PvE mission of the day, the chance to get a purple item has been drastically increased, whilst at the same time somewhat lowering the chance to get purples for those who ‘farm’ PvE all day long.

My brain… it’s hurt !

I’m actually surprised this is still on the first page…