Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.2 Update # 1 Discussion

[Discussion for 0.8.2. Update #1](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20059-star-conflict-obt-v082-update-1/)

Yay! Healing nerf!

  • Emergency Shield Boost: Effectiveness reduced by 15%
  • Liquid Metal Injector: Effectiveness reduced by 15%

I would say it should be the other way around, and inties have reduced effectivness

Wow, really? You really made it even worse than before!


T3/T4 frigate blobs with RR just became much better…

  • Remote Shield Generator: reduced recovery time
  • Remote Shield Generator: now also charges your own ship, as well as the target with the lowest shield strength

are you freaking kidding me?

Stop nerfing T1/T2 RR abilities  and start nerfing T3/T4. in T1/T2 there are no invincible frigate blobs!



  • Emergency Shield Boost: Effectiveness reduced by 15%
  • Liquid Metal Injector: Effectiveness reduced by 15%

because screw you having a tank >:(

I’m sorry, I’m missing something here?


I know often the devs neglect to include in the patch notes very important things, but the only thing I’m seeing here for the engineer frigates, at least concerning Tier 2, is a FURTHER nerf in their function as healers without returning anything that allows them to stand at a support position.


Is there something missing in the notes or is the developer team really composed by nothing but imbeciles that claim that an Engineer Frigate should be a support that stands off instead of a front-line, enemy tackling ship YET YOU STILL FORCE THEM TO BE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BATTLEFIELD!


And the one type of healing that people were complaining about all this time for being too good you went ahead AND MADE IT BETTER!

What the <censored> is going on in your damned heads!?



I came to a conclusion. The devs are trolling us. They intentionally want to sabotage the game by going precisely against what people are saying is wrong with the game.

That or they want so much to prove us that this is their game that they’re willing to tell us to bugger off by making the changes they want just to spite us instead of doing any logical rebalancing.


Direct insults.

Again with the healing nerf?


Have we not made it clear enough?  Engineers are now floating kills waiting to happen. We’ve made our suggestions, but yet again they’ve been ignored. Mass Shields and Nanodrone Clouds are now sorely ineffective as they cannot heal enough damage done to teammates to justify their owner’s extremely short life! For the love of Pete! Please,  LISTEN TO US!


Darn it. Just… You know, I really think you guys are deliberately trying to kill this game. Why are you doing this? You are making it worse and worse with each passing week, and yet you want to make money from this game? Do you not understand the concept of pleasing your customers?! What… I… No. Just… No.


And you  still haven’t sorted out interceptors in Tier 2. This game’s balance is going _ out of the window _, and you guys don’t even seem to care. The community as a whole has made countless suggestions, most of which will improve the game to no end, and yet you seem to remain oblivious to them.


I will give this game two more patches, and if it is not sorted out by then, I’m leaving. And that will be another potential customer lost. Great work, guys. Great work.


Foul Language

Good changes and nice little tweaks, mass shield was kinda OP. We shall see how burst healing will work now.

Again with the healing nerf?


Have we not made it clear enough?  Engineers are now floating kills waiting to happen. We’ve made our suggestions, but yet again they’ve been ignored. Mass Shields and Nanodrone Clouds are now sorely ineffective as they cannot heal enough damage done to teammates to justify their owner’s extremely short life! For the love of Pete! Please,  LISTEN TO US!


Goddamn it. Just… You know, I really think you guys are deliberately trying to kill this game. Why are you doing this? You are making it worse and worse with each passing week, and yet you want to make money from this game? Do you not understand the concept of pleasing your customers?! What… I… No. Just… No.


And you  still haven’t sorted out interceptors in Tier 2. This game’s balance is going _ out of the window _, and you guys don’t even seem to care. The community as a whole has made countless suggestions, most of which will improve the game to no end, and yet you seem to remain oblivious to them.


I will give this game two more patches, and if it is not sorted out by then, I’m leaving. And that will be another potential customer lost. Great work, guys. Great work.


Foul Language

I dont appreciate you saying godd***** i believe that is a violation of the rules of the forums - Swearing, cursing and use of foul language i believe a moderator should do something about this outrage

Good changes and nice little tweaks, mass shield was kinda OP. We shall see how burst healing will work now.

Lol, you got to be kidding right? These changes are horrible and will only ruin T1/T2 more and they broke T3/T4 even more than before!

Now, back to the topic. We understand your passion in this matter. But you must understand too. You are not the only ones playng the game. We have massive amount of reports on engies being the problem. We have taken steps to change the situation. And we are monitoring the statistics and situation in general.

