Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

Who knew bubbles could become one of the most destructive forces in a game…?


BubbleBeam is super effective against Onix.

They really should face reality anyway…this game was is good if you look at it as a shooter. This is not an MMO.


And the amount of farm you need now is just ridicolous for a shooter.


I mean, if u are a new player and you want to play t5 (couse u wanna play at end game, couse ur frends are playeng there … ur reasons are ur reasons) … well it took you 2 days to understand it will take you MONTHS. And u probably just quit.



And if u are an old player and u want to play t5… well u can’t couse it is a death town for 20 hours a day (offcourse it is, considering amount of time ppl need for it)  … and honestly i’m boring to play t3 (expecially considrinf time and money spent to get t5 ships and gears).

MOBA= Massive Online Battle Arena. Doesn’t have to be Lol or DotA…

Multiplayer, not massive (although massive these days is anything more than 4 players it seems).

This is the classic definition:

But as I said, marketing erodes all terms into meaninglessness, so I have no problems believing you that these days it’s just a generic term for multiplayer games with teams.

They really should face reality anyway…this game was is good if you look at it as a shooter. This is not an MMO.


And the amount of farm you need now is just ridicolous for a shooter.


I mean, if u are a new player and you want to play t5 (couse u wanna play at end game, couse ur frends are playeng there … ur reasons are ur reasons) … well it took you 2 days to understand it will take you MONTHS. And u probably just quit.



And if u are an old player and u want to play t5… well u can’t couse it is a death town for 20 hours a day (offcourse it is, considering amount of time ppl need for it)  … and honestly i’m boring to play t3 (expecially considrinf time and money spent to get t5 ships and gears).


 (I agree that synergy farm is some what slow now) I disagree on your points, this game is designed to be played through your progress and not rushed to the max t5. Most of folks here looking at the game from WoWlike standpoint that you have to, you must get to t5, even befor T5 it was stated on many occasions that you train in t1-2 play in t3 an t4 is for organized corp battles, so your casual Joe would not go to t4 and play there. It is not Wowlike the game does not start at T5, there isnt major content at t5, no, game arguably starts almost to the max at rank5/6 ships. 


Oh and about all these post: “80+ Pages! Devs it is clear game is screwed up!” NO, there are hardly 10 people here that consistently keep repeating the same thing over and over and over and over bloating the thread out of proportion, who can not accept that there are a lot of people who likes all these changes for the most part (yes weapon balance tuning, implants? and such) i see twice as many people online every single day than pre 0.9.0. It is pretty much the same on Russian forums, same thing over and over. Than question arises why didn’t we have so much bloat on previous patches - yes we did! 0.8 brought a lot of discussions, but they were spread all over different topics, forums itself was not centralized, it was restructured after 0.8, on top of that we didn’t have so many mouthful newly proclaimed gurus of the game, that we have now. 

 Have any of you noticed that majority of the players that complain to the death here, are pretty darn bad at this game? They have lack of comprehending of correlation between different game mechanics and the way balance is affected by everything. 

 How many of older and more known/respected players for they ingame skills and knowledge are here complaining about everything that 0.9 brought into the game??? Some posts here and there about some parts of the patch, nothing major.

Dude, people looking to this game as a WoW like will just quit soon. I mean… what’s the good “RPG” part here? None,none and none.


I think they are planning to implement corp based features and sector conquest… still too low for a real MMORPG fun. It could be great for shooters funs maybe,Those features could take some variations and fresh air.



BUT if you can’t play the ship you want in the tier u want… well u don’t even care about secodaries features.



And i agree with u when u say: “casual Joe would not go to t4 and play there.” but point is should be ur choise. Let me expalin.


U try t5, u suck…u think: “It’s maybe better if i keep play t3 for a while (t2 is just another game so i don’t even consider it)”.


On the other hand… if u are ready for t5, u wanna play t5, u could kick xxxx on t5 … u can’t couse it requires u 2 months farm…



EDIT : And btw… while i liked the Realistic battle in normal queque before this patch (I loved realistics fro the first day)… after the patch it makes the way even longer … couse u can’t just chose one ship kind and take it to t5… u need at least 3 ships in hangar… and u can’t use t2 ship in t5 for sure.)

Multiplayer, not massive (although massive these days is anything more than 4 players it seems).

This is the classic definition:

But as I said, marketing erodes all terms into meaninglessness, so I have no problems believing you that these days it’s just a generic term for multiplayer games with teams.

err, right, Multiplayer, I knew I got that wrong.

How long - realistically - should someone have to grind to get one race and its subfactions all to level/rank 15? A month? Three months? Six months? A year? Two years?


already stated by admins in another thread of mine that this is ‘working as intended’, and you are not supposed to be able to fly all ship classes/races… instead you should pigeon-hole yourself into a cozy corner. the ‘way it was meant to be played’ supposedly… shrugz…

already stated by admins in another thread of mine that this is ‘working as intended’, and you are not supposed to be able to fly all ship classes/races… instead you should pigeon-hole yourself into a cozy corner. the ‘way it was meant to be played’ supposedly… shrugz…

If it is ‘working as intended’…

You know, when I hear something like this now I get no emotional reaction. Not even a ‘what?’. I just think: Meh. Same as always…

If it is ‘working as intended’… You know, when I hear something like this now I get no emotional reaction. Not even a ‘what?’. I just think: Meh. Same as always…


yea, same. although the amount of games that utilize this approach is very small indeed…


hence why i am shrugging… popular games don’t succeed by pigeon-holing their customers into roles like this…


but maybe this game just doesn’t want to be popular… who am i to argue with the developers’ wishes…

yea, same. although the amount of games that utilize this approach is very small indeed…


hence why i am shrugging… popular games don’t succeed by pigeon-holing their customers into roles like this…


but maybe this game just doesn’t want to be popular… who am i to argue with the developers’ wishes…

I believe they are trying to attract the WoT crowd. I may be mistaken, but this probably won’t work. The game just does not have enough publicity.

