Star Conflict OBT v. 0.7.2

Feels like the afterburner costs a lot more energy now. Previously we can almost keep the afterburner on all the time.

i don’t think it’s only the afterburner…all modules need more energy and since there are currently no skill / perks which increase your energy replenishment…i guess you can imagine what this means

Have many problems with my mouse since this patch.


makes jerky movements and uncontrollably in all directions sometimes in the game

Yeah especially support modules on a fighter - switch on two (~100en/sec) and no way you’ll be flying longer than 5sec even with valkyrie support from someone

I might take one of those off the ship now, which I think is sad, as I see the fighter also in a half supporting role, but hey.


I really like the banking of the ships and how they fly now! (my mouse is working fine but)


For me that is the best improvement on this patch - one little downside to this is the responsiveness of the frigate i think its side thrusters are just a little too responsive - in fact it is easier to evade someone by strafe / roll / bank than flying any sort of curve at all - I suspect it has been forgotten to put a delay / filter on the thruster movement for the frigate but hey theres always 0.7.3 ^^


Again well done!

played yesterday a couple rounds and i agree with tabin


heavy weapons are still too strong - remove the slow barrels completely and the aimbot but lower the damage reasonable…(10-20%)


anyway one beer for the devs :smiley:

aw, no more commander module support seems…

ok my game is patching right now additional ~13mb what’s this?


one thought about 0.7.3: respawn penalty should be lowered to 20 sec. max…just played a round DOM and tried to go for the objective but got killed several times so my respawn time was raised to ~45sec.


objective players shouldn’t be punished for playing the game

Have many problems with my mouse since this patch.


makes jerky movements and uncontrollably in all directions sometimes in the game

sameissue. bothers me when i am in a dogfight.


having all the time problems with my engery, altought using modules like passive armor with a 40% faster regenaration rate.

Some modules consume too much energy.


The stabilized railgun is still not worth it.

Have many problems with my mouse since this patch.


makes jerky movements and uncontrollably in all directions sometimes in the game


I had the same problem after equipping the rank 5 Empire implant which increases rotation speed in all 3 axis. I swapped that implant for the Jericho version. End of problem.

Anyone notice the loss of the energy is now quick, i mean very quick? You cant even use modules.

Anyone notice the loss of the energy is now quick, i mean very quick? You cant even use modules.

Energy??? you have energy?? give me a little for 2 sek afterburner. :01515:


Yes this is known and i heard that it is still being processed

But i noticed this after the saturday patch. On friday the gameplay was very fun. The energy went out especially if you activated some mod and use the afterburner but even so you could move the ship. Now you can even avance a little without suffering the energy problem. The last game i played was against 5 frig camping behind a asteroid killing wathever they had on aim. I couldnt get even close to them. This need to be solved soon. At least is good that its known.

i test now …

btw nice game has much potential !

For me that is the best improvement on this patch - one little downside to this is the responsiveness of the frigate i think its side thrusters are just a little too responsive - in fact it is easier to evade someone by strafe / roll / bank than flying any sort of curve at all - I suspect it has been forgotten to put a delay / filter on the thruster movement for the frigate but hey theres always 0.7.3 ^^

seems like this has been tweaked on saturday

hm i think it gives a bug with the collision module.


in skilltree I have chosen the skill “increase rotation speed +30% in all axes” and in my ship i have installed the collision module.

but when i start the ability from the Deimos 2 i cant control the ship. it rotates uncontrollably over the axes and not be controlled.


I think it affects far too much when you start to overdrive.But without this module are the ships simply too sluggish




Ah and something to think about:

In many many fights the only weapons and ships i fight against, are the Heavy Rail and the attackship from the Empire called Deimos ore Phobos.

Why? Quite simply…the Heavy Rail has little Spread, good Rounds and massiv Dmg. The slow Barrels are not realy slow and you can also use them in close Combat.

The Ships From Empire have the best Resistance on Hull against all Type of Dmg in Overdrive and with the Skilltree and Modules you can greatly increase this.

Against such a team has one little chances

ok…what’s about the fast fed ships / the shield tanks jericho? they are pretty hard to hit and if you get a good shot they will almost instanteously regen the damage…how can you expect us empire players not to build our own fortresses in order to win?


i agree with you the heavy rail is quite op…but all heavy weapons are a little unbalanced right now…

jerichos are atm not more so fast with shieldreg. for that you need modules which have lost of energy regeneration. and after this patch you can fly only with modules that you give a greatly energie regeneration. 

So the old concepts are simply not possible


and…i forgot…the modules have been greatly reduced the shield regeneration.

“bevor the patch i had 220% Shieldregen.”

“now i have only 165%”


and this make the shieldregen concept almost useless

energy changes are great this patch, might need a slight tweak. i still favor afterburner going off energy bar onto its own bar with overheating (if overheating can use it for 15 seconds + regen time).


and i think the active restoration mods needs to come down 5-10 additional seconds, other then that, these things are on par give or take the 1-2 360 second regen for frigates which need a reduction to 50-70 seconds.