Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.19 Discussion




Giving each bot a personality could be a fun idea. Examples:

James is defensive. He flies Frigates primarily (usually Empire Engineers) and tends to stay close to the captain in CR, or try to guard beacons in other modes.

Mary is an opportunist. She likes to stay close to other ships and attack their chosen target. If alone, Mary will flee to her allies. She likes Recons, ECM and Tacklers.

Ivan is crazy. He usually flies a Gunship or Covops. Once he picks a target he never let’s up; he’ll hound them until they die or he does! His flying style gets him into trouble a lot, but he always flies powerful ships and uses Mk 4 modules.

Alice is always looking for a sneaky capture. She likes to stay away from big fights and strike at undefended objectives. She also tries to get behind the enemy and kill their Long Range Frigates. In Beacon Capture, she’s usually on the next beacon before it goes live.


great idea! I like it


Gave this patch a try for the first time now despite knowing better. It’s easy synergy farming I guess, players are ignoring objectives just farming the straight line flying bots. Makes me wonder why you removed the rewards from customs, this is way worse… However, if I wanted to play PVE I’d have queued for PVE. I’ll see you next patch or whenever this travesty has been removed.


  1. Every game I flew in was Tier 3, and every game had T2 bots. The Bots should be flying tier-appropriate ships.

In T4 battles I mostly saw T5 bots.

Guys, bots are great idea, and they are improving the game dynamics at high tiers, but they are not the solution, they are a temporary patch.


Don’t encourage the devs to work in something which is by definition a temporary patch. It is better they work towards more content, better server capacity and the final launch.


While this is true, most of what you mentioned is not developer task. You can’t put a programmer into a seat and tell him that from now on, you will create maps in Maya, or tell him to get working on the server throughput issues.

Got moderated because I dared to criticize the dev choice to listen about anywones who want a win button. I say it again then. PVP mean Player Versus Player. Not bot mentioned in here, you are wrong with this direction. The game was fun again since the 2 last patch after months and you just ruined it again.

Got moderated because I dared to criticize the dev choice to listen about anywones who want a win button. I say it again then. PVP mean Player Versus Player. Not bot mentioned in here, you are wrong with this direction. The game was fun again since the 2 last patch after months and you just ruined it again.


Sry abouit that but i think exactely the opposite lol

MM was completely broken in T5 and now it’s fine. Bots add variety and tehy don’t ruin the pvp experience at all IMO.I’m having more fun now

Got moderated because I dared to criticize the dev choice to listen about anywones who want a win button. I say it again then. PVP mean Player Versus Player. Not bot mentioned in here, you are wrong with this direction. The game was fun again since the 2 last patch after months and you just ruined it again.



Sry abouit that but i think exactely the opposite lol

MM was completely broken in T5 and now it’s fine. Bots add variety and tehy don’t ruin the pvp experience at all IMO.I’m having more fun now

Nope. Not really. Strangely I broke my personal record for kills in a game. because the bots just fly into my weapon fire like insects into a bug zapper. Only a dead bot is a good bot.


The game mode is PvP and not PEvPE !!! period!!! It is maybe acceptable to put in some bots in T4 and T5 that peopel can do matches there when there are not enough players online. But not in T1 - T3 especially matches where we already have enough players (4vs4 at least) in the match.


It seems many like to play PvE, well then go play PvE but leave the bots out of PvP.


I play PvP to measure myself against other human players and to get better. Playing against bots makes any win worthless because I don’t know was I any good or did the bots on my team just cheat more than the other bots.

While this is true, most of what you mentioned is not developer task. You can’t put a programmer into a seat and tell him that from now on, you will create maps in Maya, or tell him to get working on the server throughput issues.

Developer doesn’t necessarily mean just programmer. There’s a difference between “programming” and “development”


if I wanted to play PVE I’d have queued for PVE. 


While Devs are spamming the matches with bots. Why not make them Captain in combat recon too? Some of you think so highly of bots it wouldn’t make a difference, right? 

Funny, I don’t recall people bitching when Perfect Dark, UT, Quake, Starcraft, C&C or any other game got Bots.

The fact is, “PvP” isn’t PvP - it’s Skirmish. If you don’t want to fly against Bots, play SQ or make a custom game. If you’re embarassed at being outplayed by an AI, play better.

The simple fact of the matter is that Star Conflict does not work well in smaller games, and so the bots perform a necessary service. You can’t have your cake and eat it - you can’t have larger games, no mixed tiers, fairer games, shorter wait times and no Bots. Bots give us larger games, which are more balanced. They mean less players are needed to launch a game, which means less tier mixing and shorter queues. The larger the game the less impact a player / squad has on a match, which means more balanced games.

If you don’t want Bots, propose a better solution to these issues that tackles all of these problems in a better way.

Funny, I don’t recall people bitching when Perfect Dark, UT, Quake, Starcraft, C&C or any other game got Bots.

The fact is, “PvP” isn’t PvP - it’s Skirmish. If you don’t want to fly against Bots, play SQ or make a custom game. If you’re embarassed at being outplayed by an AI, play better.

