Welcome to the [Star Conflict 1.6.3.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/38828-star-conflict-163-moon-race/) discussion topic!
Welcome to the [Star Conflict 1.6.3.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/38828-star-conflict-163-moon-race/) discussion topic!
Oh man. Usually I try to keep these walls of text at least _somewhat polite _but this time its gonna be a real challenge. Because this update was offensive.
The major highlight of the update and main focus - this “event” is being given the old double edged sword treatment although thankfully not just being outright locked behind a paywall like a certain other event. The event itself is from a day 2 perspective - okay. Xenochip gain is inconsistent as f*ck and rather than just having daily missions that you get xenochips from like the event that just ended you get xenochips from any task at a diminishing rate. As some of us have also found out, the " reset" for xenochip diminishing returns _ is based one when you first did a task _ so potentially it could flatout be at midnight.
As for the rewards:
-Free avatars are nice
-Free paintjob which I think is just the pumpkin preset again, not sure but I guess free presets are always nice
-Free premium ship _ of your choice _ is amazing and actually worth the effort
-Pirate missiles really shouldn’t be so far into the event but some of them look nice and a good alternative to the usual suspects
-Custodian part is eh. The ship is going to take a minimum of 99 days to get which is a massive commitment of time. It just feels wrong that the update is being promoted with the ship when its so far away.
Oh right, taunts. Most of them are thematic to the moon race so I think I’ll stick to my usual taunt since it’s somewhat taunting. Kinda.
Props to Sergalicious for dragging me through a run before I had to afk (my bad if I spelt that wrong btw) - for an early access of a mission which hasn’t been beta tested this PvE mission is okay. It’s not bad but I definitely wouldn’t call it good, not yet anyways. For those who haven’t run this mission yet the whole premise of the mission is its a defence mission which is effectively endless (mission timer is 1400 minutes, so good luck timing out) with the only way to end the mission is to let the objective die. For an endless defence mission, this is good. For the run I went through I also noticed decent credit and insignia gain at 10 insignias and 770k credits for 17 waves (roughly 22 minutes) which compared to other PvE missions is amazing and actually worth the effort.
So let’s get to what really drags this experience down.
All the usual suspects of PvE; that players have called bullsh*t are there. We have turtles that on an endless mission means they’ll inevitably scale to base damage of lmao you’re dead, over-the-top-engineer-Ai with stupid high HP pool and beam cannons , we have ECMs from operation Monolith again with Moriarty Virus that only targets Destroyers again, turns radar invisible and can attack you and hack you whilst radar invisible , and some more returning “”"""""""“favourites”""""""""".
And to top off the lot. The defence objective, that you have to defend against scaling enemies has a tiny HP pool. Again.
If the enemies were at the very least tuned for an endless mission and weren’t another case of loadout forcing (hope you have an explosive weapon and always bring a Brokk or Waz’Got with you) and the objective had a respectable amount of health that only made it so you lost when you were truly in over your head and not just “oh I missed an enemy and now the objective has lost 10% health”. It just simply feels like it was designed so there was no room for error at all. And that isn’t fun.
So that was the disappointing part of the update out of the way. Let’s get to the legitimately offensive part.
Oh boy you thought I’d flipped my sh*t last week then you’re in for a treat.
So for those of you out of the loop or were lucky enough to dodge this bullet bill sized nuclear warhead, Ze’ta’s balanced swarm got another cost revision. That sounds good right? It isn’t. It got more expensive. Again.
So just for revision. This was the cost formerly.
3x Crystal storage
3x Unstable Crystal
10x Crystal Neuron
with the Neuron cost able to be broken down to:
6000 Graphite Ore
12,000 Osmium Ore
16,000 Silicon Ore
40,000 Crystal shards
This was already absolutely insane and literally impossible to achieve without trading frequently. But Targem looked at those figures and said to themselves: “Our players aren’t working hard enough for this content”.
