Star Conflict 1.5.7 (Discussion)

5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

After over an hour. My daughter asked me to help her practice her form. We were waiting for you to come for 20 minutes. 

Also - as you can see - I am not defending anything. Just calling out some lies. Tiers are back - ,,


I played just one PvP game yesterday with each  of my two accounts. both ended with clear domination of one side.

I n each game you can see ships that are lower rank than R10 in same game with R17.



5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

you won’t meet a person with 10 games fighting R17s. Low rank buffs are reduced to the point that actually I don’t think they have any advantage.


If we have multiple tiers Low R buffs are unneeded, If person with R17 ship has also slotted R9 ships for battle that is only because of R buffs. Remove rank buffs in total.

All that should be allowed is to use all implants for specific slot once those implants are opened. So no R buffs just if I slot R7 ships all implants to max R should work for that R7 ship.



5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

Nightingale trying to face engie one on one explodes nicely. R12s have some buffs but they are almost neglected by faster reload on R13+. R7s? Usually suck. I killed Archelon with Zhen today. And that was a properly built Archelon. Deconstructor cannon is now the weakest gun for inties. Cutter with that cannon vs my engie = cutter dead, I had still 40% of hull left. I played some random games - solo - as well. I wanted you to join to see those heavy unbalanced games as from total 12 games 2 were won by a landslide (one team took light ships and no engie vs frigball + dessie + 2 engies and the second one - detonation, 2/3rd of a team took slow ships on 20km+ map vs 700m/s interceptors and a gunship).


All ships were killable four years ago, two years ago last week and today - except Thar’ga on release.

Question is why do low-rank ships need buffs to be equalized or to even be better than high-rank ships.

If I open new account I can get to R9 - 10 in one day max in two days, tell me why should I desire R 17 if I as PvP junky can win in those low -rank ships?

Just to collect dust on R17 in the hangar?



5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

Regarding energy converter - if people know what are they doing it’s a slot waster.


Are you kidding right?

80% of better players here have that module on almost all ships.

The module has ridiculous fire output and short reload time combined with instant damage when you just hit target with beam in split of split sec. Also by my experience when using it feels like beam is extra wide so it is easy to hit target with it.

Totally unbalanced and unneeded module. 




5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

Fighting squad vs squad every single time someone was using EC- other were stopping shooting him.


Good thing that all are playing in squads -  (sarcastic)

You are not listening. Try PvP alone and than you will see how everyone will stop shooting.


5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:


So you are asking for module to be removed, because people are too stupid to understand how it works.


yes indeed.

Are you kidding right?

80% of better players here have that module on almost all ships.

The module has ridiculous fire output and short reload time combined with instant damage when you just hit target with beam in split of split sec. Also by my experience when using it feels like beam is extra wide so it is easy to hit target with it.

Totally unbalanced and unneeded module. 

Good thing that all are playing in squads -  (sarcastic)

You are not listening. Try PvP alone and than you will see how everyone will stop shooting.


5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

Maybe then remove gunships?


actually only class by the name of ship that should have more firepower is gunship. 

Gunships except Stingray and perhaps Thar’ga are pretty well balanced, even that Wolfhound that was crap on release is better now (Ignis still sucks)



5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

They are doing so much damage to engineers.


Gunship; ship with multiple guns, more guns more firepower output.


5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:


Oh and remove engineers - they can HEAL team.


That is good and only thing that should be their purpose.

Engineers should be easy to kill. Their team should defend them.

Engineer; to be support for the team, not main damage dealer.


5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

And then remove destroyers - cause without gunships and engineers the only counter for them will be a covertops - which is OP as it can kill you if you are flying straight.


What you are trying to say here I don’t understand.


I can just say my opinion about destroyers if you ask for it.

Destroyer should be ship with the hardest hull and with biggest firepower - that is name definition of ship.

Personally, I don’t think that ships of that quality belong in PvP game.

O release of Destroyer ship class they were as they should be - ultimate ship.

But as I said personal opinion is that they don’t fit to this kind of PvP that we have.

90% of maps are to small for them and if they would be as name say they could easily dominate PvP game.

Now they are just hard to balance + extra grind to get everything so that they can work as they should, in the end, most people are just disappointed with them.


Best thing would be to remove them from PvP and make them some kind of ultimate safe ship for OS so that new player can survive when attacked by any other ship class.




5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

And flying straight nowadays is common, because you can aim easier.


What is this all about I don’t know or understand?


5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

Oh - and LRFs! I forgot about LRFs. They can hit you from 10km and you cannot fight them back - they are OP!!!


