Star Conflict 1.5.1с (Discussion)

6 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

No, It only kills ships own power plant. Any other means of gaining energy still works, be it ECM energy drain or Engineers energy aura.

Last time I used my Engineer, this crap cutted all energy regen, even from the Energy Emitter

Vids or did not happen ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

12 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Vids or did not happen ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

I still have PTSD from my past videos…


Next time I’m motivated enough to get violently Scrapped by Front/Decons, I will try to record

59 minutes ago, Rakza said:

Last time I used my Engineer, this crap cutted all energy regen, even from the Energy Emitter

yeah, in my opinion it should not be like this, stuff like that should still generate energy

That’s seems to be a balanced Range…




2 hours ago, Rakza said:

That’s seems to be a balanced Range…






The range is really big, but you still got even game.

I don’t have close games like this.

you guys know why normal npc laser beams slow my frigate down if hit? normal laser canon? why?



3 hours ago, [Rakza](< base_url >/?app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id=240741) said:

That’s seems to be a balanced Range…


While we are still in the Fleet Upgrade:

The Endeavour / Spiral / Gargoyle / Dart are following a General Rule :


  • They are not premium
  • Can or Could be build through Game’s Events
  • Share the particularity of Specialized modules, all following the same rule " 1 (one) Specific Weapon " / " 1 (one) Specific Modifier " / " 1 (One) Specific Active Module "
  • Only Dart and Gargoyle have a Second “Special Module” while Endeavour has the “Booster Shield” (Where is the Booster part?) / Spiral has the “MiG 105” (Which is ultra-Fun but has 2/4 modules and no missiles :confused: )


With the Previous Fleet Upgrade: Dart, Endeavour and Gargoyle were more or less abandonned by Devs: 

  • Special Modules are not useful as during the release of the Ships, New mechanics and Dynamics brought by Patchs, Alien Ships and Fleet Upgrade had a negative Impact on them
  • Special Weapons are not available at any time, meaning that you already miss 1/4 of the uniqueness of the ship.
  • Regarding this 4 Ships, only one is actually able to Equip one of the new modules released during the Fleet Upgrade, The Endeavour being able to use the “Gun Adapter”
  • Regardin this 4 Ships, Only two are actually able to use “Weird” Weapons : Fuse Blaster for Spiral / Breach Laser for Endeavour due to the fact that this weapons can be use by All R8-12 Engineers and All R8-12 Guards (To be fair, I don’t remember if the Fuse Blaster was introduced with Fleet Upgrade or Earlier)
  • Ect


With the incoming Fleet Upgrade for Engineer, the Spiral will become “Obsolete”, no doubt on that, compare its Modules “Kit” versus what is coming for “Valor/Phoenix/Polux” (And yes Polux !). Waz’Got already helped eradicate Spiral.


[@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/) Are you going to give to this Ships the tools they need to remains fun to play or are you going to trash them because they can’t equip Front Blasters?

33 minutes ago, Rakza said:


[@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/) Are you going to give to this Ships the tools they need to remains fun to play or are you going to trash them because they can’t equip Front Blasters?

Apply the same for SP ships!


(Also make the Darts engines red and the Gargoyles yellow! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) )

Well, the Gun Adapter was introduced back when the “Age of Destroyers” was still a thing, the first guard rework that also introduced the Proximity Mortar and changed the mechanics for the Emergency Shield Boost and the Phase Shield, the Fuse Blaster and the Breach Laser were introduced when Spiral and Endeavour were released, they do technically have 3 unique modules each just like the other ships were supposed to, that is if you exclude the special modules which don’t count towards the limit, some standard ships have them such as Hyena, Styx, but they don’t have 3 unique modules, some have just 1, but you have the premiums which can have all 3, there is one that can’t tough, the Black Death, which can only have one.

Just now, ShapeShifter said:

(Also make the Darts engines red and the Gargoyles yellow! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) )

Or make their trails light blue!

1 minute ago, ShapeShifter said:

Apply the same for SP ships!


(Also make the Darts engines red and the Gargoyles yellow! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) )

Yes, It’s also a Concern that Secret Projects are been abandonned too.


From what I saw :


Ronin has access to “Gun Adapter”

Peregrine has access to “Quantum Defense”

Octopus can die in Hell cause it has access to nothing, not even planned stuff coming with the engineer fleet upgrade.

