Star Conflict OBT v.0.10.6 Discussion

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Couldn’t let us finish Sector Conquest? we had 30 minutes left…

thanks for Influence leaderboard

Combat Recon

A captain is now chosen from top three most skilled pilots


what about selection in a small match like 4v4 or 3v3. Does it become practically random in that case?


Let’s hope its for real this time. Please don’t revert back again :slight_smile:

what about selection in a small match like 4v4 or 3v3. Does it become practically random in that case?


Let’s hope its for real this time. Please don’t revert back again :slight_smile:

It should randomly select one of the three.

Is there a maintenance training?

[Here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23298-maintenance-training/) you go.

However, the players Jeveret and IMMUNE decided to use unsportsmanlike methods

Now for this big thanks!

Now for this big thanks!

Dunno, I find it pretty silly to perma-ban for that. The whole leaderboards thing is set up to be exploited anyway. And to single out only two people out of the lot that have been doing it (both PVP and PVE). well…

As to the patch, am surprised about some of the weapon rebalancing. For the first time I’ll have to actually think about what weapon I want to put on an interceptor now because there are several viable options. Interesting!

I met those guys online, they sure did a lot of smack talk about how awesome they are, and how jelly i am about them and their corporation (that irc was 1st in PvP rating at that point, or something like that), so yeah. And i don’t really care about PvE since it doesn’t really affect other players, they still can finish it without you and they have to spend 45 minutes doing that, competing between each-others, so maybe even more than 45 min to beat the record :lol:

I met those guys online, they sure did a lot of smack talk about how awesome they are, and how jelly i am about them and their corporation (that irc was 1st in PvP rating at that point, or something like that), so yeah. And i don’t really care about PvE since it doesn’t really affect other players, they still can finish it without you and they have to spend 45 minutes doing that, competing between each-others, so maybe even more than 45 min to beat the record :lol:

The argument doesn’t hold, they could have won PVP without those two guys, too. The fact that they were able to pass beacons back and forth shows that their respective teams were nowhere near and did not care. What they did was basically pre-0.10.5 Abandoned Outpost round-robin gameplay. :wink:

45 minutes is the time limit on PVE.

On topic:

I am not so sure, to be honest, that some of these were needed:

  • Bubble gun vs A-Rails, they were pretty close before and now change on both side, and it looks pretty big to me.

  • RF Blaster + Supernova, just gets better and better, might wanna tune down T5 projectile speed now for this. Not sure new Pulse Lazers+Flat Reflector will out do this.

Eclipse Launcher - Damage and range reduction -  WHY??? Not more than 5 hours ago I was discussing with friend that the usefulness of this gun is limited by low damage, small range and quick overheating… [sarcasm] I think that in next patch you should make it overheat faster [/sarcasm]

Thanks for the new patch in which you fixed resolution.  It worked GREAT before.  I now have a bar on the left side of my screen that shows my desktop background.  I use 2 radeon r9 270  in crossfire mode with fglrx(14.6) on linux. 

Servers are online again.

The argument doesn’t hold, they could have won PVP without those two guys, too. The fact that they were able to pass beacons back and forth shows that their respective teams were nowhere near and did not care. What they did was basically pre-0.10.5 Abandoned Outpost round-robin gameplay. :wink:

true, but they are there and it is obvious for everyone in the game what they did, and god knows how many games they disconnected from to find one they wanted, there are quite a few of those screenshots. And if you looked at others (ignoring 1st week of ratings in t1 farm) they actually do have very possible 12v12 12xMinutes games performance, they don’t look farmed via game mechanic flaws (and trading beacons/bombs for efficiency score is a flaw), well maybe MatchMaking flaw for allowing such farm :smiley:

45 minutes is the time limit on PVE.

Yes it is, but if some one beats your 45 minute score, you have to spend another 45 minutes trying to out do your record, or how many attempts took them to reach that value? At-least that did take lots of patience and some effort without affecting anyone around you. It is not that i excuse them, but i don’t see that as big of a deal as PvP abuse, i personally would not be able to do that in PvE, 45 min in it? and very possibly more than that? i rather shoot myself

Plasma Gun

Maximum and optimum range reduced by 750 m


Plasma Gun was the single weapon with the longest range out of every other interceptor weapon and you toned its range down. That’s just ridiculous. What am I going to use now, Shrapnel Cannon?

On topic:

I am not so sure, to be honest, that some of these were needed:

  • Bubble gun vs A-Rails, they were pretty close before and now change on both side, and it looks pretty big to me.

  • RF Blaster + Supernova, just gets better and better, might wanna tune down T5 projectile speed now for this. Not sure new Pulse Lazers+Flat Reflector will out do this.

Yep, assault railgun gunships will go crazy, in particular if you consider vanadium shells viable now. Even the buffed RFB + buffed supernova ammo barely keep up with its dps. Time to think about kinetic resists again maybe. :wink:


Plasma Gun was the single weapon with the longest range out of every other interceptor weapon and you toned its range down. What am I supposed to use now?

Get closer to the target? It’s the reason you have that mobility. Although I sort of agree with you, I don’t like this equalization of everything we have recently. Eventually all weapons will be the same…

Was it really necessary to make that many weapon balance changes? Now I have to go through all builds, if the i have is still the weapon I want to use for a ship. How often do you want to keep changing the weapon balance? This is really annoying. Should I just stop playing, wait for the release end of the year and then come and skip all the million balance changes in between?

, I don’t like this equalization of everything we have recently. Eventually all weapons will be the same…

Yep in a few patches you choose a weapon then only by type of damage and how cool or uncool the weapon looks/sounds.

Was it really necessary to make that many weapon balance changes? Now I have to go through all builds, if the i have is still the weapon I want to use for a ship. How often do you want to keep changing the weapon balance? This is really annoying. Should I just stop playing, wait for the release end of the year and then come and skip all the million balance changes in between?

Balance changes will NEVER STOP, there is no balance in a multiplayer PvP game, there is always something.