Now, I don’t say anything if person is that good and hit me on max straff or rotation that I have on my ship from LRF at 10k distance,

but when LRF drone that is closer than 5km is hitting me each time and at same time is unkillable than I would say that it is extra unbalanced.


You know tacklers drones are bigger so easier to hit overall and they can be destroyed in few shots.

This is small as micro locator and at the same time with extreme resists and big survivability.


You tested this sh it and you are saying now to me that they are not OP and asking me why do I complain???




5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:


This whole game is based about learning what ship can do what and what can you do to help or block that ship from doing so. Is it a module, weapon or the ship itself. It’s called countering. So if you have a module that the only counter for it is to do NOTHING - well, that’s HARD, right?


Best thing would be that I ignore this what you have written here.

But that would not be me.

You, my friend, are theoretic and I’m practical person.

You say and believe something that is written I check that in practice. I don’t read what devs nerfed or buffed in patch, I go play PvP and see how it feels and how it is.

You say we have multiple tiers, how is that I can see unleveled R7 ship playing against R17 in same game?

I know theory says it is not possible. Reality is wrong and my screenshots are imaginary.


Designers = Developers = Arhitects  they all can draw - write something nice on paper but is that also good and nice in reality is some other thing. 



40 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:


1. no R buffs just if I slot R7 ships all implants to max R should work for that R7 ship


  1. tell me why should I desire R 17 if I as PvP junky can win in those low -rank ships?

Just to collect dust on R17 in the hangar?


  1. Engineers should be easy to kill. Their team should defend them.

Engineer; to be support for the team, not main damage dealer.

  1. I would consider that very unfair to newer players for those crew implants of higher ranks unlocked by vets being used on even rank 4 ships. I’d have to say no. 


  1. The only thing I can say is that I hope the Devs utilize my conditions for removing the rank buffs from pilots who have already and are grinding up their ship trees.


  1. Engineers should be able to be built to be tanky, yes having an engi that can deal lots of damage can be a bit much, but that’s not broken. My guards still kill any and all engineers.

the main problem when attacking enemy engineers is that they usually are protected, sometimes too well so that it seems like they are the highest damage dealers when they are in fact the greatest lures and decoys to lure you and your allies into the enemy trap where they will kill you and the engi will simply heal any damage done on a decent team and survive because of said team. That’s perfectly fine. My tip is this, when the engineer is at the maw of the enemy, don’t focus on it at all. Hit it, make it retreat to the back lines, sure, but do not chance and chase. Focus on the enemy inties, fighters and general guard personnel. Those are the targets you must deal with and sometimes you need to just deal with not being able to be rid of the enemy engineer, because if you can’t get over it, you will only feed the enemy.

16 minutes ago, WolfKhanGeneral said:

  1. I would consider that very unfair to newer players for those crew implants of higher ranks unlocked by vets being used on even rank 4 ships. I’d have to say no. 


Perhaps I didn’t clear this good enough.

If we have multiple tiers crew implant should work to max slotted ship Rank.

So if we have 1-6 max crew implant for particular slot should be 6 if you have opened it.

next R 7-11 max crew implant should be 11 if it is opened for every ship used no matter if I use R7 or R11 ship.

max R12-max once opened R15 crew implant should work for R12 as well.

Now since rank buffs, we have seen many anomalies like Ghost or Nightingale and soo on I would remove them.

Since some players say that they would like to use low R ships in max tier as well I would make it so once player slot R12 he is in max tier but he can use all ships that he have so R4 as well but get no buffs for low R but he-she can use all implants to R12.


I understand that all crew implants will make some advantage against new players but at the same time, it will motivate them to open all crew implants.

The benefit of this will be that if player that have all ships can also use all implants on low-rank ship if he-she desire to slot it with max R ships.


16 minutes ago, WolfKhanGeneral said:


  1. The only thing I can say is that I hope the Devs utilize my conditions for removing the rank buffs from pilots who have already and are grinding up their ship trees.





16 minutes ago, WolfKhanGeneral said:


  1. Engineers should be able to be built to be tanky, yes having an engi that can deal lots of damage can be a bit much, but that’s not broken.


For me it is. As support ship, it should not be main damage deliver. 


16 minutes ago, WolfKhanGeneral said:

My guards still kill any and all engineers.


that is ok


16 minutes ago, WolfKhanGeneral said:

the main problem when attacking enemy engineers is that they usually are protected, sometimes too well so that it seems like they are the highest damage dealers when they are in fact the greatest lures and decoys to lure you and your allies into the enemy trap where they will kill you and the engi will simply heal any damage done on a decent team and survive because of said team. That’s perfectly fine.


what exactly did I say different then you did?


