Star Conflict OBT v. 0.7.2

== Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.2 ==

General changes
* Changed the pilot development screen:

  • Experience no longer affects the development of the pilot, previously distributed experience points will be returned, the accumulation of experience will continue with the old rules, the experience will be used later in a major game update.
  • Reduced the number of technologies, most united in “implants.”
  • The races offer unique lines of technologies - each new rank openes one new implant of the chosen race.
  • From several implants of the same rank, only one can be installed (and active) at a time.
  • Replacement of an implant with a different one can be made at any time.
  • Implants only affect ships of the same and higher Tier, not the lower Tiers

Corporations: General
* Added the option to expand corporation rosters.
* Added the option to change the name of the corporation.
* Added new corporation ratings, such as PvP and PvE performance.
* Added tags (abbreviations) for corporations:

  • Corporation tags are unique.
  • The tag can be created in the corporation management screen. The presence of the tag is not necessary for the corporation.
  • Corporation tags appear before the name of the player. If the corporation has no tag, nothing is displayed.
  • The tag of the corporation may be changed or deleted.

PvE Scenarios: General
* Increased the reward for completing each round of scenarios

Mission "Maintenance ship defence"
* Added a new scenario where players have to protect hidden repair facilities, located in an asteroid belt.
* The new mission is designed for players with T3-T4 ships.

Game balance: General
* Removed the device “Tactical software.” Those who have already purchased it, may continue to use it until the end of its functioning time.
* Added a new device “hacked firmware” that increases in-combat reputation gain to 200%.
* The ability to change the type of combat slots becomes available at ranks 3, 4 and 5 with any race, respectively.
* Reduced the number of AI ships involved in fights in “classic” modes.

Weapons and modules: General
* Power of all premium modules has been upgraded to the Mk III level.
* Most active modules now have increased power consumption and reduced cooldowns.
* Standardized the active distance for same-type modules.
* Standardized effectiveness increase in modules within their modifications: Mk I, Mk II, etc.
* The following modules have changed affiliation to the classes of ships:

  • The ion beam is now installed only on the Interceptors.
  • Engine suppressor can only be installed on Fighters.
  • Electronic interference module can only be installed on Fighters.

Weapons and modules: Railguns
* Assault Railgun - Damage increased by 10%.
* Stabilized Railgun - Damage increased by 10%.

Weapons and modules: Plasma
* All kinds of plasma cannons - Damage increased by 5%.

Weapons and units: Rockets
* Reduced damage of ion rockets.
* Increased damage of the attack drone.

Weapons and modules: Support modules
* Stabilizer coils are now available for credits.
* Collision compensator now also increases the ship’s agility.
* Slightly increased the effectiveness of the modules enhancing survivability of the ship (resistances, hull and shield strengthening).
* Slightly reduced the effectiveness of the modules that provide resistance to all types of damage.

Weapons and modules: Class Modules
* Resistance of the “Phase Shield” has been reduced from 60% to 40%.

Interface: General
* Intro video automatically turns off after the first launch, you can enable it again in game settings.

Sound and Music: General
* The work and the impact of enemy modules can now be heard more clearly.
* Added voiceover for the “Combat reconnaissance” mode.

Bug fixes
* Fixed resets of current active devices (microchips) when changing race.
* Fixed duration display errors of active devices.
* The teams’ kill counter should now correctly display enemies that self-destruct or crash into obstacles.
* Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash while searching for battles.

will read the patch when i’m home and start the testing



ok read it, sounds good


yay new pve missions :smiley:

if i do own several implants at the same tech lvl but different races will i be able to use only one implant or per race one implant?



good changes…

Looks like the new skill tree is behind the corner


Thought that the heavy lasers were going to be nerfed a bit…pity you haven’t done it yet

good changes…

Looks like the new skill tree is behind the corner


Thought that the heavy lasers were going to be nerfed a bit…pity you haven’t done it yet

I think they also got some little nerf

I think they also got some little nerf

great then :slight_smile:

it was needed m8 :slight_smile:



sounds good. I will fly tonight

collision compensators increase the agility…federation becomes unhitable…

Has the resolution glitch been changed? or will the game only max out at 4000 x 900?

Everything looks great except for the increased damage for rail-guns,i think them rail-guns are the most OP thing in the game

Since the patch my friend is having problems with the sniper on the Empire frigate, it has become very twitchy and impossible to lock onto a target, also the target cursor seems twitchy on all ships when flying in normal mode and looking around. The ships themselves fly fine using the w,a,s,d buttons. He is running windows 7 with a mid range graphic card and graphic settings set to low. I myself run windows vista and have not got this problem. Any ideas for a fix??

His ping must be high, and you should be able to run smoothly with any decent graphics card. 

does this friend of yours use heavy weapons? the slow barrels are a little bit buggy…

Yes, heavy lasers but the main problem seems to be with the frigate sniper mode, when moving the target cursor left and right it is no longer steady moving but very jumpy and hard to target any enemy ships.

well its time to walk away from star conflict and find a game elsewhere i amno longer spending money to play a game and with the new update one team has 5 bots in all frigates that dont move at all the other team has all fighters and interceptors how is the person supposed to have a fair chance other then just quiting the game for another

well its time to walk away from star conflict and find a game elsewhere i amno longer spending money to play a game and with the new update one team has 5 bots in all frigates that dont move at all the other team has all fighters and interceptors how is the person supposed to have a fair chance other then just quiting the game for another


Yes have the same problem when i play against only 1 player in the other team and the rest are bots.

After the latest server restart all seems fine with the problem I posted, now steady target cursor and sniper mode :slight_smile:

does this friend of yours use heavy weapons? the slow barrels are a little bit buggy…

same here :frowning:

are the new implants going to replace the skill tree… Hope not…


Impressions about patch…mmmmm, is it me or empire ships are coming stronger and stronger patch after patch…

This Patch has some awesome changes to it. I am excited to see more dependable modules in battle.

however today, we all feel in global chat the skill tree design is really bad. its to limited and needs to be upgraded back to its former option level. 


each race should have its own sheet, with upgrades to each cat as follows








each one should have its own upgrades, in a layout just like we have now, but instead of the 3 race-based options (depending on each races rank) it should just be 3 options





 5% dmg

 5% crit dmg

 5% speed

(can choose one)







and so forth.

empire ships seems to get some buffs…


anyone else having trouble with their energy replenishment


about the skill tree and the pilot tree: