Star Conflict OBT v.0.10.2 Discussion

That Blood… is perfect!

There was no reason to bump up the difficulty in PVE, seems kinda dumb to punish the players that do it when there is not enough people online to play normal PVP. 


A new premium ship!? I will probably get it, but first let me wait until there is a discount. Lol. 


Still waiting on a release date…

same :D 



It’s awesome! 

For the most part, Star Conflict represents women in a way that’s relatively neutral: the faction leaders don’t look stupidly top-heavy and look battle-ready, for example. This is something that’s made me feel more comfortable here than with other games.


I tried to ignore the way that International Women’s Day was represented not by badass women, but by men giving flowers, with a fluffy-wuffy teddy sat at the bottom, condescending as it felt, but now I seem to have a simpering secretary in my hanger. Her syrupy suggestion that I should get a reward sounds like it’s about to be followed by an offer to polish my medals or something. Could we at least have someone that sounds in some way battle-hardened or something? Like how the guys do? I don’t want the only female voices in Star Conflict to sound completely servile. :confused:


This isn’t to say that I don’t welcome there being female voices, just that I’d like her sounding less submissive. It’s a bit creepy.


after the update I got this



after the update I got this

Likely a false positive, at least these 51 other anti-virus programs found nothing:

?,whats with the yellow text telling who got what ship,i could care less,if i want to know what ships someone has,i would ask…

This isn’t to say that I don’t welcome there being female voices, just that I’d like her sounding less submissive. It’s a bit creepy.


They are not submissive, far from that.


Not sure if trolling or very weird person. I hope you’re just trolling.

The new one in the hanger? The one congratulating you and so forth? I think she sounds like a simpering secretary, like I said above. I’m not the only person that has thought as much, and I’d appreciate not being written off as a ‘weird person’ or a troll because I’m uncomfortable with it. I think it’s important not to undermine women when they express discomfort at the representation of women in games. Disagreement is one thing, but the ‘weird person’ or ‘troll’ suggestion is a bit much.

Yeah the hangar voice is kinda strange, they should have stayed with the old classic scifi female computer voice we have in battle instead of this wispy new voice with a southern US drawl.

Aw now I can’t possibly beat my kill score in team battle because there’s only 30 points. What a sad world.

For the most part, Star Conflict represents women in a way that’s relatively neutral: the faction leaders don’t look stupidly top-heavy and look battle-ready, for example. This is something that’s made me feel more comfortable here than with other games.


I tried to ignore the way that International Women’s Day was represented not by badass women, but by men giving flowers, with a fluffy-wuffy teddy sat at the bottom, condescending as it felt, but now I seem to have a simpering secretary in my hanger. Her syrupy suggestion that I should get a reward sounds like it’s about to be followed by an offer to polish my medals or something. Could we at least have someone that sounds in some way battle-hardened or something? Like how the guys do? I don’t want the only female voices in Star Conflict to sound completely servile. :confused:


This isn’t to say that I don’t welcome there being female voices, just that I’d like her sounding less submissive. It’s a bit creepy.


While I don’t like women being portrayed as subservient, neither do I like women acting like men. Do women have to act like men just so that they will be taken seriously? That shouldn’t be the case, right? 


As for the patch… not much to comment on for me. It’s nice to see a T3 prem Jeri guard, because it was missing from the ship tree. But it’ll be nice if we can have end tier versions for the main line ships of each faction. Admittedly I appreciate T3 for its oddities (yay for an R9 non-prem Jeri LRF) but too many main line ships are missing from the R9 lineup.

I’m not suggesting women should impersonate men, no. That’d sound strange. I’m not entirely sure what women are supposed to act like though, all the women I know behave pretty differently to each other. Some follow stereotypes, some don’t, much like the men I know. It’d be good to have a woman speaking in an army-fitting way though, like the guys do. I don’t think women have to turn into guys to do that. Or if that’s too hard to do at present, stick with the more neutral computer-voice, I suppose.


Just to clarify, I’m not suggesting she’s being ‘sexed up’ or something, just that she sounds too weird and servile, or wispy, to use the turn of phrase above.


I’m not suggesting that all the current battle-dialogue which refers to all pilots as being male should be changed immediately as I understand that’d be a big task (though it’s a shame it was done that way in the first place), but if newer stuff being put in could be a little more balanced, that’d be very much appreciated.



Для Т5 скоро будут особые корабли. Премы позавидуют.

_ There will be unique T5 ships, soon. Premiums will be smoking in a shame corner. _

А можно немножко поподробнее?

_ Any details? _


Можно, но только немножко  :012j: 

Сейчас в работе находятся уникальные корабли для этого технологического уровня. Следите за нашими анонсами и блогом разработчиков - позднее, мы расскажем о них больше!

_ Sure _

There are unique T5 ships in the works :slight_smile:

Follow Dev Blog and announcements, we will talk about those in details _ later  __ . _


Damn, sounds like I need to move up to T5. :wink:

Thx for the find.

thx Kostyan


and +1 for better rep for women


if you want neutral voices for women, look to Homeworld as an example.


or Daveigh Chase if you have the budget :stuck_out_tongue: she was Chihiro in Spirited Away

It’d be good to have a woman speaking in an army-fitting way though, like the guys do. I don’t think women have to turn into guys to do that. Or if that’s too hard to do at present, stick with the more neutral computer-voice, I suppose.


Soooo. First of all, we are NOT soldiers. We are mercenaries. Remember that. “Sons of b1tches” doesn’t sound very official either. So if my casual mercenary protagonist wants to have a sexy secretary, he can do that. That being said, i understand you, it’s a war situation. Best would be a computer voice, at least in Jerry hangars.

Ok, swap army for mercenary, I think the point still stands. My protagonist isn’t a ‘he’, I want it to be open to being of any gender/sexual orientation, and I don’t think that’d be hard to achieve. Better to make it open to everyone, including audio fitting in, and not representing Women’s Day with men handing out teddy bears and flowers. It’s just about allowing women to be seen as full-on mercenaries too. :slight_smile:

Just give us a way to turn it off, that would make me happy

Ok, swap army for mercenary, I think the point still stands. My protagonist isn’t a ‘he’, I want it to be open to being of any gender/sexual orientation, and I don’t think that’d be hard to achieve. Better to make it open to everyone, including audio fitting in, and not representing Women’s Day with men handing out teddy bears and flowers. It’s just about allowing women to be seen as full-on mercenaries too. :slight_smile:


I told you about my mercenary. If you want to immerse you will want to imagine yourself as a person. I tend to imagine myself as a male (for obvious reasons). You have your own choices. Ideal would be a choice of voices/staff, but thats probably an unnecessary development in this kind of a game. So what finemw said: let us turn it off.

Yes, I’m aware of immersion, but it’s easier to immerse yourself as a woman if you are not being spoken to as a man. I’m not trying to flame, or be rude, I’m only asking that we are spoken to in a way that means we don’t have a different level of immersion-compatible detail according to what gender or sexuality we are. That’s the problem I have with the ‘well you should just be able to turn it off’ thing. I want to have the same amount of features as anyone else. I’m not asking for anything that would be difficult to do, it’s just a case of imagining you are speaking to a room of people, some of whom are women and some of whom are men.


For the record, you can turn it off. Go to settings and then audio. I just don’t think that there should be options that are actively a bit weird for women, when they could very easily be made great for anyone, I just don’t see a real problem with what I’m asking for. :confused:

Just give us a way to turn it off, that would make me happy

But you can. I don’t have hangar sounds. But that doesn’t mean that for those who enjoy the immersion that it shouldn’t, well, be immersive. :slight_smile: