Star Conflict OBT v.0.10.6 Discussion

Plasma gun problem was the DPS not the range, but whatever…


Assault rails with vanadiums now are the same than before, because the base spread is increased. But now we have more critical chance, which is good.


Bubble critical damage got nerfed… well I don’t know what to think about that. I have to test it.


Pulse laser buff: I’m always in for more pulse buffs. It is my weapon of choice for recons.


Ammo buffs. Now the curved reflector and the supernova are more viable, more variety is always good.


So far it looks like a nice patch.

Balance changes will NEVER STOP, there is no balance in a multiplayer PvP game, there is always something.

Yep because with every change the stats shift from one weapon to another and they are never equal but they work every hard to make them equal so that you only decide on type of damage…


Still I have never seen any game that changes the balance of weapon that often. 


They will never achieve balance no matter what the devs do because the human factor cannot be measured.

Why make the kinetic supercharger even more lame?

Took me ages to get that to blue (mkiii w/e) and to realize that it already sucked.

Pulse laser buff: I’m always in for more pulse buffs. It is my weapon of choice for recons.

I’ll have to try it with a curved reflector on a covops, it’s real close to supernova RFB in theoretical dps now but since you’ll hit more it should be the interceptor weapon with the highest effective dps (before resists) this patch. With the heat buff you can fire for the full orion duration now so covops use is viable.

Why not patch the fact that bots follow Long Range & stay at spawn or just get stuck on a rock…


Or that bots in general lose Team Battle games and maaaaybe shouldn’t count for kills?

  1. This is a beta test. Tweaking weapons is a big part of that.

  2. Equalizing weapons is by definition ‘balancing’ weapons

  3. Choosing damage type is only one part to choosing weapons but it is not the only one. Shot mechanics still plays a role.

  • international forum has a reputation for noise sans constructive feedback. it’d be nice to prove them wrong once in a while.



Interceptor Weapons:


RFB vs Pulse

Dev seemed to have focused on tweaking Pulse as the alternative to RFB. Your option is this:


Target with large HP = RFB

Target with small HP = Pulse is a viable option


Thing about RFB is, pro inty pilots have no trouble shooting fast moving targets even when using Supernova

So this Pulse vs RFB choice is only relevant to low - average skilled pilots.

And given higher tier meta, RFB is still prefered.


Consider tweaking further:


lower RFB base projectile speed or  higher minimum RFB spread but lower maximum spread


Lower RFB base crit damage, Raise Pulse base crit damage


This will make RFB as the better weapon for sustained damage on large targets while Pulse the better dogfigther with high spot damage but not over time.



Plasma Gun vs RFB + Pulse


I will echo what Eviscerado said above. DPS not Range. Specifically … damage per shot value.

You need to decide what Plasma Gun is for. Lowering range by 750m will not change the way people use Plasma Gun

Lower it further and you get a second RFB weapon so what is the point ?


Decide what special function Plasma Gun can be used for and restat everything to fit that function. Right now it is a playstyle choice that doesn’t need to be there.

Personally I would like to see a mechanic tweak to Plasma Gun shooting style geared towards killstealing sniper rifle aka Interceptor version of the Positron.



Shrapnel Cannon


All the ammo options for Shrapnel is irrelevant or useless.


Projectile speed is irrelevant at the range you are forced to work with

Rate of fire is again less than relevant unless you are shooting at a static frigate and need the DPS. Other damage ammo options are better.

Damage ammo vs Crit ammo … honestly, people build inties for crit and you only use damage ammo if you cannot raise crit chance for whatever reason

Crit chance … is probably the default choice and still less effective than RFB. Simple boost would help.


Personal opinion - Shrapnel mechanic still needs tweaking.

If you don’t want the Alpha strike charging mechanic anymore the other alternative is rising DPS over time mechanic like Frigate’s Heavy Blaster.

The higher the overheating, the higher the damage. This way you improve anti frigate performance but limit effectiveness against smaller targets.

  1. Equalizing weapons is by definition ‘balancing’ weapons

Yes, and making all weapons identical = perfect balance, but nobody wants to play that. Your argument is moot, sir.

