New player progress system:
Will veterans who already have everything in the game also be able to play the campaign? The old progression system that awards players for ranking up was not implemented in a way that veterans benefitted from it at all, I would like to see a system that helps veterans get the new stuff just as quickly and easily as new players (I’ve spoken to many people who start new accounts to do the missions and trade the rewards to the original account because the veterans’ missions are so over the top, and I would like to see this issue resolved).
New ship ‘Object NY18’
Who created the ship, is it Revenant technology? It was near a gas giant, and Jericho space (Revenants are related to Jericho space, and it seems Ellydium doesn’t know where it came from), so it might be a possibility. Will we get a map of the large version of the alien ship? Perhaps a map mostly inside the ship with hallways and some open rooms? Why would ‘Ellydium’ ever send their property to UMC for testing…
I hope the upgrades won’t take months to get to rank 15. Also, why don’t we have a new faction on our profiles for the unique ships ‘faction’?
Only until January 18 of the new year there is an opportunity to get the unique ship ‘Object NY18’!
This and the Mayhem missions are a good idea, except that rank 7 ships can’t even compete in Research Center, the entire map is just a cluster f*ck of strafe bug Tai’Kins. A rank 7 has a lot of trouble even completing the “kill 2” mission, because the moment they enter the sector, a rank 15 kills them before they can even get an NPC on their sensors. Also props for allowing us to get the ship easily if we miss a day in the mission, unlike when destroyers were coming out and if you missed a day you either had to pay or wait months to gather the resources.
Global fleet upgrade:
Some of the ranges are a little too far to practically defend against, but we’ll see how this stuff turns out after people get more acclimated to it. Also why are there so many new things dealing with ECM’s energy drain equipment but now for commands?
Ships of ranks 16-17:
I hope we’ll be able to build them all instead of having to select a faction to get ‘reputation’ in. Wolfhound’s rear weapon placement should either be elevated or moved closer to the front, in the current set up, realistically, everything a player would fire from the turret would shoot their own ship.
Fight and Earn Xenochips:
Tournament doesn’t tell what rewards it gives anymore. Other than that, this is pretty good, this temporary currency sure does work for events, makes everyone actually work for them instead of just have credits stashed in advance.
Everything looks pretty good, on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being updates 1.3, 1.4, 1.4a, 1.4b, and 1.4c and 10 being anything else, I’d say its a solid 8/10; but why not 10/10? Well, here’s a few brief reasons as to why:
1. When comparing Endeavour with a Guard that you do not own (such as Object ‘NY18’), the comparison page says Endeavour’s special module is a standard Phase Shield.
2. Defiler in Leviathan is invisible and doesn’t move about 50% of undocks.
Defiler doesn’t drop any loot.
Defiler is easier to kill than a hunter.
Giant 2D Major Caliber rotation images placed in Leviathan next to the ‘Ellydium Theta’ station gate.
6. Stations/Weapon Cooler/Shield Emitter/Command Tower do not register a bomb being planted if a bomb is being planted by a Dart with an active Frontal shield special module (will plant if inactive, if activated while planting, the planting progress bar disappears) no matter the direction the ship is pointing (towards/away from relative to the Station/Weapon Cooler/Shield Emitter/Command Tower), but the ship will still capture Beacons/Weapon Cooler/Shield Emitter/Command Tower while the Frontal shield is active.
7. Spatial Stabilizer does not stop movements or rotations. Engine animations still play (and afterburners) and will still draw energy even with stabilizer on.
8. Metastable Field Generator does not stop rotations.
9. Open Space gate activation does not stop ship rotations.
10. Alien strafe bug is still here.
Templars still have holes in their textures.
66%+ disconnect rate in Tournament for all (questioned) participants.
75%+ crash rate when trying to access the Open Space game mode for 2/5 (questioned) players.
Holiday fireworks (discontinued) still have no sound when fired or when exploding for 2/4 (questioned) players.
Thermal energy burner has a bit too far range and damage, also 320 pts is a bit too much, that’s an interceptor’s entire capacitor gone if they get hit with 1 projectile. Should be a % value and/or scale with ship size or something.
‘Prometheus’ Defence sometimes teleports the user to a team member not even within their field of view, and sometimes doesn’t teleport at all and for some reason engine/weapon functions are reset on activation (if you’re holding forward thrust, then activate the module, you will have to let go of your forward thrust input and then press it again in order for your engines to turn back on, same with weapons).