I believe they are trying to attract the WoT crowd. I may be mistaken, but this probably won’t work. The game just does not have enough publicity.

Though they got the feel of WoT dead-on atm, insane grinds with almost no fun! 

To improve that aspect (fun), might I suggest improving the tutorial? A good tutorial teaches the player a good amount of what is in the game to begin with and - upon completion - makes the player feel as if they have achieved something. God of War is an excellent example: by the time you have finished the tutorial you have impaled a gargantuan hydra’s head on a spike poking out of a rooftop.

What exactly do you think should be mentioned in tutorial? Do you have any specific Ideas?

Also, regarding rockets, as I have already mentioned before, this aspect of the game is in work, we see that there is a situation with them and this will be improved.

Maybe in the tutorial you could teach them about the different game types and the differences between them.   Maybe have them play a few practice matches with bots only in the tutorial to let them get used to the control system and how the different ship classes work.   Maybe a Domination and a Detonation match so they have a general understanding of objectives and how they can win the game for you.   


I haven’t seen the tutorial recently but you should also include a short lesson about synergy and loyalty as well.   I know when i first started playing I must of played around 100 games before I found out about the subcontract system.   Since the grind is so long let them get started with their subcontracts from the get go instead of having to find out about them from word of mouth.

What exactly do you think should be mentioned in tutorial? Do you have any specific Ideas?

Also, regarding rockets, as I have already mentioned before, this aspect of the game is in work, we see that there is a situation with them and this will be improved.

The tutorial menu’s(The ?'s in top right corner of menu’s) should atleast be up to date with relevant information, and clear information.


The tutorial itself is mostly fine, though it would be great if it involved a few things:

>Actual fighter weapons, right now it has Rapid Fire Plasma, give it Assault Railguns.

>Make it a gunship, and show them their “special ability”

>Use missiles

Most of the things you have mentioned are covered either in tutorial mission itself or in the starter contracts, but we will of course consider expanding this, thank you for your feedback! Are there any specific notes on what you want to see in the tutorial part of the game?

The tutorial menu’s(The ?'s in top right corner of menu’s) should atleast be up to date with relevant information, and clear information.

The tutorial itself is mostly fine, though it would be great if it involved a few things:

>Actual fighter weapons, right now it has Rapid Fire Plasma, give it Assault Railguns.

>Make it a gunship, and show them their “special ability”

>Use missiles


At the moment content is still changing, as soon as it stabilises we will not only improve this specific part but also update the wiki and all other relevant data on the matter!

We will consider adding other items you have mentioned, but it may take some time.

The starter contracts are great though not always self explanatory…especially to a new player who has no idea what any of the modules are.  Maybe if the contract is to use your Metastable Field Generator to disable enemies for example, let the player know they have to use a Jericho ECM to complete the contract.  (I use this one as an example because you can’t complete it with an Empire ECM)

Like Java said


1 - Game mode tutorials


took me a few days before I understood the difference between hunt and domination, rules for detonation. As for combat recon, wasn’t until I reached T3 before I got the hang of it. (T2 was really bad back then but still …)


2 - Ship roles and teamplay


Another thing worth exposing new players to are the different ship roles, what’s offered in terms of active modules for each and how they can be applied as part of a team.


You don’t get to fly all the different roles let alone buy all their modules the first couple of weeks in-game. I didn’t know what to expect from command ships, guards, engineers on my team when I started so there was little teamplay between ships in the lower ranks. Can still see it happening … engineers not healing, people not flying back looking for heals, guards not guarding, tacklers not tackling etc …

Like Java said


1 - Game mode tutorials


took me a few days before I understood the difference between hunt and domination, rules for detonation. As for combat recon, wasn’t until I reached T3 before I got the hang of it. (T2 was really bad back then but still …)


2 - Ship roles and teamplay


Another thing worth exposing new players to are the different ship roles, what’s offered in terms of active modules for each and how they can be applied as part of a team.


You don’t get to fly all the different roles let alone buy all their modules the first couple of weeks in-game. I didn’t know what to expect from command ships, guards, engineers on my team when I started so there was little teamplay between ships in the lower ranks. Can still see it happening … engineers not healing, people not flying back looking for heals, guards not guarding, tacklers not tackling etc …

This concern has already been partially addressed - whenever you buy a ship of new role you recive a role-explaining message!

As we have mentioned before, the tutorial part will be expanded in order for our players to recieve all the neccessary skills and information prior to engaging in combat.

And we would like to thank you for your feedback on the topic - this will help us to improve current tutorials!

What exactly do you think should be mentioned in tutorial? Do you have any specific Ideas?

Also, regarding rockets, as I have already mentioned before, this aspect of the game is in work, we see that there is a situation with them and this will be improved.

Put in a moving bot attacking, like one of the PvE mosquitoes.


Explain contracts so users know to start them early and what the benefit is, i.e. premium quality modules.


Explain implants.


Explain active modules and special modules for at least the T1 ships.


Explain everything other than flying and shooting.