Star Conflict 1.5.1с (Discussion)

2 minutes ago, _terrorblade said:

Wrong. it is compact disc, the revolutionary new storage medium

Max 700 Mb of datas? IMPOSSIBLE !


6 hours ago, Rakza said:

  Reveal hidden contents


Look at base CD


And now : 

  Reveal hidden contents



What kind of Sorcery is this?

 Tai’kin mines and some weapons can prolong your module CD

29 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:

 Tai’kin mines and some weapons can prolong your module CD

Look the Debuff Bar


Edit: there was no Tai’kin or Breach Laser

18 minutes ago, Rakza said:

Look the Debuff Bar


Edit: there was no Tai’kin or Breach Laser

There used to be a bug that if you die under CD increased debuff, it does not clear up after you respawn, was that something like that for you?


P.S. Didn’t ECms get something to increase CDs as well

1 minute ago, xKostyan said:

There used to be a bug that if you die under CD increased debuff, it does not clear up after you respawn, was that something like that for you?


P.S. Didn’t ECms get something to increase CDs as well


No, I got the “Fear Me” medal from this game if I remember correctly.


ECM got something, but I don’t remember been focused by one during this time. Especially just after activating the MIG-105. I took the screenshot like 5 seconds after launching it.

[](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/213-bug-report-section/)

![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)


2 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

[](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/213-bug-report-section/)

![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)




Campaign needs fixing. 

Several missions rely on game types that are exceedingly rare. The missions are not hard but often rely of specific game types. Some game types like Detonation only appear once every week or so for non-hardcore players because of the random number generator that decides matches. Co Op is the same way, i have been trying for 4 days to get a detonation match, after the first day i started keeping track, right now i am sitting at 30 PvP matches and 60 Co Op matches, split roughly equally between ranks 1 and 15. Nearly all of the matches have been Domination or Elimination, with no Detonation. I need a single bomb plant to advance in campaign, but since i cannot get a required match, i cannot advance. I thought i could try forcing a detonation by setting up a custom game with friends, but it did not count.

It is perfectly fine, expected even, to test players in skill, it is not fine to have them play roulette for the chance to take the test.


Also, the XP system is redundant if you lock pilot ranks behind mission progress, I’ve been staring at “15, 0 left to 16” since the system was added, why bother with the gauge at all?

22 hours ago, Rakza said:

The problem is this module should be “Front Line of Sight” and should have an option to Cancel it.

i am even happy it works without los, and that i can use it as is, its range is also quite fair.

i never had the urge to cancel it.


22 hours ago, Rakza said:

when most of the game objectives requires mobility.

some modules give you distinct downsides for their buffs. this gives you two abilities, which are mutually exclusive, by situation. i see that as a good thing.

you get that mobility through the module, you get speed. its a guard. so tank isnt a problem. but you can make pit stops to reload shield faster.

look, balance is about one module not giving you fifty different things. one outrageous thing about elly ships was in the start, that they got tons of new mechanics in their slots.



22 hours ago, Rakza said:

Have you seen the “Non-Premium” module distribution?

i fly mostly a non-premium guard, and you know that.

i have seen the distribution, and tried most guards actually.

even further, i tried most ships, also from the other roles and classes, and yes, some have questionable use for their assigned modules.

i am also not happy about some of the command modules, or tackler modules on a few ships.

i am not saying, it’s wrong what u say, but i feel it’s a bit one sided to say “poor guards” in this situation.

what i meant, compared to some other roles, the guards got actually quite nice toys.

additionally we got a weapon for all guards, and a cpu module for all guards.


and i dont want a 8km weapon, period. that thing is imba.

same as i did not want uber weapons on covopsies. because lets face it, except the uber weapons, and the iEscape module, they got mostly useless “cones”.

21 hours ago, Rakza said:

Look the Debuff Bar


Edit: there was no Tai’kin or Breach Laser

[Breach Laser] was in your weapon slot - maybe bugish interaction from there? Maybe unlikely but wanted to point out…

24 minutes ago, avarshina said:

[Breach Laser] was in your weapon slot - maybe bugish interaction from there? Maybe unlikely but wanted to point out…


That was a Fuse Blaster, Spiral cannot equip Breach Laser

2 hours ago, avarshina said:

[Breach Laser] was in your weapon slot - maybe bugish interaction from there? Maybe unlikely but wanted to point out…

that’s a fuse blaster, not a breach laser