Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.1X ( Hypothetical) HUD update

![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[image.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=7266)


Custom Battle, name a time, bring one of each ship class (Ceptor, Fighter, Frigate). No bots, no nothing, CTB mode. Start with Ceptors, climb the ladder up. Winner is the one who survives in the end.

If we are both on, lets go. But just to note now, i am at a gear disadvantage. Only that styx has anything approaching a full blue, much less purple fit.

Guys, you are going off topic! We need HUD changes, so they must be discussed here! IF you want to verse each other, please go to this thread ([](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22175-player-project-wanted/)), and collect points! 

Its page 3, what did you expect to happen?

Guys, you are going off topic! We need HUD changes, so they must be discussed here! IF you want to verse each other, please go to this thread ([](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22175-player-project-wanted/)), and collect points! 

I want incoming damage.  I voted yesterday.


Anyway carry an engineer, and an OP Styx is always great to carry.  I had some good fights with MrTwiddlez recently, but teammates mostly avoided it being a 1v1.  The damned ship tends to need at least a 2v1 to die.


I also got a few cap eat cap medals flying it.

Anyway carry an engineer, and an OP Styx is always great to carry.  I had some good fights with MrTwiddlez recently, but teammates mostly avoided it being a 1v1.  The damned ship tends to need at least a 2v1 to die.


I also got a few cap eat cap medals flying it.


I got my cap eat cap and juggernaut on the same match using the Styx. Admittedly it was a tiny combat recon match, but if not for the Styx’s sheer power I wouldn’t be able to pull it off.

I got my cap eat cap and juggernaut on the same match using the Styx. Admittedly it was a tiny combat recon match, but if not for the Styx’s sheer power I wouldn’t be able to pull it off.

I think all three of mine were in a Styx, I only recall two.  I’ve only gotten them within the past couple weeks since now matches are smaller.  My juggernaught, well…  [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20198-best-scores/?p=222353)

Guys, you are going off topic! We need HUD changes, so they must be discussed here!

I want the old damage hud back! This is bull! All of it!



If we are both on, lets go. But just to note now, i am at a gear disadvantage. Only that styx has anything approaching a full blue, much less purple fit.

And you think I have purples? You’re more deluded than I thought. No, the game hates me to the point that the SOLE Purples I ever get are Self-Destructs, Repair Kits and Shield Boosters. ALWAYS. And Target Painters, as well. I don’t even fly Tacklers!!

Ok then, lets go.

I just wish I they do at least the ping updates. And make it so that the squad pings last about 2 seconds longer to your squad mates

Added changes to update


You have the ability to change colors of specific pings

The option to turn them off completely or check which ones are active is there

Uh? Bump because this idea is still relevant! 

Still relevant. I voted.

Have all pings red by default like they are now. Then go in settings and change if you want.

There is no fire in space you dingdong.

Still relevant. I voted.

Have all pings red by default like they are now. Then go in settings and change if you want.

There is no fire in space you dingdong.


Technically, you can still have flames in space. But I dont want to turn this into a debate. But as a cool suggestion. It has already been done in other games. 





Here we see hull on fire as air escapes and then immediately dissipate. 

Technically, you can still have flames in space. But I dont want to turn this into a debate. But as a cool suggestion. It has already been done in other games. 





Here we see hull on fire as air escapes and then immediately dissipate.

Both lack of gravity and lack of surrounding atmosphere make that depiction something impossible. The little escaping air that there is would be pulled away from the flame instead of towards it, not enough to fuel and sustain such flames.

Both lack of gravity and lack of surrounding atmosphere make that depiction something impossible. The little escaping air that there is would be pulled away from the flame instead of towards it, not enough to fuel and sustain such flames.


Rejecting science and reason, having this effect would look cool! 


I vote for flame effects when my Hull HP goes below half, and make my engines sputter flames to signal damage. Make it cool! 

Oh definitely, this game is not a simulator. Make it burn! :wink:

Jerry ships are definitely remote controlled, with no pilots whatsoever, so there shouldn’t be any reason to be air in them. Air is heavy (heavier than vacuum).

That’s why they have no pilot seat. on fed ships you see the glass or plastic or windshield. whatever…

“Ping the ship thats on fire!”