== Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.9. Update # 1 ==

but… but… i still dont have my starting racial buffs …

so thats only me, still not having racial bonuses ? i know for sure i still dont have the starting racial bonuses …

Someone is aware about price changing? A friend of mine is currently having a 20% discount on ALL his ships! The first 70k ship is actually 59.498k.

Dude, me and a bunch of people i know have the same problem that we didn’t have before the patch. When we press a key like w,a,or d to move there is a constant game ruining keyboard beeping sound. What did you do? please fix it, no point in playing with this noise trust me.

By the way its looking like all macs are having this issue on OS X

Someone is aware about price changing? A friend of mine is currently having a 20% discount on ALL his ships! The first 70k ship is actually 59.498k.

Ok, the price is ok for me now, problem solved.

thats all fun and all, but it doesnt change the fact that were still missing the initial race choice buff.


I still dont have the 2% to hull and shield from the federation …

there was a 20% Reduction in ship prices, and a 30% reduction in Modules.

there was a 20% Reduction in ship prices, and a 30% reduction in Modules.

Any idea if this is permanent or part of elite pilot sale reward?

Can someone explain that why some people get the discount while others (like myself) don’t? :frowning:

Any idea if this is permanent or part of elite pilot sale reward?

Afaik for this week only. It was promised because of Elite DLC was in top15 of steam sales. But I don’t sure  :wink:

My keys aren’t working either… I’m also on a mac.

My keys aren’t working either… I’m also on a mac.

Try switch fullscreen/windowed modes it helped someone… Also post your bugreport with logs attached and additional info about your system needed too! For fix devs need to know what to fix. Some macs having problems, others are not…

Read How to report client related bugs

* Fixed the incorrect application of racial bonuses and bonuses offered in Steam DLC.


What exactly is that supposed to mean? oO

What exactly is that supposed to mean? oO

bug fixes


I laughed. then i wondered if you were trying to be funny or an xxxx.

bug fixes

Well, DUH, I mean, what hasn’t worked before?

Well, DUH, I mean, what hasn’t worked before?

worked before, but broken somehow…

but… but… i still dont have my starting racial buffs …


Me too, only get racial bonus when playng in native faction ship

I don’t even see where you’re supposed to check if the bonuses apply.