The simple fact of the matter is that Star Conflict does not work well in smaller games, and so the bots perform a necessary service. You can’t have your cake and eat it - you can’t have larger games, no mixed tiers, fairer games, shorter wait times and no Bots. Bots give us larger games, which are more balanced. They mean less players are needed to launch a game, which means less tier mixing and shorter queues. The larger the game the less impact a player / squad has on a match, which means more balanced games.

If you don’t want Bots, propose a better solution to these issues that tackles all of these problems in a better way.

PvP means human player against human player. Adding skirmish after it doesn’t make it a PEvPE, it wasn’t called skirmish until they added it a few weeks ago. So then just call it skirmish or separate skirmish from PvP game mode. I know there are bots on other games but you usually have a choice to have bots in the game or not. Here we only have the choice to play or not to play and we entirely depend on what Devs think best when they mess with MM and game modes.


Trying to insult me is not making things better! What are 15kills in a game worth when most of the killed enemies happen to be bots?


The game was okay (under the current conditions with player base) before they added the bots. Sure maybe longer queue and smaller matches but not half of my team were bots. 


The solution is simple: Release the game and make advertisement. We then have more players and don’t need any bots.

a) I didn’t get to play many games last night with bots, but those games were awesome random pew-pew-pew, and that is what Random Skirmishes is all about, there were no “camping” stuff died all round, explosions/missiles/bullets - fun. You want no Bots and “tactical play”? get your lower engine over into Sector Conquest, make a squad and go ahead, no one taking this away. Until we have more players to populate games, bots are fun. 

 Fun fact in EVERY games there were at least 3 Players on each side (i.e. 6 total), that were BELOW bots in efficiency score, kills, assists and Objectives.Some bots made into Top 3 in 8v8+ games.

I had 1 game where i was Emp LRF and i had a Bot in Emp LRF right next to me, it felt like he is following my locks and we double sniped every target, that was hilarious.


b) Thanks for Tactical map rework, it look much-much better now

PvP means human player against human player. Adding skirmish after it doesn’t make it a PEvPE, it wasn’t called skirmish until they added it a few weeks ago. So then just call it skirmish or separate skirmish from PvP game mode. I know there are bots on other games but you usually have a choice to have bots in the game or not. Here we only have the choice to play or not to play and we entirely depend on what Devs think best when they mess with MM and game modes.


Trying to insult me is not making things better! What are 15kills in a game worth when most of the killed enemies happen to be bots?


The game was okay (under the current conditions with player base) before they added the bots. Sure maybe longer queue and smaller matches but not half of my team were bots. 


The solution is simple: Release the game and make advertisement. We then have more players and don’t need any bots.

Nowhere is it required for them to give you exclusively PvP. We’ve had bots since before I started playing this game, now the Devs are just making wider use of them and, despite what you claim, they are having a net positive impact on the experience. In all the games I’ve played the bots have never been bottom of the scoreboard, and they have average or above-average number of beacon captures. In short, you are crying because they gave us AI that are better than half our player base. The logic behind that is… what, exactly? You don’t like having more skilled allies / opponents and would rather fly with idiots?


Arguing that the “simple” solution is to advertise is not a fix. It’s not even close to a fix. It will take time for new players to filter in, even more time for them to rise up to T3 / T4 and T5, and then a veritable lifetime for them to actually learn how to play. It is very difficult to boost the active player count to the upper end of the game in a way that actually improves the experience for everyone, as opposed to just flooding T5 with dross who should still be flying T2.


Even if advertising worked, even if new people joined in large numbers, advanced quickly and learned to play the game (something we can’t get our existing players to do, let alone the new blood), what do you do in the meantime? Are these hypothetical newbies going to be content with flying 4v4 in T4 / T5 on the off chance it will eventually improve?


The fact is that, while they cannot compete with higher end pilots the Bots do have a positive impact for most players. They fill the games and make them feel more action packed. Faster paced games feel more engaging, and several people here and elsewhere have already confirmed my observations - that the games feel more active now. Kill counts are higher, camping is reduced, and moreover the AI has the brains to actually be smart. Last night, WPK was happily mauling every poor sap who tried to take the central beacon, only to discover the enemy Bots had flanked us and taken our home beacon.


And yet, Enny, you apparently dismiss the Bots as terrible, stupid additions to the game, but you have nothing bad to say about the idiots who fed kills to the Pack trying to win the same 1v4 skirmish over and over again. Am I the only one who sees a problem there?

Maybe a bot killed him and now he hates bots, poor bots

I agree with some of both sides of the argument. I played some matches last night and it was quite fun with the bots taking up some space.  A couple of times it seemed like there were too many. Maybe, as was suggested have a minimum 4v4 humans and a maximum of 2 bots per side.

I do know they didn’t bother me as much as the captain pick method not being addressed.

I remember one GM told me to “work” with these bots. (I cant remember his name) 

That means if your a frigate, move along with the frigate bot, etc. 

Sometimes its best to target there target to kill much faster. Its all about the situation and the player skill. 