Kraken can die in Hell cause it has access to nothing

Cyning has access to “Duellist Protocol”

Jaguar can die in Hell cause it has access to nothing (I think)

Caltrop has access to “Repair System Sabotage”

Saw One can die in Hell cause it has access to nothing (I think)



the first guard rework that also introduced the Proximity Mortar and changed the mechanics for the Emergency Shield Boost and the Phase Shield


Guards were reworked wayyyyy before this Fleet Upgrade. It’s my fault if “Spectre Field” went from Shield Regen to Shield Resistance (Devs aren’t really liking to face Invincible Inquisitor-S)

Emergency Shield Booster was first reworked at the same time. Pretty much like all the guard’s modules long before this so call Fleet Upgrade to patch 1.2.X

13 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

when Spiral and Endeavour were released

I got both of them the day of their Release.

Fuse and Breach weren’t truely a thing at this moment. Compression Railgun and Overheating Laser were.

My 3 cents on analysis:


#1st block:

  • there are limited developmental powers now: focus is on ‘red pill’ standard-/silverships and premiums as sales strategy atm
  • the game SC is growing in complexity and gets to the point where it isn’t reasonable manageable by development powers, bug hunting and play testing afterwards (we will see reduction in complexity I suppose: the forces drive in opposite directions (reverse reciprocity): complexity of game vs developmental man-hours 
  • SP and unique ships do not get upgrade attention atm, because they are more complex than silver and premiums

#2nd block:

  • pet shaped Ellydium (aka ‘alien’) ships are set on ice
  • maybe we will see the elly destroyer soon but then that’s it
  • creativity that went into these Ellydium ships, weapons and modules on the drawing board get into silver ships and premiums now to get something out from former developmental investment

#3rd block:

  • Ellydium Tharga fighter came out super op, new fighter modules & weapons alike
  • Elly Taikin interceptor came out super op, new interceptor modules & weapons alike (‘inty love’)
  • Elly Wazgot frigate came out rather ok and techy, new frigate modules & weapons are ok - only waiting for the so lala engineer upgrades: there’s no ‘hot & cool’ feeling in the frigate pilots community : (
  • Elly destroyer maybe comes to be a good seller supposedly (hopefully balanced! I would like to add as late April Fool’s joke:  now that the ‘inty lovers’ have learned to fly and use the Frontal Blaster, 10x vulnerable-to-FB Elly destroyer can come ; )


1 hour ago, avarshina said:

new frigate modules & weapons are ok



1)Plasma Devastator is a Copy of Plasma Harpoon in terms of Firing mechanics and Projectile Size. You can’t hit properly anything which is not a frigate or a Destroyer.

It base speed is ridiculously Low for a non Explosive small hitbox projectile weapon, forcing you to use “Alpha-Inhibitor WPN-F52”, “Acceleration Coil” and “Booster Circuit” if you want to have :

Projectile Speed > Max Range.

The Shield Regeneration Effect is only worth if you are fighting against Jericho Ships, once your target loose its shield, the Regeneration won’t apply anymore making you more vulnerable against Empire and Federation ships.

And you need to land a Critical Hit to proc the Regeneration Effect


  1. MIRV Launcher is a complete inconsistent weapon that can do whatever its pleased to do. It can wreck an Engineer in 4 hits like never lands hit on anything.

The Fragments can be outrunned or sometime won’t deal damage for “Reason” 

They are orienting Guards to close range encounter with tons of “Close Effect” modules and passives and drop this weapon from nowhere with 5.5Km BASE RANGE and 1300m/s projectile speed.

48 RPM with a Barrel Rotation mechanic.

How this weapon can be “Ok”?


  1. Active Shield Missile, this one is ok but hella hard to use especially if you try to reflect missiles that aren’t locked on you.


  1. Ram Attack, Ship is trying to Ram Target with its Rear Side, you can’t cancel it and the ship isn’t even able to alignate with the target. Ho and Collision Compensator/Multipurpose Shield are countering it


  1. Phantom Stealth System is the only good module that follows the logic behind other new passive modules. Guards are still vunerable to Special modules and modules and only for 4.5 seconds.


  1. Ballistic Codebreaker, where is the logic? It’s for Jericho Guard and made to… Run Away? HOW DO YOU RUN AWAY IN A JERICHO GUARD?


  1. Missile Swarm can oneshot interceptors if fired under 500m range for some reasons (Pretty sure it’s a bug). Missile are dumbs enough to go full nice circle before going on targets that where 200m away from the detonation of the main charge.


