2 hours ago, SINaka said:
9 Days and we can play the Mars Attacks movie… yeeppee
Yeah I thought of something similar (maybe one of the promo vids evoced it - the one with a big fleet attacking a green death star — not to speek of the very funny cow-up-beam vid, its awesome) ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”) ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)
1 hour ago, g4borg said:
i get it, the thermal one annoys more people so we have to be vocal about it, but lets be honest, that kinetic gun is so useless, it hurts, but unfortunately, not your target. its crit effect reducing a bit of damage sounds okay-ish, but in the end, it wont really do anything really, it has no fire rate, no damage, no range, and overheats fairly quickly
rank 16&17
meh. the game already struggles with ranks. its a failing concept, and keeping hold on it just shows your lack of vision and understanding.
finally there is also a reason, why ships do not really get an identity, a purpose, or a usecase, and why the elly ships seem to have that. and all these things do have ranks being garbage as the main reason.
your best thing in this regard was the (now hidden) underrank bonuses, which magicly made complaint about rank differences disappear, even if most people are not even aware of the mechanic. you cheat yourself. how about, waking up and finally realizing, you are feeding a dead horse with your carrot obsession.
-yes thermal long range gunship spam (behind rocks) is anoying (static game) like to see good counter for frigates (save the lrfs), so far I approach them with my Wazzi Mathilda and Gravi wave them into the open ![:rolleyes:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/rolleyes.gif “:rolleyes:”)
-why more rank? maybe its easy to code in? a rank code rework maybe too consuming
-to have one ship and care for it through the ranks till endgame results in bonds to it, espc. with customization of the looks and some individualizing, too I would like to see it happen to be able to have more than 1 of a certain ship (e.g. 1st Wazgot long range tank build, 2nd Wazgot light speed build, 3rd Wazgot healer build)
-bonusses got away? Haven’t recognized it - aren’t they still in the game? Vavoring planning, steering and carroting maybe a due to worldview?