Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.11 Discussion

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Corporation pilots receive rewards from their locations in the form of credits, artifacts and Galactic Standards

So we can finally get GS without paying money? yay


“Blackwood” Shipyard, “Hidden Maintenance Shop”

All enemy ships have been stripped of their thermal resistances

Yay, finally ions will be usefull in pve

Yay, finally ions will be usefull in pve


Ions can bypass a certain amount of resistance to begin with…

Ions can bypass a certain amount of resistance to begin with…

Try to ionize any mob in first stage then, shield will be gone in less than second, but hull will take forever. Especially that dang LRF commander with drones and pulsar.

So we can finally get GS without paying money? yay

Yes, there will be 3 main sector resources:

  1. Artifacts

  2. Credits

  3. Galactic Standards

Here’s a little picture for you )


Fighting stage №1: from 9:00 to 12:00 MSK
Preparation stage №1: from 12:00 to 21:00 MSK
Fighting stage №2: from 21:00 to 24:00 MSK
Preparation stage №2: from 00:00 to 9:00 MSK


lol msk?


so 23 to 2 cst, 2 to 11 cst, 11 to 14, 14 to 23 cst?? is that correct?

Fighting stage №1: from 9:00 to 12:00 MSK

Preparation stage №1: from 12:00 to 21:00 MSK

Fighting stage №2: from 21:00 to 24:00 MSK

Preparation stage №2: from 00:00 to 9:00 MSK


lol msk?


so 23 to 2 cst, 2 to 11 cst, 11 to 14, 14 to 23 cst?? is that correct?

Sorry for that… let me check this info.

Yes, it seems correct.

Try to ionize any mob in first stage then, shield will be gone in less than second, but hull will take forever. Especially that dang LRF commander with drones and pulsar.


Punisher has lots of hull to begin with. I just burn through that using heavy blasters. 



As for sector conquest times… this website might help.

So, despite having a week to gather feedback and tweak prior to launch, nothing has been done.

Why did you even bother with the dev blog?

Because reasons

So, despite having a week to gather feedback and tweak prior to launch, nothing has been done.

Why did you even bother with the dev blog?

Lost in translation I guess. Like in the MM Poll “All ships in same tier, squads included” meant “r5-15 in SAME que” and not “Fixed tiers”. We got fooled by mistranslation and voted wrong.


And about the patch - the fight times for me are in impossible times. One is at 8AM and other is 8PM. We can argue about the 8PM one, but seems like Unless it is every 6 instead of 12 hours more people can participate. Hope you will observer the situation and gather more data.



Looking forward to see how the casual que is now. Will comment later.

During the poll though people continuously talked about fixed tiers - where ships only fought ships of the same tier - so the likes of Antibus could see how people were interpreting the poll.

If they knew people misunderstood the poll and kept silent, then they’re a bigger bunch of than I thought.

Watch your language, please.
And we have stated numerous times, that even though forum votes are accounted for too, the main poll is an in-game poll.

During the poll though people continuously talked about fixed tiers - where ships only fought ships of the same tier - so the likes of Antibus could see how people were interpreting the poll.

If they knew people misunderstood the poll and kept silent, then they’re a bigger bunch of than I thought.

Logs > Posts.

Logs showed we want r5-15 in same que, posts showed the opposite.


When will the servers be online ?

When will the servers be online ?


Soon enough. 

Watch your language, please.

And we have stated numerous times, that even though forum votes are accounted for too, the main poll is an in-game poll.

That does not answer the question.


People assumed the poll was about replacing the mixed tier matchmaking with fixed tier matchmaking like we used to have, and clearly want.


This update suggests the poll was between mixed tier and no tier matchmaking, where any ship can fight any other.


Which one was it?

Logs > Posts.

Logs showed we want r5-15 in same que, posts showed the opposite.


When will the servers be online ?

No they didn’t.


Forum poll was hugely in favour of fixed tier matchmaking.


In game poll was about equally split, with the discrepancy between the two being consistent with the short-lived original poll’s “no opinion” answer. Ergo, people who didn’t care much either way just voted Option A to get some money, and falsely inflated the popularity of Option A.

I’m suspicious right now.


Nothing about ships change.



[…] seems like Unless it is every 6 instead of 12 hours more people can participate. […]


I agree, I think. I did not like the 12 hour turnover for the previous sector conquest mode. It worked out for me, as I was usually online during the last two or three hours before sectors changed hands. However, I know that schedules which are beneficial to me are inconvenient to players in other parts of the world. At present, faster turnover seems more attractive as this game is played globally and it would allow more people to be effective in sector conquest. I have not played the new game mode, however, so I cannot deliver a final resolution. Once I have experienced the new Sector Conquest system, I may come back with some suggestions.


I’m still a bit confused on the difference between the “Fighting Stage” and the “Preparation Stage”


To me, it appears that the fighting stage will be the time during which sector control points are scored by winning battles in the new Sector Conquest game mode. The preparation stage appears to be the downtime during which CEOs will decide which sectors they want to attempt to control. Also during or after the preparation stage, will pilots who participated be required to be logged in to receive their rewards? Or will said rewards be distributed via the mail system?