1 hour ago, GatoGrande said:

That is good and only thing that should be their purpose.

Engineers should be easy to kill. Their team should defend them.

Engineer; to be support for the team, not main damage dealer.


once left alone they should be easy to kill even one vs one with almost all ship classes.

What is not exactly true here if Waz’got or some other Engineers are properly built.


48 minutes ago, WolfKhanGeneral said:

My tip is this, when the engineer is at the maw of the enemy, don’t focus on it at all. Hit it, make it retreat to the back lines, sure, but do not chance and chase. Focus on the enemy inties, fighters and general guard personnel. Those are the targets you must deal with and sometimes you need to just deal with not being able to be rid of the enemy engineer, because if you can’t get over it, you will only feed the enemy.


Your tip is perhaps good just for random PvP but for any real Tournament or real team play Engineers are always first target.


13 hours ago, Not_rusty said:

*Mentions removal of auto afterburner key.*

Why?? Why was it removed? Yes, most people did not use it. But there are some who did. Do people, who didn’t use the key benefit from this change? I don’t think so. Do people who did use the key suffer from it’s removal? Yes. 

So why was it removed? Can we have it back?

Need my auto AB back i always used it

11 hours ago, GatoGrande said:


  1. Perhaps I didn’t clear this good enough.

If we have multiple tiers crew implant should work to max slotted ship Rank.

So if we have 1-6 max crew implant for particular slot should be 6 if you have opened it.

next R 7-11 max crew implant should be 11 if it is opened for every ship used no matter if I use R7 or R11 ship.

max R12-max once opened R15 crew implant should work for R12 as well.

Now since rank buffs, we have seen many anomalies like Ghost or Nightingale and soo on I would remove them.

Since some players say that they would like to use low R ships in max tier as well I would make it so once player slot R12 he is in max tier but he can use all ships that he have so R4 as well but get no buffs for low R but he-she can use all implants to R12.


  1. I understand that all crew implants will make some advantage against new players but at the same time, it will motivate them to open all crew implants.

The benefit of this will be that if player that have all ships can also use all implants on low-rank ship if he-she desire to slot it with max R ships.



  1. ?




  1. For me it is. As support ship, it should not be main damage deliver. 



  1. that is ok



  1. what exactly did I say different then you did?



  1. once left alone they should be easy to kill even one vs one with almost all ship classes.

What is not exactly true here if Waz’got or some other Engineers are properly built.



  1. Your tip is perhaps good just for random PvP but for any real Tournament or real team play Engineers are always first target. what your saying is you want the implants within that certain tier to be available to every ship within that tier, for instance, T1 ranks 1-6, you get all of the unlocked implants up to rank 6 for any ship from rank 1-6 so that a rank 1 would be able to use up to rank 6 implants and no higher than that, provided that it isn’t a

match with mixed tiers, where the upper limit may go to an even higher rank so higher implants may become accessible to said rank 6 say rank 15 if an enemy or ally of that rank appears.


  1. This would be questionable, but it would be acceptable so long as new players may retain rank buffs while pilots who have grinded through the ranks of their individual ship trees will no longer have said buffs.


  1. Please scroll up 11 or so comments and read it there.


  1. To my knowledge, engineer frigates do not utilize much damage at all and are not main damage givers, there are many classes which do much more damage than an engineer ever could, but I have been away for a while so I have a question in return; why do you believe that engineers are high damage givers?


  1. And all of my other ships too, for that matter.


  1. Essentially what I

was saying is that it is an illusion thinking that engineers are high damage dealers when it is in fact their allies that protect them that are killing pilots who attack the engi who are said damage givers.


  1. If said ships battling well built engineers are well built and the pilots of equal skill level, I see no reason why the engineer would win 1 vs 1 at all. At least when it comes to my ship builds which are considered weak by some of the community, I would never lose against an engineer, even a waz got.


  1. The tip goes especially for real team play. Sure, when

you can rofl stomp an enemy weaker than you, it’s easy to take down the enemy engineer and then think the enemy is now weakened to the point where you can now start suddenly killing the enemy fighters. In a

match of equal skill however, where both teams have wonderful defense of their engineers, and a great offense both, the first one to chase the well placed enemy engineer is the team that loses.

