== Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.9. Update # 1 ==

== Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.9. Update # 1 ==

* Fixed incorrect behavior of the keyboard in full screen mode.

Bug fixes
* Fix the second round of the “Shipyard Defence” scenario.
* Fixed the incorrect application of racial bonuses and bonuses offered in Steam DLC.
* Fixed daily rewards.
* Fixed a bug that caused the loss of “active devices.”


In addition to the last point:

* Fixed bugs that led to incorrect operation of game bonuses, as well as removal of “active devices.”
* Game currency losses, related to its incorrect work were compensated.

*\0/*  YAY for devs who care !!!


Thanks for all the fixes !!

Indeed, here’s hoping it stays this way after the game is officially released and out of beta.

is there a estimated downtime for the server ?

the maintenance thread says it will be up at 19:30 msk time, msk time is +4 utc, which is 11:30 est, which cant be an accurate time for that because its 11:44 and im still not able to fire my lasers

the maintenance thread says it will be up at 19:30 msk time, msk time is +4 utc

should that not be now ?

should that not be now ?

no it should have been 15 minutes ago lol

no it should have been 15 minutes ago lol

Thx capt. obvious that was what i ofcourse meant :wink:


Can we get a update on why its late ?.

This is just me musing here, but it could be that, like much of the US, Russia may have gone into Daylight Savings already, meaning that they are in fact an hour ahead, which is why it seems late to us, I know for a fact that the forums are showing an incorrect time for GMT, it’s already accounting for DST when we don’t actually switch, ourselves, til the end of the month. Anyhoo, I’m sure it’ll be about soon enough, and often with these things, it will be worth the wait :slight_smile:

Edit: Now that I think about it, being already set to DST would make the restart seem early to those who haven’t switched… disregard previous herpaderp statement :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I just checked Moscow time online and it says its 20:05…

any status update please? game should be up 40 minutes ago…

Feed the hamsters in Moscow!

Feed the hamsters in Moscow!

U mean feed the ruskies :wink:

Just downloaded the new update, so I’m hoping servers will be back online soon.

Its working now, for me anyway :slight_smile:

its up

Servers are back :slight_smile: Stop whining & happy flying :wink:

== Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.9. Update # 1 ==