Personally i cant feel the bots causing changes, the game feels the same as ever to me.  I never did end up with one near me though, friendly or enemy.  I just chased peppyHare around in an engie while he tried to ninja my beacons.

a) I didn’t get to play many games last night with bots, but those games were awesome random pew-pew-pew, and that is what Random Skirmishes is all about, there were no “camping” stuff died all round, explosions/missiles/bullets - fun. You want no Bots and “tactical play”? get your lower engine over into Sector Conquest, make a squad and go ahead, no one taking this away. Until we have more players to populate games, bots are fun. 

 Fun fact in EVERY games there were at least 3 Players on each side (i.e. 6 total), that were BELOW bots in efficiency score, kills, assists and Objectives.Some bots made into Top 3 in 8v8+ games.

I had 1 game where i was Emp LRF and i had a Bot in Emp LRF right next to me, it felt like he is following my locks and we double sniped every target, that was hilarious.


b) Thanks for Tactical map rework, it look much-much better now

Nowhere is it required for them to give you exclusively PvP. We’ve had bots since before I started playing this game, now the Devs are just making wider use of them and, despite what you claim, they are having a net positive impact on the experience. In all the games I’ve played the bots have never been bottom of the scoreboard, and they have average or above-average number of beacon captures. In short, you are crying because they gave us AI that are better than half our player base. The logic behind that is… what, exactly? You don’t like having more skilled allies / opponents and would rather fly with idiots?


Arguing that the “simple” solution is to advertise is not a fix. It’s not even close to a fix. It will take time for new players to filter in, even more time for them to rise up to T3 / T4 and T5, and then a veritable lifetime for them to actually learn how to play. It is very difficult to boost the active player count to the upper end of the game in a way that actually improves the experience for everyone, as opposed to just flooding T5 with dross who should still be flying T2.


Even if advertising worked, even if new people joined in large numbers, advanced quickly and learned to play the game (something we can’t get our existing players to do, let alone the new blood), what do you do in the meantime? Are these hypothetical newbies going to be content with flying 4v4 in T4 / T5 on the off chance it will eventually improve?


The fact is that, while they cannot compete with higher end pilots the Bots do have a positive impact for most players. They fill the games and make them feel more action packed. Faster paced games feel more engaging, and several people here and elsewhere have already confirmed my observations - that the games feel more active now. Kill counts are higher, camping is reduced, and moreover the AI has the brains to actually be smart. Last night, WPK was happily mauling every poor sap who tried to take the central beacon, only to discover the enemy Bots had flanked us and taken our home beacon.


And yet, Enny, you apparently dismiss the Bots as terrible, stupid additions to the game, but you have nothing bad to say about the idiots who fed kills to the Pack trying to win the same 1v4 skirmish over and over again. Am I the only one who sees a problem there?


Adding bots doesn’t make dumb/inexperienced players smarter/better or gets rid of them. You are missing my point. If I want to ply PvP I expecting human players as dumb as they may be and not bot even if they are on position 2 on the score board with several kills and capturing beacons.


because it takes a long time for players to get better and move up the more important it is to release the game and do advertisement rather sooner than later. They can add all the other features later in a bigger pack/update.


I understand the those of you with several thousand PvP battles and have been with the game for year to welcome to spice things up in PvP and just want to play and don’t really need to learn more.


And Sec Con it least for my time zone is not really worth at the moment, I hear people having problems to even get a match or queue times of 20minutes… And to get to SecCon you have to make a jump from T3 to T5 or at least R12 to be competitive. And you have only PvE to give you new T4 and T5 ships a few levels and some Mk2 gear.


Sure the bots spice things up but does it really solve anything? No!



Maybe a bot killed him and now he hates bots, poor bots


Why keep people saying that? Have you even read what I wrote? So again and this time READ!

The last time I repeat myself. What are 15 kills worth if most of the dead enemies were bots?!

And NO I didn’t hunt only bots but with half bots in each team and just stupid flying of them, that is what happens.


Enny needs to stop flying solo…


Has anyone experienced a Bot on the number 1 in the score board? 

I do not see where is the problem with long range, the fact of playing al backlog is certainly a bad choice from my point of view.
I prefer to play the assault, and it works very well, even for capturing a point or a tag, or even bombs.
play as a team, this is a very effective ship in 90% of cases (if it is not playing from behind with special modules.)
on the bot, I personally do not see too the difference between a bot and a standard player. level is average players, the problem is that it does not follow the target, or the instructions of the players, so I do not understand how it can balance the game …
a team will play strategically, bots will never be overlooked human players …

Sure the bots spice things up but does it really solve anything? No!

I see bots as temporary workaround, we get more people , we will have less bots, but for now i see nothing wrong with them, bots don’t diminish “fun” in games, at least for me, plus, i believe more targets will let weaker players to improve faster, at least flying/aiming skill


At this point i wouldn’t even mind having 1vBots games in T4/T5 games in my time slot, and make them all extra Hard ion  gunships, so it is very tough to fight. Still better than a PvE.