Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

I have mixed feelings about your post, but it was such a big post I skimmed it more than reading.(Edit: I’ll start reading it more thoroughly now)


Right now premium ships are a cash grab, and anything below 100% free synergy will stay a cash grap for me.

In the “past” we paid for the premium and that was it, We got reputation while using them, no repairs, credits…We didn’t have to pay extra cash to actually use it. So why change it now? If we still must pay for both the premium ship AND synergy transfer, it is still not worth it to use premiums in my eyes.

My problem with 100% free Synergy is that it’ll completely burn any income off the game. You no longer have any reason to buy Premium Missiles, the Colours/Stickers are overpriced and… odd, to say the least… Other than that, there is no more income from this game. The point with me putting 50/60% is so pilots actually buy them, fly them constantly (I used to fly the Strong all the time) AND actually feel good about spending GS to get that extra Synergy. That is how I feel about the Premium ships. I want to fly them again. But I won’t spend a dime on “Transferable Synergy” the way it currently is.

My problem with 100% free Synergy is that it’ll completely burn any income off the game. You no longer have any reason to buy Premium Missiles, the Colours/Stickers are overpriced and… odd, to say the least… Other than that, there is no more income from this game. The point with me putting 50/60% is so pilots actually buy them, fly them constantly (I used to fly the Strong all the time) AND actually feel good about spending GS to get that extra Synergy. That is how I feel about the Premium ships. I want to fly them again. But I won’t spend a dime on “Transferable Synergy” the way it currently is.


I Absolutely agree, 100% Free synergy is not the way to go, unless its gonna be restricted to the same ship role tree up to the rank of the prem ship, otherwise it would kill most of the prem ships. 

 Either surpass sunergy has to go down in price, or the free synergy gains has to be considerably increased, but i feel like 30-50% is more than enough.

Transferrable synergy should cost credits at a fairly steep rate of exchange (10 credits per synergy?). This then encourages players to buy licences (for higher income) or buy credits with GS. Good monetisation, yes?

Transferrable synergy should cost credits at a fairly steep rate of exchange (10 credits per synergy?). This then encourages players to buy licences (for higher income) or buy credits with GS. Good monetisation, yes?


DING, i agree. 

I would add one thing to the “skill based” argument we have going on here. There are more aspects to play skill than knowing how to fly and knowing how to shoot. Understanding tactics and strategy, reading flow of the game, understanding when to engage, when to avoid engagement, when to push and when to disengage are also aspects of concept of “skill”.


I see a lot of people who have a lot of ability to fly, but utter lack of ability to think and draw conclusions criticize the weakened role of solo pilot. At the same time those who do grasp these things enjoy game far more because game became less two-dimensional in terms of gameplay.


Saying that game became more or less skill dependent is wrong. It became less dependent on ability to fly, and more dependent on ability to read the tactical situation and act on it. On average, I’d say it stayed about the same in terms of total play skill dependency.

So basicly, it would need GS again, but you could invest it into golden ships to farm money, and pay off your ship advancements with them,

or directly allow them to buy with GS at a better-than-credit-rate, since if you tie ingame money to GS anyway, does not make much difference.


A slightly more elegant fix would be to tie Faction Ratings to the faction you fight for in Sector Conquest, reintroduce reputation, and have ships accessible either the one or the other way. Reputation itself would allow you to slowly go forward with your general options, while synergizing would allow you to move along the ships, which is especially friendly to players who do actually not want or afford to pay, while the system atm. makes it basicly even easier for deep pockets to advance, because its really easy to grind surplus synergy in great levels on a golden ship, while if you dont use that feature, you can still use golden ships to unlock reputation and have a more steady ingame credit income.


I think both systems leading to the same effect would not really confuse, they would more or like only give more options. I dont understand, why one system HAD TO replace another completely.

As for synergy, 10 credits is pennies. That means I could level a R13 ship for less than it costs to buy it. You’d have to set it to something like 500 credits per point of synergy for gold option to be realistic.

Great Post Oryngton! +1


But I have to disagree in one Point: The old RFR was way better (read OP) than the new Shrapnel. 

The Reason was the Incredible Alpha-Damage, I was able to one-shot inties (if they had no EB) and racking up kills like hell (All time Record on Kite and overall: 23 Kills and about 8 Kills on a regular basis).

Due to this fact (Alpha Dmg) Ships were destroyed in a matter of seconds, so there was no way they could escape which means you hadnt to chase them (which might gets you killed or you had to abort your pursuit). The Latter is now the fact, since the Alpha-dmg. isnt that high anymore, so you have to shoot more often which leads to (see brackets). 


So Imo, the shrapnel might be the better weapon in terms of engaging Frigates (due to higher RoF), but its waaaay inferior in terms of killing Inties and Fighters (especially with the covops). 

Great Post Oryngton! +1


But I have to disagree in one Point: The old RFR was way better (read OP) than the new Shrapnel. 

The Reason was the Incredible Alpha-Damage, I was able to one-shot inties (if they had no EB) and racking up kills like hell (All time Record on Kite and overall: 23 Kills and about 8 Kills on a regular basis).

