Star Conflict OBT v.0.10.5 Discussion

Disbalancing matches to make cueiing shorter for strong squads like yours will just ruin someone else playing experience just to grant you easy farming and that’s not fair at all… :frowning:

But the problem is that the previous MM was not unbalanced. 2 men squads are not unbalanced against randoms. 3 men squads vs 4 men squads weren’t either.


But people like you bitching about it was that made the devs change it. And most people are back again in T3, squadding up instead of being in top tiers, just because 2 men squads in T5 cannot find a game, even in weekend prime time.


EDIT: concerning bundles. I don’t understand the reason the stickers are more expensive the bigger is the bundle. They are the same stickers with different colours.


Why I have to pay 1699 GS for the T4 and just 199 for the T1?

And in case you don’t, you have to hear people complaining about you don’t killing your corp mate, while you are trying as hard as he is, to kill him


Not just complaining, but already reported! When someone explicitly write it down in chat that they won’t fight, there is nothing else to do.

3-man vs 4-man squads are working as intended.

There is no problem about this. I just say that team where not equally composed by skills, not numbers. There were a big gap between the two team. It was 2 big squad vs 2 medium. If it was working as intended, it should have been 1 big + 1 medium in both team. 

Squad up or get out of T3.

This shouldn’t be an option. My fun is to find difficulties against good players, not to be attacked by half of the enemy team right after my spawn, neither to have 20 kills in t1.

Not just complaining, but already reported! When someone explicitly write it down in chat that they won’t fight, there is nothing else to do.

Sure, but I got reported even when I killed him once, and he killed me twice.


People just want to blame on something that they lost the game.

There is no problem about this. I just say that team where not equally composed by skills, not numbers. There were a big gap between the two team. It was 2 big squad vs 2 medium. If it was working as intended, it should have been 1 big + 1 medium in both team. 

More likely the gap was team composition. A frigball of average players will usually still win against a group of good interceptor players.

This shouldn’t be an option. My fun is to find difficulties against good players, not to be attacked by half of the enemy team right after my spawn, neither to have 20 kills in t1.

You asked what you could do as a solo player. Since you cannot fight a 4-man squad as a solo player that means that unless you manage to somehow instill teamwork into a random team not even speaking the same language it’s not going to happen. So either squadding up yourself or leaving for a less squad heavy tier are indeed your best options.

Failing that try to fill the missing links - typically there’s no engineer (with active heals) on a random team, so bring one and be good with it and the balance of power shifts a lot - or pick a ship that allows you to influence the battle solo, e.g. a recon that can instantly get you to enemy beacons and quickly capture them while the enemy is busy camping your spawn.

Did a small test on this …  some players cannot join the same match even if you synch your launch.


Just saying because it is sometimes hard to enforce in my own solo-squads, especially if people have the “queue-o-meter” off: make sure, evrybodys highest ranking ship (the queue ship) is a standard ship (f2p) and everyone has the same ranked queue-ship. golden ships count one rank less than written, which makes them lousy queue ships. Usually this brings people in different queues & games, and you really have to double check which ships they equip; otherwise queueing at the same time works very well, except one or two games u can usually play together all the time.


Especially the rule about the golden ship. Ppl tend to forget that one. I know u probably know this all, but i was proven, that just double checking the queue-ship isn’t a bad idea, even with veterans. :slight_smile:

Nah you are right … forgot to take ship rank into account. Will double check again but you are probably correct.


I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. Fact is that, in my remember, squad were something like WKP + ESB vs average * 2.

Here, it’s easy to know who’ll be dominated.

WKP and ESB should not have been in the same side of the fight (and also not 3 time in a row …). If squad are fighting each others, other players can play and help. I’m not the problem and already help my team as much as I can.

You asked what you could do as a solo player. Since you cannot fight a 4-man squad as a solo player that means that unless you manage to somehow instill teamwork into a random team not even speaking the same language it’s not going to happen. 

Failing that try to fill the missing links - typically there’s no engineer (with active heals) on a random team, so bring one and be good with it and the balance of power shifts a lot - or pick a ship that allows you to influence the battle solo , e.g. a recon that can instantly get you to enemy beacons and quickly capture them while the enemy is busy camping your spawn.


This. Take these words into consideration carefully. A lot of players rush into battle solo (or even with squads), based on a principle “I need to level this ship up”, and they will fly that torpedo frigate or whatever else they need to level with no regard to the game mode, no regard to the battle situation and no regard to your own team and enemy team composition. And than they wonder why is it so hard, and why they just keep loosing. Try to start actually thinking for a change. Now, taking aside completely outmached games I am giving this advice for your general everyday solo, and how to improve even against a tough team, you can still make trouble for them. So, if you want to win, and not just level up your ship, you will have to start using your head a bit more and start thinking a bitt differently. Cool down and take your time. Observe what your team is doing, what are they bringing, what is the objective, what is the enemy doing, and figuring out where the weak spots are and how can you influence the course of the game as a solo player. 