3 hours ago, GatoGrande said:

but when LRF drone that is closer than 5km is hitting me each time and at same time is unkillable than I would say that it is extra unbalanced.


You know tacklers drones are bigger so easier to hit overall and they can be destroyed in few shots.

This is small as micro locator and at the same time with extreme resists and big survivability.


You tested this sh it and you are saying now to me that they are not OP and asking me why do I complain???



Best thing would be that I ignore this what you have written here.

But that would not be me.

You, my friend, are theoretic and I’m practical person.

You say and believe something that is written I check that in practice. I don’t read what devs nerfed or buffed in patch, I go play PvP and see how it feels and how it is.

You say we have multiple tiers, how is that I can see unleveled R7 ship playing against R17 in same game?

I know theory says it is not possible. Reality is wrong and my screenshots are imaginary.


Designers = Developers = Arhitects  they all can draw - write something nice on paper but is that also good and nice in reality is some other thing. 



First - all I say comes from practice - normal games and custom ones. Nothing I say here is just pure theory. If I write something here about something - it means that I experienced it. Not thought about it. I spent last two days checking the changes and looking for patterns. And they are here - like - less and less lower rank (R1-R7) ships in R17 pvp games. I know that you would jump on me with a screenshot of Fox-M or crap - no need. I saw a R3 ECM in one game. But that was in squad and deliberate to see if it is possible to fly so low ship in R17 PvP. So - yes someone can circumvent tier boundaries and fly low ranked ship. But in general - no, it’s not the case. From my - games gone are Ghosts with Focusing laser or unkillable Archelons (the latter i killed in 1v1 with Zhen - so here you have a pure example of low rank vs high rank. And that 1v1 occured in normal PvP game against my corpmate that was using this build to wreak havoc less than a week ago). Today I had two stingrays in enemy team, piloted by pretty decent people. I got 3 kills on them - two with my Rockwell with Gauss and the third one when they were closing in on my WazGot - I jumped away and my drones just ate that Stingray. So no - OP Stingrays are no more. So OP builds based on low rank buffs are not that OP anymore. If you can fly them properly - good for you. You still need skill to utilise them and jumping in with “hey this is OP build and low rank bonuses will save me” usually ends with ship destruction. 

Regarding the tiers - I don’t know if they are defined by ranks only or on something else. But don’t think tiers as 3 ranks boundaries. From what I checked it’s like we have 3 tiers with the highest beginning at around R7 (all ships have same amount of slots from that rank - it would make the most sense), but today I haven’t notice lower rank than R10 when I was flying my R15-R17 lineup. When I logged to my R7 account though - the highest ship that was in enemy team was R9. So more testing is needed.


So back to the remote drone disintegrator. It has 90%+ reduction against AoE damage. If you are shooting it with anything that has direct hit effect only - it’s easy to kill in seconds. Ion emitter is can do over 10k/s against it and can kill it in 3-4 seconds. And it’s auto aim assist is actually pretty weak. I can hit less targets with that than with normal disintegrator. 

8 hours ago, SniperNoob117 said:

Need my auto AB back i always used it

Oh Auto AB is there still.

What got changed is the option to turn it on and off without having to open the option menu, aka the default Z key.


Before, you can just press one key to toggle AB on, press again to turn it off in case you need that bit of energy.


Now, if you check the auto-AB box in option menu, auto-AB still works, but CANNOT be turned off with a single press of a key.


I have only one word for this change: WHY???


What is the benefit of implementing this change?

So that ppl can exercise the muscles on their fingers by keeping shift pressed down??


For those accustomed to using shift for manual AB control, or those who are fine with having auto-AB on all the time, this change has NO benefit at all.


For those used to using auto-AB and wants to have the option to turn it off mid-fight, this change is the complete OPPOSITE of good.


As a Guard-main, I almost always use the Z toggle when I need to go fly faster (for a Guard), or when I need that extra bit of energy regen to help with Emergency Shield/Hull Boost.

Removal of the Z toggle means I have to either 1) use those without the “extra” energy regen redirected from engine, or 2) change a habit that has been formed for over 3 years.


Sure, you can call me “lazy”. I admit I use auto-AB toggle keys a lot, simply because I don’t want to keep the shift key pressed down for minutes.


Since when is “allowing players to be lazy” a sin?


That option has been there for at least two years.

No one complained about it. No one thought it gave one group of players an advantage over the rest.


So why the heck would you Devs remove it???


Unless it’s because a new law was passed that put strict requirements for ppl playing games to use their small finger to press down the shift key, I DEMAND the return of the Z toggle key.