So then the resource cap got lowered from 10,000 to 1000 for all basic resources. And then they changed the cost of the special module.
It now costs 200 xenocrystals and a bonus 300 alien composite blocks. Back in the day I’d laugh at that cost but since composite blocks are only obtainable by manufacturing them yourself or by trading _ _this now adds a further 230 xenocrystals to your shopping list, another 30 monocrystals and a further 30 metal blanks (or 90 vanadium ore if you wanna be that guy).
Hope you didn’t set about trading off xenocrystals to buy up those other components because lmao good luck. You have 3 months till the next resource sink is available.
Thanks Targem. We get the point. You don’t like us.
lol Targem is trying to kill the game but people just don’t leave
Well, unfortunate for them I happen to like the game. The grind however would be devastating to my will to live if I had one.
21 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:
So just for revision. This was the cost formerly.
3x Crystal storage
3x Unstable Crystal
10x Crystal Neuron
with the Neuron cost able to be broken down to:
6000 Graphite Ore
12,000 Osmium Ore
16,000 Silicon Ore
40,000 Crystal shards
This was already absolutely insane and literally impossible to achieve without trading frequently. But Targem looked at those figures and said to themselves: “Our players aren’t working hard enough for this content”.
So then the resource cap got lowered from 10,000 to 1000 for all basic resources. And then they changed the cost of the special module.
It now costs 200 xenocrystals and a bonus 300 alien composite blocks. Back in the day I’d laugh at that cost but since composite blocks are only obtainable by manufacturing them yourself or by trading _ _this now adds a further 230 xenocrystals to your shopping list, another 30 monocrystals and a further 30 metal blanks (or 90 vanadium ore if you wanna be that guy).
Hope you didn’t set about trading off xenocrystals to buy up those other components because lmao good luck. You have 3 months till the next resource sink is available.
Wait. They did what? I had all nodes unlocked when they were still neurons, farmed extra 20 neurons “just in case” and they reduced the price to almost nothing? Because seriously - it needed about 300 hours of farming with the best wings around to get that and now it costs almost nothing? I cannot check the price of that node anymore, but seriously if you are correct - at the current rate just do dailies and OS for monocrystals , earn around 160 of them (which with the current missions can be done in about 5-6 days if you are doing conquest, or 8-10 days if you are not doing conquest), trade 130 of them for xenocrystals and done. 3-4 hours of easy gameplay time. That explains why I see more higher ranked Ze’tas lately.
I’ve decided to just ignore the zeta though, as I’m not ever going to put that much effort in to something like that in a game. Ever. Period. They’re fun to hunt though.
As for the event, it’s super nice and honestly one of the most rewarding ones so far. We have only seen 1/3 of the possible rewards so far, and the moon pass seems to only really lock away taunts, stickers, and paint jobs behind the “pay wall”. Yeah it contains the special pirate weapons too, but we’ll see just how broken those are later. Aside for that, everything else that actually affects the game is free to all players.
The only thing that I think really needs to change is the diminishing xenochip returns on missions. They should really have a floor of 10 per mission just to not make players go “oh I’m not getting useful amounts any more time to log off for 23 hours”.
Oh and the item caps. All item caps need to go back to 10,000 or more.
6 minutes ago, OwnageMaster said:
Wait. They did what? I had all nodes unlocked when they were still neurons, farmed extra 20 neurons “just in case” and they reduced the price to almost nothing? Because seriously - it needed about 300 hours of farming with the best wings around to get that and now it costs almost nothing? I cannot check the price of that node anymore, but seriously if you are correct - at the current rate just do dailies and OS for monocrystals , earn around 160 of them (which with the current missions can be done in about 5-6 days if you are doing conquest, or 8-10 days if you are not doing conquest), trade 130 of them for xenocrystals and done. 3-4 hours of easy gameplay time. That explains why I see more higher ranked Ze’tas lately.
