Star Conflict OBT v.0.10.5 Discussion

Indeed a great Change to the map. I’ve had a couple of games where each team was just flying in circles snagging the beacons. :lol:  This Change will stop that behavior. The center of that map will be more :crazy: .


Squads and Que-Times: with the current Playerbase at hand, que times are terrible if in a Squad. On my oppinion you should try to stop making the perfect matchmaker with the small player base. Start tweaking it when you’ve had advertisement and a larger Player base.

I refuse to play until the squad MM is fixed too. You will get my GS for license when you fix MM again.

I refuse to play until the squad MM is fixed too. You will get my GS for license when you fix MM again.

Were you playing in squad after today’s update? How long did it take you to get into battle and what’s your elo?

  1. There were minor tweaks to MM, that should improve squads MM time, please test it after the update and provide us with feedback.


good to hear. but was it noticed, that the actual request in the forums back then was not about squad-size-equality on both teams, but about a fix for having 3 squads on one and no squad on the other side, so it was mainly to prevent this particular exception?


because otherwise the late-10.0.3-MM was the best until now, including the +/- rules, it just needed some tweaking!



…leave that cursed T3 already and all come T4, so I do not play 3v3-5v5 games anymore :wink:

it may help. it may also change little. T3 has just a lot of ships to offer, and is the ideal staging point to bring up multiple races/roles - we may still need more players.

Were you playing in squad after today’s update? How long did it take you to get into battle and what’s your elo?

Not after today, I am yet to get home and try. But did you change anything since last week?


Elo is ~1700, squad sizes are mostly 3-4. 

It worked perfectly until 15/05/14 update and we played a LOT, and than it got broken again.


Long queue times for squads are the only thing that keeps me from playing the game. Wasting 15 minutes each day waiting for a game and than going back to T3 and waiting 5-10 minutes again for a game makes an average of 30 minutes spent every time you try to get in the game, and this is wasted time.

When queues are short, and we easily get games 3-4 man squads in T4-T5 is when I like to play and renew my license again. And it was pretty good until last week.

  1. Interesting change for the map of the “Abandoned Outpost” Looks like our Strategists need to form another meeting…

  2. T4 and above for rewards? Time to dust off my T4 ships. About time! 


  1. MM still not fixed? *Sigh* On one hand, no one knows about this game…and on the other hand its hard to get people in with this low retention rate. 


If I didnt help my friend through T1, he said he would have quit long time ago and never looked back. I strongly suggest doing something about this. 

Part of the problem there (in T1) is how boring it is compared to when I started. Removing modules and weapons doesn’t help people learn the game - it tells them there’s no content. They have to see that there are meaningful choices to make right from the start.



Looks like our Strategists need to form another meeting

Take 4 LRF, Explode everything that are not Interceptors in the middle of the map.

Part of the problem there (in T1) is how boring it is compared to when I started. Removing modules and weapons doesn’t help people learn the game - it tells them there’s no content. They have to see that there are meaningful choices to make right from the start.


Hmm, maybe that’s just me, but if i see that i can select my weapons, but from a list that contains only one type, than my first thought is not that damn how contentless is this game but to ask where are the other weapons.

I very like these changes, that map was just terrible (as logistics, design is cool), lets see how how much pew-pew will happen in a middle now and leaderboards - i wanna see Takamina`s face again :smiley:


It is interesting how much is prosposed by and discussed with the (ru_community), and we have no idea what is going on and you also completely ignore what the english community writes here. There is no point to this forum, it seems completely irrelevant, you share nothing with us and what we say here noone from the actual developer reads.

Considering that the best thing that came out of English forums is Snibs Log analyzer (which is most awesome thing there is) and rest is just unconstructive whining about OP things that were taken away, general lack of ability to see a bigger picture and inability to think outside of the box, not sure why you are surprised by this.

Constant complaining is an incremental part to every game forum I’ve been reading so far, it’s just the lack of actual response and any kind of communication from the developers themselves, isolating them and talking only with the Ru community that make the things even worse. It’s one thing if they do not respond, but another if they completely ignore part of the community. Like about this change, when they say “players have suggested” and “it was discussed”. Nothing about this was talked about here (and many other things in the past, but we suggested some other things that they keep ignoring, this has happened many times before just based on a discussion with a few russian players, but the rest of the world has NO idea what is going on and we keep getting ignored. And we DO have constructive suggestions and ideas on this forum (and community contributions you just mentioned).

And let’s not forget that not too long ago people were having posts deleted and being temp-banned for even suggesting a pro-russian bias from the Devs…

And that.

And let’s not forget that not too long ago people were having posts deleted and being temp-banned for even suggesting a pro-russian bias from the Devs…

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The exception to this rule is the information posted in “Star off-topic.”

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I hate how good ideas are ignored. 


Like different color pings, Corps Alliances, and better mechanics in game…

I hate how good ideas are ignored. 


Like different color pings, Corps Alliances, and better mechanics in game…

They are not ignored - we just concentrate on the most time-consuming things. After we are done with new mode and dreadnoughts and stuff we will get down to what you are referring to.

You what!? Why the hell would you ruin Abandoned Outpost like that?

Leaderboard change is much needed, assuming it only counts T4 and T5 battles.

No fix to matchmaking though… 2-man squads still broken.

Overall, not a great patch; one problem fixed, one ignored, and the game’s best map ruined for no reason.

is no maps with warpgates in t5


also noticed some t3 maps, wich was in t5 before, and now is back again. 



They are not ignored - we just concentrate on the most time-consuming things. After we are done with new mode and dreadnoughts and stuff we will get down to what you are referring to.


Ah, see that makes certain sense, but you really should make that fact known! 


A little recognition towards a good idea goes a long way. 

Ah, see that makes certain sense, but you really should make that fact known! 


A little recognition towards a good idea goes a long way.

We’ve been over this numerous times, actually…

We’ve been over this numerous times, actually…

I hope there is a relation between the Kinetic Supercharger and my Suggestion to have “DoT weapon/Ammunition” xD.