Let me share my experience. This reminded me exactly on the games I had in random 12v12 ESB lobbies. The game modes were Domination, and most of the players were from their corp, with a few other well known pilots from other major competitive corps, and since it was put to auto balance there was no time to even think about forming squads or using voice comms with majority of the players not even speaking English. So, it was mostly down to ourselves how we will adapt in these games trying to work with other random (but very good) players. 


A lot of interesting games happened, also often seeing one side being completely disorganised and stomped by the other side (once one side starts losing and getting stuck on the respawn, this process can lead to an avalanche-like effect, that drags down a disorganised team even more).


So, after trying to support the team with the engineer, but seeing I receieved no help from the rest of the team because they couldn’t hear of notice I’m in trouble early enough, or notify me of their plans, this wasn’t working out perfectly, altough it was more helpful than using a fighter ship, which was an tasty target in game mostly full of interceptors and other fighter ships, and you could not do much by yourself planning that overdrive dive attack anyway.


So, after a few games, I noticed what both teams lack: focus on the objectives, therefore beacons. They were keen on dogfighting and and trying to seize control around a certain location, killing off as much ships as possible, often leaving side beacons open (altough not for long, the openings were still there and sometimes not exploited). 


After noticing this issue I immediately decided that our team needs a recon, so I switched the role exclusively to that and started focusing on only one objective: fast capping early side beacons and backdooring anything else not protected. Often I encountered resistance but since i could hold my weight in most fights, I was lucky with the caps and managed to secure most of the objectives (that was also before the Recon nerf, and after these games it became my favorite role… until the nerf). Once I started doing this, our team has won every game. But as long as I was trying to do anything else in that particular situation, trying to beat the strong enemy killer pilots was like pushing with your head trough a brick wall, so I just went around it, and it worked. Every time.  It gave our whole team that little edge, that little distraction that they needed to disorganize and spread around the enemy fleet.


I hope this gives some insight about how observing the situations in battle can help you chose proper role and your objective as a solo pilot; even against death squads you can still finds way to support your team as long as you have at least some kind of a decent team on your side as well, do not give up and blindly go into the fight; start thinking and looking what your team is doing and where you could help out - for the greater good of winning the battle by focusing on key objectives that will either break apart the enemy composition or become an imparable distraction or a blow to them, these are the ways that you can help, as long as you start thinking more open and looking at what everyone is doing, and find the gaps where you can possibly turn the tides of battle in your favor.

Yeah, I agree with you. That’s why I have an engy fully equipped on my ships line for when needed, or my Prom-X that goes at 440 m/s with an insane survability to cap a beacon and boost my teammates.

Alought, game mode where I faced theses good players were Combat Recon and TD. So there’s nothing else to do then kill everything.



trust me


Efefay + Kine is easy kills lmao


which is another thing the MM should be looking at.


I’m sure you guys from NASA are not that crap lol

Also consider that a squad speaks same language, use good ships with good builds etc…So after all I do think that devs did a good job with teams MM this time :wink:





I’m sure you guys from NASA are not that crap lol

Also consider that a squad speaks same language, use good ships with good builds etc…So after all I do think that devs did a good job with teams MM this time :wink:


The problem is that we can’t test it because it takes 10 mins to get a game if you queue in squad. So why bother? solo all the way.

The problem is that we can’t test it because it takes 10 mins to get a game if you queue in squad. So why bother? solo all the way.

Dunno man I 2-man squadded with Kine the other day in T4 and we had literally no waiting time. And it wasn’t even EU prime-time either. So if T4 works fine how can T3 be worse? And 3/4 man squad MM wasn’t changed.

Same old, same old. I think probably the best is not to mess with MM anymore. With a low population like it is now there is just not much to do besides messing it up one way or another.


That players don’t go for objectives or just use a ship for whatever reason and disregarding what is needed or makes sense will never change. To even achieve is slight change in players behavior, tactics and ship choice suggestion would need to be in game for everyone to read. 

For better or for worse, they rolled back MM





or did Sec Con never had strict squad rules apply to it ?

For better or for worse, they rolled back MM

If that’s not a sector conquest battle that looks more like a bug.

It was Sec Con

It was Sec Con

Sector Conquest is Sector Conquest, there is no “Balancing calculation” in the MM for this gamemode.

yep, no mm for sector conquest, it’s endgame after all.

yes, working as intended TM