The current issue is that the price of the spec mod node has now changed 3 times, with the latest change completely invalidating any players who were still working towards the node and requiring a completely different set of resources which formerly weren’t even involved in the node at all.
Beyond that, with the resource cap at around the 2nd lowest its ever been you now need 40x the resource cap in crystal shards still, so the Neurons themselves are still complete b*tches to make. The only reason you’ve been seeing more high rank Ze’Tas around now is because of the expanse of time between the last change in requirements and now actually allowing people who were already close to make that final leap.
Those of us that were in my position and had the crystal storage and that kinda jazz set from the beginning and didn’t stock on xenocrystals now have a new stretch of farming ahead of them that formerly wasn’t even necessary for the desired node.
EDIT: Also wadduhek is up with the PvP maps atm. Lots of the maps no longer come up with certain modes like Iridium strand with team battle, Northern Mining station with domination or really just anything other than team battle. Really tho, kinda getting monotonous.
This update was certainly a mouthful, locking paints and stuff behind the early access pass is no problem, but doing so with the weapons, even if temporary is a bit annoying , the positron and gauss in that bundle are meh anyway, but the shrapnel sparked the most interest for me, it will make a fine addition to my Tai’Kin build.
I’d recommend you people to start farming the active modules and weapon for Custodian if you haven’t, some of them are in some annoying-to-farm sectors, more specifically the Defence Algorithm.
The new mission is alright, had one single run on it and as far as I can tell, with the right polishing it will make for one of the most popular PvEs.
Xenochip drops also really need to reset with the daily reset. Having them reset at some random point in the day is really bothersome.
Who the hell came to the conclusion that it’s a good idea to match t3 with t5? …
Yeah we really need to COMPLETELY separate r7-9, 10-12, and 13-17. Having them mix is in no way a good idea.
2 hours ago, Xah_Rith said:
I’m not getting any xenochips I tried on every rank to 16 and still nothing after missions…
That is because the xenochips are not from missions.
They are from tasks, aka the list of symbols on the right hand side when in your hangar. Including OS timed tasks, daily pvp over tasks, etc
But, as was said earlier, xenochips have diminishing return.
First time is 20, then 18, 16, etc until 2.
Apparently it refreshes daily, but the timing seems to be different for each person
It’s because it’s 24 hours from when you complete the first task, weird timing, but maybe they will do some changes about it.
29 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:
It’s because it’s 24 hours from when you complete the first task, weird timing, but maybe they will do some changes about it.
hope so…
i can’t even remember when I first did the task
So I just had to go and edit my wall, turns out I must’ve been blind or something yesterday because the Neuron cost was halved. Why am I like this.
Either way, Balanced swarm is now legitimately (kinda) obtainable. Thank you Targem.
6 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:
So I just had to go and edit my wall, turns out I must’ve been blind or something yesterday because the Neuron cost was halved. Why am I like this.
Either way, Balanced swarm is now legitimately (kinda) obtainable. Thank you Targem.
Huh? I don’t see the cost halved, it’s still 200 screened batteries and processing blocks per neuron, it also was 200 before, still too insane amount. 1000 of each just for module is pure madness.
NEURON cost was halved for the spec mod. It’s now 5 Neurons instead of 10.
2 hours ago, Gon009 said:
Huh? I don’t see the cost halved, it’s still 200 screened batteries and processing blocks per neuron, it also was 200 before, still too insane amount. 1000 of each just for module is pure madness.
5 Neurons? LOL. Not long ago you needed 91 Neurons - not counting special modules to upgrade Ze’ta. And a lot of people did that. 1000 screened batteries seems like a lot, but even if you want to grind it I see missions for 12 of them popping up pretty frequently. Or grind some monos and trade them for batteries (current rate is 1 mono for 3 or 4 screened batteries). Processing blocks are a little harder to obtain, but still it’s nothing in comparison what was two months ago.
I have a 7 moon race and I do not see painting wood. WHERE IS IT?