  1. Choosing damage type is only one part to choosing weapons but it is not the only one. Shot mechanics still plays a role.


shot mechanic ~~ function of weapon


you can equalize weapon damage / stat but give them nuances to perform differently in different situations.




anti inti weapon

anti frigate weapon


crowd control 




damage should remain relatively the same … just the role it fills differ.

now we have RFB and Pulse nicely balanced to one another


we have Plasma Gun and Shrapnel left to fix


atleast there is progress on inty weapons. so i say this is a positive patch update.

This patch…



What should be patched: the sound, the fact that it destroys drones in one hit.

What should not be patched: it’s already low damage. I don’t use it usually, but when they shoot at me i get out of the way because it is so loud, not because of it’s damage. It should be a burst damage weapon, because of the overheat, but it does not deliver.


Plasma / RFB

So now they look like each other even more. You just have to increase Plasba RoF and we are done.


Other weapon changes look good.



Team battles

The mode should be removed, not tweaked with stupid buffs. All the modes are team battles already, with some secondary objectives. Now the team battles have secondary objectives too. I don’t even.



Map change

Great! But there is no mode called Control, you mean Domination?

now we have RFB and Pulse nicely balanced to one another


we have Plasma Gun and Shrapnel left to fix


atleast there is progress on inty weapons. so i say this is a positive patch update.

they could get different purpose : I see long range plasma gun as a harrasment weapon, safe, precise, but not great at dealing damage. Plus it’s a safe way to get rid of drones on beacon… That suit well on a recon. Other inty’s weapons are for dogfight / high dps. Nerf plasma gun damage and keep its range as it was would have been a better option (well, it shouldn’t need a damage boost in the first place).

they could get different purpose : I see long range plasma gun as a harrasment weapon, safe, precise, but not great at dealing damage. Plus it’s a safe way to get rid of drones on beacon… That suit well on a recon. Other inty’s weapons are for dogfight / high dps. Nerf plasma gun damage and keep its range as it was would have been a better option (well, it shouldn’t need a damage boost in the first place).

We have been saying that since the buff patch. But for some reason… well, whatever.

Combat Recon

A captain is now chosen from top three most skilled pilots

Time to farm DSR!  :yes_yes: 

they could get different purpose : I see long range plasma gun as a harrasment weapon, safe, precise, but not great at dealing damage.

It’s how they used to be before they got repurposed.



after a bit more testing …


-1° base spread and +2s heating time (or faster cooling)


will make this weapon comparable to RFB and Pulse versus slow targets


Buff rate of fire ammo (Vanadium for interceptor) a little more and it should do ok in inty vs inty dogfights.

Time to farm DSR!  :yes_yes: 


Most skilled != highest SR.




after a bit more testing …


-1° base spread and +2s heating time (or faster cooling)


will make this weapon comparable to RFB and Pulse versus slow targets


Buff rate of fire ammo (Vanadium for interceptor) a little more and it should do ok in inty vs inty dogfights.


Shrapnel is already great inty vs inty. A weapon doesn’t have to good against everything.

So weaker pilots are considered:Child?i have no comment… :crazy: .And thanks for fixing Crimson Haze exploit…

Servers are up after hotfix.

Can we get some EXACT information on how the game calculates strength? Last time we had this method I got more than one combat recon where the cap was picked over three pilots with higher DSR and either better ships, or more synergised and better equipped versions of his ships.

Game modes
Team Battle
Scientific and exploratory expeditions advance further into the depths of the most dangerous space sectors.
Expedition ships locate many artifacts of Alien nature. Most of these artifacts are deposited in top-secret research centers of the Empire, Federation and Jericho.
But the mysterious depths of space continue to surprise, and deaths of expedition ships are not so rare. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that in recent years in space there have been more and more strange artifacts that look like the creation of human hands, but with very strange properties.
Below we list the most common artifacts and their properties:
Increases weapon damage by 50%
Lasts 13 seconds
Temporary Invulnerability
Lasts 7 seconds
Repairs hull by 3000 pts. in 3 seconds
Increases ship speed by 50%
Lasts 45 seconds
Does not affect Adaptive Shield activation threshold
Notes on artifacts:
Once activated, an artifact affects the whole team
If the ship that activated an artifact is destroyed, the effect is removed










I am not comfortable with this change at all. With an organized squad, memorization of the artifacts would be crucial and aquireing them would be the difference of a win or lose. You effectively killed teamwork IMO. This is SC not Mario Cart!