We can all probably answer this question.  Q. What is the point of a beta? A. To test and develop a game or system. If you were not here for when all ships got a speed cap of 600ms then you would have see the harshness of it. They fixed and we moved on. This is what happens things get fixed and sometimes you might not agree with them but until you start developing your own game be more constructive with your posts, instead of "I will rage quit until you fix my ship or I’m leaving because something is OP/UP powered.

Now, back to the topic. We understand your passion in this matter. But you must understand too. You are not the only ones playng the game. We have massive amount of reports on engies being the problem. We have taken steps to change the situation. And we are monitoring the statistics and situation in general.

Yes, engies are a problem, in T3/T4 due to RR! the nanocloud/mass shield hasn’t been a problem since last patch since the engi dies in 5 freaking seconds in T1/T2!

I really hoped for more…

but maybe next week then. 

More dmg. for rapid rails? That makes cov. ops inties in t4 even more imba then before. On the other hand they were kinda weak in the other tiers. 

I guess a healing nerv in T3 isnt that bad, since the frigballs are back and they win vs a team composed of inties and fighters (domination and beacon hunt, also combat rec.) 


I agree with the rest, that the nervs are bad in T2: nerving the main source of heal while buffing a source that is not implemented in that tier? 

You may want to rethink this. 

We can all probably answer this question.  Q. What is the point of a beta? A. To test and develop a game or system. If you were not here for when interceptors got a speed cap of 600ms then you would have see the harshness of it. They fixed and we moved on. This is what happens things get fixed and sometimes you might not agree with them but until you start developing your own game be more constructive with your posts, instead of "I will rage quit until you fix my ship or I’m leaving because something is OP/UP powered.

beta or not(seriously, stop with that lame excuse, no one believes you anymore) bad changes are bad, don’t they test their changes internally before destroying balance even further than before? 

Lol, you got to be kidding right? These changes are horrible and will only ruin T1/T2 more and they broke T3/T4 even more than before!


No they changed the way teams heal themselves…instead of a constant always on heal regen it’s now more about healing through active and special modules in bursts.  I could see how this makes them even less desirable in T2 but T1/T2 are just training tiers in the first place.  You don’t even get the full set of modules available to classes until you get to T3.   


It’s coming down to engineers are viable only in a squad because if you pug and decide to fly an engineer…be prepared to die alot.  There just isn’t enough coordination in pugs to keep interceptors off you.

No they changed the way teams heal themselves…instead of a constant always on heal regen it’s now more about healing through active and special modules in bursts.  I could see how this makes them even less desirable in T2 but T1/T2 are just training tiers in the first place.  You don’t even get the full set of modules available to classes until you get to T3.   


It’s coming down to engineers are viable only in a squad because if you pug and decide to fly an engineer…be prepared to die alot.  There just isn’t enough coordination in pugs to keep interceptors off you.

…really? are you really being serious?

I hear EVERYONE in T3/T4 complain about invincible frigate balls due to RR balls just putting them after eachother, and now they buffed that ability EVEN MORE. I am really losing hope for the devs of this game…


also T2 a training tier? how about no? 

T2 is the most fun for non-perma-squadded persons. And honestly, It takes a lifetime to get your foot into T3 because the costs are ridiculous in comparison to T2…So yeah, I’ll be playing in T2 for next 2 months before I can finally play in T3 properly.

Frigate balls are not OP in T3. Its just a pain in the neck to get through them all but not OP. /Next question about what is OP.

And again:


Engineers had overpowered healing. By your own feedback and statistics. 

We do not position them as frontline fighters. We do position them as team players.

We have changed the mechanics of healing in order to solve the problem of frig spheres.

We have tested this internally. 

T1/T2 Are mostly for learning how to fly.


Guards were nerfed a bit because of balancing reasons. They are still good ‘tanks’.


We are monitoring the situation. The game and ships are in a constant balancing process.

Now, back to the topic. We understand your passion in this matter. But you must understand too. You are not the only ones playng the game. We have massive amount of reports on engies being the problem. We have taken steps to change the situation. And we are monitoring the statistics and situation in general.

Rule #1 for staff. Do not respond directly to posters. See “How Blizzard Handle Things”. You can’t win, right or wrong.

Oh screw it, I see the devs don’t give a crap about the feedback of the players. I don’t think I will even bother anymore to try anything here since you don’t listen anyway.