  1. Boarding Charger is m’kay I guess.


  1. Balanced Defense give a speed boost and when you are IMMOBILE, you got a Shield Resistance bonus.  What the Hell is the logic? Devs put a Speed bonus on the Phase Shield and they ask you to be Immobile to use the effect of this modifier? Even the Module is giving a contradictory message ![o_O](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007.png “o_O”)


  1. Safety Switch is meh. 


  1. Rain Season Transformer, when suicidal allies can be useful.


  1. Adaptation Mechanism is a really good Modifier.


  1. Resistance Generator would be interesting if Front Blaster wasn’t here.


  1. Conformist booster is correct


  1. Confrontation Program is correct depending the ship and the weapon you are using.


  1. Gun Adapter is correct depending the ship and the weapon you are using.




Look at base CD


And now : 




What kind of Sorcery is this?

the 3 unique modules are imho not a rule, but a limit. the limit ensures premiums dont overuse them.


to be honest rakza, i know u love guards, but next to the gunship the guards seem to have gotten the best modules. i agree the weapons were less useful, but do we really need them anyway?

most of the point you bring up are correct, however a few i have to defend:


20 hours ago, Rakza said:

Ram Attack, Ship is trying to Ram Target with its Rear Side

you have a mouse, align yourself, and the module works fine. expect to push a button to do the flying for you?

i love that module, and the module loves me.

next to the boarding charger its my favourite new module on guard.

and it is very effective.


20 hours ago, Rakza said:

Balanced Defens

i think the point is, that module can either help you with speed, or defend you when you are immobile. imho also a good module.

it’s a situational bonus. i dont see that as something bad.


20 hours ago, Rakza said:

Gun Adapter

is not a unique module tho… we had it for a while now.

well, those who payed GS ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


On 1.4.2018 at 9:24 PM, Rakza said:

That’s seems to be a balanced Range…

that weapon is so BS, it outranges frigate weapons.

it might not get the same amount of kills like FB, but a few of them can completely dictate a whole match.


3 minutes ago, g4borg said:

you have a mouse, align yourself, and the module works fine. expect to push a button to do the flying for you?

i love that module, and the module loves me.

next to the boarding charger its my favourite new module on guard.

and it is very effective.


The problem is this module should be “Front Line of Sight” and should have an option to Cancel it.


Boarding Charger is nice, no doubt on that.


16 minutes ago, g4borg said:

think the point is, that module can either help you with speed, or defend you when you are immobile. imho also a good module.

it’s a situational bonus. i dont see that as something bad.

You really want to trade mobility for a shield resistance when you have weapons that can Burst you from insane Ranges, when most of the game objectives requires mobility.

Hell No, that’s not a fair trade, especially when Devs understood in the past that Guards were lacking mobility and gave a small boost on the Phase Shield.

The time when Frigates were able to slowly move to objectives while not giving a damn is resolved. You have to be mobile if you want your poor 2km range debuff modules to be useful.


23 minutes ago, g4borg said:

i agree the weapons were less useful, but do we really need them anyway?

Heck Yes.

Why can’t we be able to Laser the crap out of ennemy at 8km while straffing from danger?

Why can’t we be able to Burst the Crap out of ennemy with Ultra-High DPS weapon with no penalty then escape at max speed with an “Ultra-Instinct Removing Debuff” module.

Why can’t we be able to Drain/Burn Energy with a weapon which is not a freakkin Laser with no range?

Why can’t we be able to have a weapon which is following Guard’s Mechanics and not Ship locked like the Compression Railgun?


38 minutes ago, g4borg said:

the 3 unique modules are imho not a rule, but a limit. the limit ensures premiums dont overuse them.

Why are they not applying this rules to all ships instead of premium only?

Have you seen the “Non-Premium” module distribution?


Anaconda-M → Missile Swarm and Rain Season Transformer → Let allies die and shoot missiles?

Crus-s → Ballistic CodeBreaker and Confrontation Program  → Go in for confrontation to proc and Run Away with Ballistic CodeBreaker in a Jericho Guard?


The Inquistor-S is even better : MIRV Launcher + Ballistic Codebreaker + Confrontation Program —> Where is the logic? 

2 hours ago, Rakza said:

  Reveal hidden contents


Look at base CD


And now : 

  Reveal hidden contents



What kind of Sorcery is this?

I don’t get it - what you try to point us to? What does CD mean?

1 hour ago, Rakza said:

… Where is the logic? 


23 hours ago, [avarshina](< base_url >/?app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id=257814) said:

…   creativity that went into these Ellydium ships, weapons and modules on the drawing board get into silver ships and premiums now to get something out from former developmental investment   …

![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)


21 hours ago, Rakza said:


I meant by okay that they are not op or super-op – all the illogic useless stuff - well we know that by now…

3 minutes ago, avarshina said:

I don’t get it - what you try to point us to? What does CD mean?




2 hours ago, Rakza said:




Wrong. it is compact disc, the revolutionary new storage medium