Due to this fact (Alpha Dmg) Ships were destroyed in a matter of seconds, so there was no way they could escape so you had to chase them (which might gets you killed or you had to abort your pursuit). The Latter is now the fact, since the Alpha-dmg. isnt that high anymore, so you have to shoot more often which leads to (see brackets). 


So Imo, the shrapnel might be the better weapon in terms of engaging Frigates (due to higher RoF), but its waaaay inferior in terms of killing Inties and Fighters (especially with the covops). 

I agree, hence why it’s still overpowered. I mean, sure, you can’t alpha anyone anymore, but you can now tackle somethign far larger than you, too easily. That was sort of the point I was trying to get across…

I guess thats why they nerved Plasma-Arc and Orion. 


In theory: If they hadnt altered the weapons, a CovOps could Plasma-Arc his way through a whole match with Rank 13 Empire Implant. 


Guess I´ll have to check that out in PvE  :crazy:

As for synergy, 10 credits is pennies. That means I could level a R13 ship for less than it costs to buy it. You’d have to set it to something like 500 credits per point of synergy for gold option to be realistic.

It could be scaled.

Change the system so you transfer elite synergy directly to the ship you are leveling, and charge based not on how much synergy you transfer but the level of the ship. T1 might pay 1 or 2 credits per synergy. T2 10 or 20. T3, 50 to 100, etc.

I guess thats why they nerved Plasma-Arc and Orion. 


In theory: If they hadnt altered the weapons, a CovOps could Plasma-Arc his way through a whole match with Rank 13 Empire Implant. 


Guess I´ll have to check that out in PvE  :crazy:

just nuke everything…missile cartridge CD is also afffected by the implant…

just nuke everything…missile cartridge CD is also afffected by the implant…

Tried it with piercing missiles. 

If I had a more precise ranged gun, I could have Plasma-Arced through the whole first wave. So I had regulary 4 sec of cooldown. 

It was hilarious though  :)wt

My problem with 100% free Synergy is that it’ll completely burn any income off the game. AND actually feel good about spending GS to get that extra Synergy. That is how I feel about the Premium ships. I want to fly them again. But I won’t spend a dime on “Transferable Synergy” the way it currently is.


I Absolutely agree, 100% Free synergy is not the way to go, unless its gonna be restricted to the same ship role tree up to the rank of the prem ship, otherwise it would kill most of the prem ships. 


nah… anything less than 100% is not worth it…


ie: when grinding the tree, you run into a credits issue… imo, the whole point of prem ships is to solve the grind/credits issue when advancing the tech tree…


i also agree that the free synergy from prems should be limited to the same faction of ship, but i don’t think you can tie it to a specific class of ships. that would be too confusing for the user. also, it would still make prems useless since then you have to buy 4-5 per tier per faction…


this will at least mandate 3 ships, 1 from each faction tree, and will add a certain level of diversity at least. also easy to implement.


furthermore, this will not affect free ships. since, even though synergy will now be split by faction, you still get the same amount of free synergy on elite ships, but you have to fly that faction’s ships to get their synergy.


oh btw, regardling overspecialization and roles, i just found this article on the BBC website, published yesterday. lulz:


quote - Rule one: Be adaptable and flexible


at least somebody is listening ;o

Btw, devs officially stated that preimum ships are credit farming machines, not synergy farming machines. I.e. they are bound by the same “you should be using ships you want to progress with, not any ship you choose” path.


It’s comparable to levelling in RPGs. If you were a warrior and want a priest, you don’t get to level a priest by playing a warrior - you have to grind with the priest.

Credit farming machines was a fine idea… when credits were the main obstacle to leveling.


Now Synergy is the issue, so Premiums need to be giving more synergy.

Btw, devs officially stated that preimum ships are credit farming machines, not synergy farming machines. I.e. they are bound by the same “you should be using ships you want to progress with, not any ship you choose” path.


It’s comparable to levelling in RPGs. If you were a warrior and want a priest, you don’t get to level a priest by playing a warrior - you have to grind with the priest.


i don’t know what the devs officially stated, nor do i care. this simply isn’t the product i bought 1 day before the changes, and the product was not labelled as a beta version. it was labelled as released feb 2013. therefore EULA void, game is a scam, give us progression back on premium ships. pretty simple from a consumer protections perspective really :\


if you want to balance the credit gains, make it 80% free synergy, whatever… but anything less than that is just theft/fraud.

They kinda suck at credit farming now as well, the repair costs are low enough now(Thank you devs!) that you no longer need premium to make a living. So the premiums need to have a new extra thing that makes them good to have.(And I see 100% free synergy production)

If I fly my Phobos - the worst ship in all of Star Conflict - I can get around 2K synergy a match. Higher if the enemy team all disconnects and I can farm them for kills.


If I fly a Premium ship, I’m getting 3-5K on average… which translates into 300/500 synergy that I can actually use.


Ergo, Premiums are not worth it. Not even close.

Wuut :smiley: the Pirate DLC are on steam :smiley:


13e difference between gaijin and steam.