Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

I just want to see you write it plain: 


Frigates are now …?


  1. Too strong

  2. Balanced

  3. Too weak


… ?

I just want to see you write it plain: 


Frigates are now …?


  1. Too strong

  2. Balanced

  3. Too weak


… ?

Depends on how you fly them. And that goes for every single ship, as well.

Is anyone listening when I say maybe some ship classes should require little skill?

With engies? Arguably yes.

If i understand you correctly, you are asking for Engineers to be balanced in a way that most newly born players can just take them and be efficient?

If i understand you correctly, you are asking for Engineers to be balanced in a way that most newly born players can just take them and be efficient?

Exactly that.

T2/T3 :



The Jericho’s guard are underpowered :


  • The Shield bonus is not enough to compense the lack of mobility compared to the fed’s guards.
  • Add the difference of base energy stats/Regen compare to Fed.
  • Add my reply about the natural spread + blind spot.
  • The lack of passiv bonus / Hidden bonus to compense at R9.


The Jericho’s Long Ranges are fine :


  • Heavy missiles Carrier
  • Good Impact / Dammage
  • The Hidden bonus compense a lot the weapons positionning.

The Federation’s guard is balanced :


  • Hull / Shield / Mobility tanking allowed
  • Natural spread reduce by centred Weapon slots
  • (Move the Reaper to Rank 9 if you move the Anaconda M to rank 8)
  • The lack of passiv bonus / Hidden bonus to compense at R9.


The Federation’s Engineers are… Special :


  • The lack of R9 Federation’s engineer is strange for the Engineer’s main faction. (Without including the Anaconda MK III because it’s a premium)
  • Balanced tanking on Hull / Shield
  • Mobility 
  • Natural spread reduce by centred Weapon slots


For the T4/T5 :

The Jericho will become better than the fed cause of the Max Rank Guard for each Tiers (Implant / Synergy Level)

The natural spread difference between Jericho and Federation is reverted at T5 (O_o)

At least you need to be Empire rank 13/14 / Federation Rank 15 / and of course Jericho Rank 15 if you want to be able to optimise/play correctly your Guard.


Other facts :


  • The frigates are more dependent of their stuff than other ships. Especially for the Low mobility frigates.
  • The vision / The positionning / the engage is harder with a low mobility frigates and do not give more impact or more resistance actually.



About the Weapons :


Without Slow barrel :

  • Laser Beam : (Old assault laser) Good range, Balanced thermique dammage, Usual RoF/Overheating for laser Weapon.

Nothing new.


  • Coil Mortar : (Old Heavy Railgun) Lower Range, Good Kinetic dammage, Really Low RoF/Heavy Overheating, Correct projectile speed, Interesting Explosion Radius, Add the reply about the Firing rotation that make you loose shoot while you still overheat.

(Add a reactiv charge in the projectile that detonate when the target is in the explosion radius)


With Slow barrel :

  • Positron Cannon : (Old Hail Plasma) Good Range/Projectiles speed, Correct Dammage, Slow barrel, big spread, Super Overheating while charging…

A worst version than the Old Hail plasma?


  • Heavy Blaster : (Old Long range Laser) Probably the most interesting new weapons for frigates, if it do not have the Slow barrel… Once again, Laser (Maximal / Optimal range).

Exactly that.

Now imagine higher than average veteran flying this easy to use ship with the ability to understand and push ships performance to the max, imagine the pain those players will bring to the games to those newly born players, imagine the OP outrage on teh forums. That is exactly what happened regarding CovOps *Edit:T2* (they were easy to use right out of the box, and would bring a doom in skilled hands) you were one of those, while flying in r4 Raptor, you were asking for CovOps nerfs left and right. 

Now imagine higher than average veteran flying this easy to use ship with the ability to understand and push ships performance to the max, imagine the pain those players will bring to the games to those newly born players, imagine the OP outrage on teh forums. That is exactly what happened regarding CovOps *Edit:T2* (they were easy to use right out of the box, and would bring a doom in skilled hands) you were one of those, while flying in r4 Raptor, you were asking for CovOps nerfs left and right. 

Where my other post went, I have no idea. But, again:

It’s easier for you to watch this than for me to explain it.


You call yourselves veterans and then have seemingly no concept of these very important things. I could throw these at you all day.

Where my other post went, I have no idea. But, again:

It’s easier for you to watch this than for me to explain it.


You call yourselves veterans and then have seemingly no concept of these very important things. I could throw these at you all day.

This is pretty much how you backup your points every other time, and this is why no one is taking you seriously, i can even go as far as to claim that you are on /ignore on some GMs/Devs lists



This is pretty much how you backup your points every other time, and this is why no one is taking you seriously, i can even go as far as to claim that you are on /ignore on some GMs/Devs lists

I’m on the devs/GMs’ ignore lists because someone told me so.

Welcome to the internet.


EDIT: I do it because it helps get my point across and typing out all the knowledge I’ve gained from them is far less efficient than just showing you and saying ‘entertain yourself’.


@Rakza I believe you forgot an ‘s’ somewhere…

EDIT: I do it because it helps get my point across and typing out all the knowledge I’ve gained from them is far less efficient than just showing you and saying ‘entertain yourself’.

And what makes them a legitimate source of information? What makes them know better than for example some of the players on these forums? 