(as if any of you Devs actually read anything in this forum)

It’s because too many players would accidentally turn it on while in-flight, and it would be confusing to many not knowing how to turn it off, many builds would be effected negatively by the consistant drain on energy. Aside from that, having a lack of a full energy capacitor would make hull healing passive modules useless and the base shield regen would be diminished to unacceptable levels.     

In any case, this could be avoided by defaulting the key to a less obvious location or simply default as off for users to discover and use as they please.

4 hours ago, WolfKhanGeneral said:

n any case, this could be avoided by defaulting the key to a less obvious location or simply default as off for users to discover and use as they please.



I am pretty sure most ppl play with one hand on the WASD and another hand on the mouse. Left-handed would probably be IJKL plus mouse.

Why not just set the button to some out-of-reach button, for instance Del or any of those F1/2/3 keys?


Point is, removing the key is NOT a good solution.


In any case, it is definitely a bad idea to “punish” some players because some other players are not familiar with the controls.


I could point out that many are also confused by the CTRL key to switch between “normal” flight and “Dessie” flight. Would the devs remove that? No. Then why remove the Z toggle??

Just a side point, the 3 type of ships that need the extra energy boosts are: Command using Diffusion Shield, Engineer using pretty much every engineer module, and Guard using Emergency Shield/Hull Boosts.


Yes many other ships have modules that need a large amount of energy. But these 3 consume the largest amount of energy.


I’d expect ppl using these few to know how to preserve energy, but… ah well


I usually make my ships able to use AB non-stop and still have sufficient energy for modules. Probably a left over habit from my EVE “cap-stable” fitting styles… or maybe I’m just lazy.


What could have been done instead: (in order of preference)


  1. Change the default key from Z to some obscure corner of the keyboard.

This prevents accidental toggling.


  1. Add the thing into the tutorial so new players would know that there is this key and what function it has.

Less effective since there are bound to be ppl skipping the tutorial.


  1. Keep the thing there, make a message display on the HUD the first few times a player toggle AB on/off.

Yes this would be very difficult to do. Implement the message too obtrusive and it would interfere with the fight; implement it too subtle and players may not notice.

fire support seems to be blasted, cant complete it on slowboat without dying multiple times and monolith is just massacre. with duplicators price increment ppl just farm them in open space,cant wait when devs nerf duplicators

4 hours ago, viperki said:

fire support seems to be blasted, cant complete it on slowboat without dying multiple times and monolith is just massacre. with duplicators price increment ppl just farm them in open space,cant wait when devs nerf duplicators

A Cruiser from Fire Support and Defence Contract is not identical. Even if you destroy all of its four engines, it will travel faster than the one in the Defence Contract, not to mention that the range in the Fire Support is also smaller than in Defence Contract. Inconsistency at its finest.

Do I have to make a video of me soloing the Cruiser with Tor AE and Centaur back to back?

2 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Do I have to make a video of me soloing the Cruiser with Tor AE and Centaur back to back?

No need. Do it only in the Waz’Got, 2 bots and 1 random that’s dead and refuses to respawn while you’re at it.

On 8/25/2018 at 7:07 PM, Schwarzschild said:

In any case, it is definitely a bad idea to “punish” some players because some other players are not familiar with the controls.

It’s less a matter of “unfamiliar” and more a matter of “know it exists and will never use it ever because it’s awful”

2 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Do I have to make a video of me soloing the Cruiser with Tor AE and Centaur back to back?

I’d love to see you solo monolith lmao.


(I’d also love a way to add more quotes to a post after you’ve already submitted it. For some reason I remember being able to do that a while ago and now I can’t seem to.)

On 8/28/2018 at 1:30 AM, TheDarkRedFox said:

I’d love to see you solo monolith lmao.


(I’d also love a way to add more quotes to a post after you’ve already submitted it. For some reason I remember being able to do that a while ago and now I can’t seem to.)

To get a quote, hit up the quote button as if you’re making a new comment, go down to new quote and blue copy the entire box with the ctrl functions. Now you can have as many as you wish )





I did forget to mention that they also have added a 64bit client for Windows in this update (missed it because I only diffed the data files). [@Koromac](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/243485-koromac/) weren’t you the one who asked for it all the time?

So that’s why there is a win64 folder in the game files, where now my Screenshots are getting redirected.


2 hours ago, WolfKhanGeneral said:

To get a quote, hit up the quote button as if you’re making a new comment, go down to new quote and blue copy the entire box with the ctrl functions. Now you can have as many as you wish )





On mobile