Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.17 update 1 Discussion

hohoho 49 ping and u mad? try play in a russian server with 460 and be happy. FIX DA DAMM SERVER ASAP!!!


I wonder if you being on the literal other side of the world could have anything to do with it

He is talking about Region: region_%s not about Ping


Obviously. Although if you fly fast interceptors then a ping of 50 is where you start noticing the latency.


I wonder if you being on the literal other side of the world could have anything to do with it

Now don’t bring these crazy ideas into the discussion, we all know he’d fall off if he really was on the other side. :crazy:

I notice a HUGE difference when its between 50-70 ping to about 170-230. 


If my ping is high, I cant fly my interceptors effectively, that’s why when you see me on in an Inty, then I must have good ping. 


they need to fix it somehow so Russian players and US players can have decent ping or less latency with each other. 

they need to fix it somehow so Russian players and US players can have decent ping or less latency with each other.

It’s doable but comparatively costly in server resources (you can’t fix the latency because of physics but you could improve the way the game handles it). Given how the servers already struggle my guess is they’ll sit it out and expect you to play within your region (should player numbers ever rise).

It’s doable but comparatively costly in server resources. Given how the servers already struggle my guess is they’ll sit it out and expect you to play within your region (should player numbers ever rise).


Most likely they will do something when they are going for release. I mean, lets not do a big mistake like other companies like with Diablo 3 and SimCity 5…where there own servers kept crashing from the sudden influx of people…

Maybe I’m pessimistic but the game’s been on Steam for a year and not as early access either but as “released” (Release Date: 27 Feb 2013), so I have my doubts that labeling it “released” over here as well will create that sudden influx of players you’re expecting.

Maybe I’m pessimistic but the game’s been on Steam for a year and not as early access either but as “released” (Release Date: 27 Feb 2013), so I have my doubts that labeling it “released” over here as well will create that sudden influx of players you’re expecting.

Advertising my friend, is the answer to almost anything in our capitalistic world. If you advertise poop good enough, people will pay for it.


In fact, Mc Donalds was doing that for 50 years…

Well, I’ll believe it when I see it.

Did you forget to turn the synergy event bonus off? Consistently getting 18k+ on a non-elite rank 8 without any other bonuses applying and that’s rather more than I remember getting:


Or maybe my memory is failing me. Either way won’t complain. :slight_smile:

Did you forget to turn the synergy event bonus off? Consistently getting 18k+ on a non-elite rank 8 without any other bonuses applying and that’s rather more than I remember getting:


Or maybe my memory is failing me. Either way won’t complain. :slight_smile:

It is quite possible. A good game with a maniac medal can give your over 30 k with license.

It’s doable but comparatively costly in server resources (you can’t fix the latency because of physics but you could improve the way the game handles it). Given how the servers already struggle my guess is they’ll sit it out and expect you to play within your region (should player numbers ever rise).


Physically speaking, you shouldnt have lag at all, cause the light can make many turns around the earth in a second. The problem is all those routers in the pathway. All of them doing some form of traffic shaping or simply cant be able to withstand the traffic. An ISP here that sells more internet connection bandwidth than it can handle, and bought the internet link from another ISP that does the same, a putrid country backbone, distances (again number of hops), insuficient underwater cables to connect americas with europe, crappy servers with crappy internet links on the server side.


The problem is that nobody tries to really improve the services, the ISPs advertise and promote sails of bigger bandwidth when they have crappy routers that cant even handle their current bandwidth, again, the suffering (internetwise) of this world, is caused by greed. Trying to squeeze every bit of coin possible from the same pipe and fak the consumers.

Physically speaking, you shouldnt have lag at all, cause the light can make many turns around the earth in a second. The problem is all those routers in the pathway. All of them doing some form of traffic shaping or simply cant be able to withstand the traffic. An ISP here that sells more internet connection bandwidth than it can handle, and bought the internet link from another ISP that does the same, a putrid country backbone, distances (again number of hops), insuficient underwater cables to connect americas with europe, crappy servers with crappy internet links on the server side.


The problem is that nobody tries to really improve the services, the ISPs advertise and promote sails of bigger bandwidth when they have crappy routers that cant even handle their current bandwidth, again, the suffering (internetwise) of this world, is caused by greed. Trying to squeeze every bit of coin possible from the same pipe and fak the consumers.

Ideally[1], you could expect a maximum of 67ms of ping to any server, which is above complaints some players have voiced.  Realistically, the “maximum” is 108ms ping[2][3] using a direct fiber optic connection from your computer to any server on Earth.  The speeds will be slower with a direct copper connection.  This ignores any hops at all.  Any hop is expected to add at least a few milliseconds to the travel time.


I couldn’t quickly find the speed of electricity in copper, and that would have a significant effect as well.  Also, if you’re talking about router speeds, there’s also buffering issues.  Buffering is common to increase throughput speeds but it actually increases latency as a result.  The internet is dominated by TCP which “wants” some buffering, but online games like UDP for real time speed.

Hah, that’s what i wanted to add too. Light speed is fast, but we talk about thousands of kilometers and thousandths of seconds. With these distances and small timeframes, the speed of light IS a factor. And most of the communication starts in copper. That “many” turns that the light could take around Earth is about 8. Not THAT many.

Latency is not just the connection itself, but also the time it takes to process the signal. Even if you had your ideal direct optical fiber from your computer directly to the server (which you do not, you’ll go through several routers before you even leave your own ISP’s netowkr) you’d still have to wait for both your computer and the server to process the signals sent over it. That may sound trivial but depending on how many game sessions that server is hosting in parallel it is actually not.