And what makes them a legitimate source of information? What makes them know better than for example some of the players on these forums? 

Maybe because their writer is a game designer/consultant and a gamer himself who has had more than a decade of experience in the industry?


EDIT: Kostyan, do yourself a favour and go check out their channel. Browse some of the content. It really is brilliant. I say this as friendly advice.

tl;dr - that video irrelevant


we’re not there yet nor will we ever be if dumbing down trend continues. in-fact points mentioned in your youtube bible does not apply. here’s why:
there are no upper echelon skillsets outside of pure teamplay that you can taper for.
and you don’t balance teamplay, it’s impossible. most successful games just cap the max team effect achievable. or atleast they try to.

you can partition SCon skillsets off into 4 broad categories

  1. controls
  2. rudimentary equipment and fittings math
  3. higher level controls
  4. aptitude aka game intelligence (positioning, timing, risk management and decision making)
    5. teamplay
    basic skills 1 and 2 normally develops chronologically. you get used to the controls and UI then start tinkering with fits to maximize / optimize numbers. advanced flight skills and game intelligence growth is kinda blurry most often developing concurrently. teamplay can exist at any point during normal game progression.
    this non progressive skill range is not unique to SCon
    and like it’s peers, you taper ‘skill’ not on the core game objects (in this case ships instead of weapons) but on game modes, rewards and; specific to us, ship roles. simply because there is no tangible skill range that you can work with.
    you can either work the controls or you can’t
    if can -> you continue to play
    if you can’t -> SCon is not a game for you and move on to the next F2P game
    you can do some math or you can’t
    if you can -> you do what you do
    if you can’t -> you come over to the forums and ask for advice
    then comes the part where:
    you can engage skilled pilots flying your natural counters or you can’t
    if you can -> nubs will complain
    if you can’t -> you will complain
    where it gets muddied is when game intelligence comes into play and see veteran pilots either:
    facepalming at your comments, suggestions, balancing feedback or
    forward sincere advise on how to solve case specific issues and remain patient as nubs fail to see the points they are making
    the (usually) minority player groups who routinely practice teamplay makes things harder as they raise efficiency way beyond normal comprehension. often things they do you’d have to be a part of to understand or you’d never. PVE ‘tactics’ is one such example. You can ‘sort of’ figure it out but will never fully appreciate the impact unless you fly along and see how they exploit things that makes it seem broken.
    so we go back to the ‘Noobtube’ and other handholding factors
  • how or where exactly do you place them in Star Conflict?
  • how do you manage skill progression?
    fact of the matter is, you can’t coz there is no gradual skillset players can progress on.
    you either know how to fly against good opponents or you don’t.
    it’s the same digital decision that you make with fittings. you either tank A or B or Boost.
    you cannot make one class of ships ‘Easy’ to fly and newcomer friendly whilst at the same time keep it from being OP when pros fly them.
    take Singularities. That’s your prime example right there.
    claiming that a ship should be balanced bottom up to be newcomer friendly is simply substituting the Singularity Cannon with a Ship instead of a gun. It won’t work.


You manage incentives via game modes and rewards for playing

that’s how you steer how many people play what and get them to change playstyles etc

and for what it’s worth - that is also why ship roles are so important at making Star Conflict work


i left some things vague coz i’m not fond of writing essays. those who know, understand. if you don’t - well you can take it as is w/e

tl;dr - that video irrelevant


we’re not there yet nor will we ever be if dumbing down trend continues. in-fact points mentioned in your youtube bible does not apply. here’s why:


there are no upper echelon skillsets outside of pure teamplay that you can taper for.


and you don’t balance teamplay, it’s impossible. most successful games just cap the max team effect achievable. or atleast they try to.


i left some things vague coz i’m not fond of writing essays. those who know, understand. if you don’t - well you can take it as is w/e


What Kine said, 


tl;dr - that video irrelevant


we’re not there yet nor will we ever be if dumbing down trend continues. in-fact points mentioned in your youtube bible does not apply. here’s why:
there are no upper echelon skillsets outside of pure teamplay that you can taper for.
and you don’t balance teamplay, it’s impossible. most successful games just cap the max team effect achievable. or atleast they try to.

i left some things vague coz i’m not fond of writing essays. those who know, understand. if you don’t - well you can take it as is w/e


It quite full, there isnt much to add

I would add to this only one thing:

Matchmaking is an artificial separator/mechanic to keep nobs from pros based on a virtual rating, granted in this game there is no balanced matchmaking YET due to lack of player numbers, and most likely that problem will go away as soon as we hit bigger numbers(see post release with advertising campaign). Even in your bible it mentions match making of Battlefield, apply “proper” matchmaking and it makes half of that video invalid right there.

I believe in a tierless system.


All ships made equal, separated into an ever specializing role.


 Tiers are bad for balance. Bad for business.

I believe in a tierless system.


All ships made equal, separated into an ever specializing role.


 Tiers are bad for balance. Bad for business.

In which case the video would immediately become incredibly relevant to the game.


I believe in a tierless system.


All ships made equal, separated into an ever specializing role.


 Tiers are bad for balance. Bad for business.

i believe in both, this game originally was designed on tier system, to make it tireless you have to basically develop whole new game here.