Star Conflict 1.4.5b: Vigilant Returns (Discussion)

Welcome to discuss [Star Conflict Update 1.4.5b: Vigilant Returns!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/34302-star-conflict-145b-vigilant-returns/)



Nerf Taikin roll and strafe, not health.

The interface definitely needs some rescaling and the voucher amounts should be displayed back on the top window, also, there is no point in nerfing Tai’Kin’s manoeuvrability if you don’t do something about its modules and weapons, the damage for the Inhibitor Crystal should be reduced by 50% for now, and increase its cooldown by 7 seconds, you should also reduce the parameters of the Crystal Infiltrator, less damage increase, and a much higher cooldown, around 30 seconds should do, and keep the active time 15 seconds, and lower the damage to 25%.


Tai’kin is interceptor and rely on maneuverability. It’s not possible to leave it without it, just like leave frigates without survivability.

I guess you don’t play the game. Tai’kin has:

  • most maneuverability
  • highest Dmg
  • highest healing capabilities
  • best movement capabilities - as ceptor is fast + jumps

compared to other ceptors ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

7 minutes ago, Tillowaty said:

compared to other ceptors 

Other ceptors that you have to spend a few millions of credits on for everything, that should be just as strong as Tai’Kin on which you have to spend tens of millions of credits on nodes alone, hundreds of xenocrystals and node resources, aswell as millions of synergy, to get to that point of being better than one, sure, makes a lot of sense.

Let’s not forget about crafing the ship itself needing 50 cabin resources that are not that easy to earn and 100 xenos.

25 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Other ceptors that you have to spend a few millions of credits on for everything, that should be just as strong as Tai’Kin on which you have to spend tens of millions of credits on nodes alone, hundreds of xenocrystals and node resources, aswell as millions of synergy, to get to that point of being better than one, sure, makes a lot of sense.

Let’s not forget about crafing the ship itself needing 50 cabin resources that are not that easy to earn and 100 xenos.

If it’s put in one game with normal ships then yes it should be balanced ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 


It’s power depends on how you adjust it. The idea of Tai’kin is to encourage flying skill, if you’re a master of maneuvers you’ll feel comfortable with this ship. But one mistake and Tai’kin is blown up by enemies. It happens pretty often according to statistics.

You know I’m talking about fully developed builds to abuse as much mechanics as they can and not some newbie half-baked stuff which are as easy to deal with as any newbie stuff.



And global ships rework is coming, and not only general normal ships. We’re workng on that with high pripority ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

I hope you put real effort in to that. But after every patch since [Patch 1.3.12](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31529-star-conflict-1312-phase-one/) (so like last 10 months) I doubt it ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) Especially after yesterday’s UI improvement.



And global ships rework is coming, and not only general normal ships. We’re workng on that with high priority ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)


Are you going to do something with ELI ships modules which unfit to ship class?

I guess the real problem is the raw damage output of the Tai’Kin … yes its an interceptor … personally i think the maneuverability is fine for Elly ships … remove the destroyer one shot green glob and the whining will stop … ITS A RECON!!!     not a gunship engineer guard destroyer interceptor hybrid !

2 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

to get to that point of being better than one, sure, makes a lot of sense.

I don’t get it why people think, the effort they put in into a ship should make it better.

That’s just not how it works.

Games which work like that are usually coop or pve only. This is a team based shooter, not Diablo. Even if some ships are hard to get, in the end, balance is about fully developed ships; and what you work for is to have all the choices to be endgame competitive - not to have a ship which is naturally more versatile and stronger.


The effort you have to put in only saves you from paying it with money. It has nothing to do with abilities or strength of the ship. Naturally, they won’t put up totally useless ships at the end of a grind, but that is not your privilege, that’s just common sense.



I am a bit surprised, you changed the order of ships appearing. The last picture showed Jerri - so Tyrant - next. Logically it was also the the same order they came out. What happened?


I do have to admit, the new UI was a bit surprising. I have to get used to it to really tell what I think about it.


NINJA PATCHES … So you guys removed the refuel to spiral when the MiG-105 re-docked in open space but  both the MiG-105 and the spiral have 6 cargo slots not 8 like the endeavor and the MiG-105 still cant use ammo or  the spatial scanner … PLEASE FIX THIS 2 MONTH OLD PROBLEM !!!

[@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/)


Sorry for being off-topic:


I got mono crysis! Old monos are at 1500/10000 and the new ones are at 500/500, which is the cap.

I already contacted Support, but they have told me that they cannot help me.


I only wanted that they would switch the new ones to the old ones, where there is a higher cap limit.


My monocrystals are getting destroyed now!

I got a feeling that there is actually no real Support, just some ‘randoms’ doing the tickets, getting paid for a bottle of Vodka.


I got no more reason to play now, plus my license expires in a few days!


The one way to find out is to see this ships rework when it comes and try out some good old ships once again)

When will it come out exactly?

koro, why dont you use them up a bit

you could start assembling things

i whish you could just give them to me!



10 minutes ago, g4borg said:

koro, why dont you use them up a bit

you could start assembling things

i whish you could just give them to me!



Get in line! I was first!

4 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

The interface definitely needs some rescaling and the voucher amounts should be displayed back on the top window, also, there is no point in nerfing Tai’Kin’s manoeuvrability if you don’t do something about its modules and weapons, the damage for the Inhibitor Crystal should be reduced by 50% for now, and increase its cooldown by 7 seconds, you should also reduce the parameters of the Crystal Infiltrator, less damage increase, and a much higher cooldown, around 30 seconds should do, and keep the active time 15 seconds, and lower the damage to 25%.


Pretty much what i wanted to say too.

Is the vigilant special module will get a buff? According to the stats it doesn’t seem powerful or even useful, even if I didn’t tried it myself for now if no one is using it probably mean it need a rework

so you put in back the rank restrictions, after it was clearly shown that most people actually liked it removed.


Then it’s back to no-play for me.



2 hours ago, Original_Taz said:

NINJA PATCHES … So you guys removed the refuel to spiral when the MiG-105 re-docked in open space but  both the MiG-105 and the spiral have 6 cargo slots not 8 like the endeavor and the MiG-105 still cant use ammo or  the spatial scanner … PLEASE FIX THIS 2 MONTH OLD PROBLEM !!!


When will someone reply to the MiG-105 issue