Star Conflict OBT v.0.10.6 Discussion

In RFB vs pulse, you forget about the cooling time and heating time cycle. The RFB does more damage to shieds and less to hull, while thermal is good all around, but most people boost thermal resistances because of missiles, mines, minefields, LRF weapons and such.


In Pulse vs Plasma, you forget about the spread. Plasma gun has better accuracy. With pulse laser is quite difficult to hit anything smaller than a styx further than 2000 m.

I didn’t forget any cool downs.

Compared to heating & cooling time of RFB than PL could have 0.75 sec. cool down time but it is 1sec.

is 0.25 sec matters that much ? As RFB hit its max spread in ~2.5 sec. & need target locking time to get lead marker to aim enemy while Pulse doesn’t.

What about White noise & IP pulsar those make RFB or Plasma aimless but not the PL. as u don’t need lead marker to aim target


The combine hull+shield base resistance same for all ships in each category.

And T5 hull resistance modules gives  thermal=70 pts. Em=86 pts.

most of ▲ pilots use piercing missiles not the thermal one but almost all bots use thermal missiles. 

Minelayers well visible & pretty much easy to avoid than any other.


As you said most of people using thermal resistance or its you speaking for yourself ? btw it is player’s choice to use which type of damage.


And also I didn’t forget about the spread Pulse vs Plasma, Plasma needs ~4 sec. to reach lowest spread & have 100% more cooling time compared to pulse.

if you would recheck my previous post & compare those pics u’ll find 0.9 degree spread on pulse & still PL beats plasma clearly in medium range which is medium range for ▲.

& u said Styx ? it is t3 but my whole post was based on t5 modules & ship and further 2000 m.  -you should know as description it says “Powerful close range thermal weapon. Rapidlt losses effectiveness when used when miedium and long distances.”

But it pretty more effective than RFB in medium range now.


Pulse laser doesn’t need +15% buff on range in [OBT v0.10.3](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23024-star-conflict-obt-v0103/) , +2 sec increased heating time and +10% increased damage in [OBT v0.10.6](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23296-star-conflict-obt-v0106/).

I don’t call it is balancing Pulse Laser, but it is simply made Pulse simply OP and the 750m range reduction makes Plasma pretty useless compared to Pulse laser.


Yes, that SPREAD on PL. It is useless without 2x spread reduction, you cannot just compare plain dps stats and say “oh this one is better”.

No, i didn’t just compare plain dps, recheck it.

1st i did try to match the other properties like distance, critic chance, critic damage bonus, spread as much possible.

Deny if I’m wrong.

SO the turret mk2 in HMS is now never be seen from the other side and never be locked by empire LRF?

Played couple of matches with curv reflector pulse lazor on my stiletto ae and Kris and on them it pretty owns, especially when I added one electronic guidance and one iridium heatsink. Must try on covops.

The +range on the Pulse Laser isn’t really a large buff. We always use the -range, +damage. Personally, I like that I can now shoot things above 1k distance. 

Still, not much of a difference. The extra damage on top of that is a big help, though. Thanks for the buff. :slight_smile:

The range buff on the curve reflector doesn’t hurt either.

So… I thought I read “Bug fixes” in the patch notes… so why have the servers been so bugged all afternoon and evening?


I got no less than 150 ping on EU servers when I’m in europe, and for one particular match I got ping spikes at 2000 with 6-10% loss. (no print screen because I was too busy raging)


Then later on the servers shut down (this happened twice).  I try to relog in and it tells me “place in queue: 264”. It takes about ten minutes for me to be able to log in again.


What is happening and are you going to revert this patch?



Edit: now it won’t even let me log in at all (“Reason: failed to connect to server”).  Restarting Steam which sometimes works solved nothing.

At least you can connect ‘-’ after this patch i can’t anymore lol

At least you can connect ‘-’ after this patch i can’t anymore lol


No I can’t connect either, and noone from my corp can.  I think there is an overall problem with their servers

No I can’t connect either, and noone from my corp can.  I think there is an overall problem with their servers

YUP a whole lot of ppl are unable to get in… 

they will just say its Steam’s fault

Well its back to our normally scheduled fuss and moan session … there was just a slight deviation :yes_yes:  

This is not good…the draw back to making ships firepower is causing more losses in pve matches, if the power of guns are taken away then the lvl / amount of npc’s should be less also. Was there any balance done in this manner, NO.

still the same. promice promice but all you do is to twiddle and fiddel with stats…now we buff the guns… now we nerf the guns… openspace map is going like the dreadnoughts…nowere, few days now til starcitizen will try and lounch its alpha testing so if u were smart you be redy with something new and exciting…hey wait…lets do something new then…lets just nerf plasma guns again…that will work…


more rage will follow…next time

So, Which is better for the CO as of now? Pulse lazer or RF blaster?


I have been using RF blaster for a while since the Shrapnel Nerf. But now that they buffed both a bit, I dont know what to use. 


I did read here that the Pulse Lazer is good for Dog fighting in a Recon, and the Plasma Gun is good for a recon for taking out drones in SecCon. 


Any thoughts or pics comparing them now? 

I still use RF though, hard to hit interceptor but it’s a frig and fighter killer. Drones? Pfft, RF can take out all 4 drones within 5 second with Orion ;)wt I’ll upload a video when I’m off work to show you.

I still use RF though, hard to hit interceptor but it’s a frig and fighter killer. Drones? Pfft, RF can take out all 4 drones within 5 second with Orion ;)wt I’ll upload a video when I’m off work to show you.


Thats because you use 3 crit mods on it and literally can kill a frigate in less then 7 seconds. 


And besides. when we work together, we have that standard NASA contest to see who can get the most efficiency. So far, your winning.  

Thats because you use 3 crit mods on it and literally can kill a frigate in less then 7 seconds. 


And besides. when we work together, we have that standard NASA contest to see who can get the most efficiency. So far, your winning.  

Are you always 2nd?

Are you always 2nd?


Usually first, but bring in another NASA officer or Veteran, and its a epic battle for supremecy. Hell Mustacho and me can singlehandly kill another team by ourselves…


And 2nd is always the first loser. being second sucks. 

Thats because you use 3 crit mods on it and literally can kill a frigate in less then 7 seconds. 


And besides. when we work together, we have that standard NASA contest to see who can get the most efficiency. So far, your winning.  


Without mods you can do it too, the base dmg of rf supernova + orion is about 7000+ dps without crit :lol:

Shots fired…

Is it me or hard points (turrets and missile launchers in PvE) have to be discovered first and only are shown on map if they are in LoS?

It is a bug … an annoying one.