Star Conflict 1.4.5b: Vigilant Returns (Discussion)

CinnamonFake (Posted 6 hours ago)

Assembling things is what makes economics alive and well. So it’s true and a nice way to exchange some resources to GS


CinnamonFake (Posted 6 hours ago)


The problem is that almost nobody buys anything … BP drop like rain … parts drop like a drizzle … that one parts the entire server needs  drops 5 times a month … the new Elly ships parts everybody farms and nobody buys … Plus  you still have to be parked at your computer all day to sell something … no loud beep  , no pop up message , no way of knowing someone wants to buy other than having the trade window opened all day every day … then there’s the  language barrier … RUSSIAN RUSSIAN RUSSIAN … in English chat trade chat personal chat battle chat … we  need a auction or a translator  …  neither will happen so the economy fails


Use them for what? I don’t need advice, I need a solution!

You cannot sell already produced item, like Rank 13-15 Meson Cannon Mark 4 weapon, etc.

We are not talking about parts or blueprints here, but already fully developed or upgraded items, that are already made from all those components.

So, since there is no way to put enriched monocrystals, or already constructed items on the Trade, as a result, my items are getting destroyed now. For nothing and I can’t do anything.

There is no other solution, than to increase the cap limit to at least 1000 units. However, that’s not enough!

Fully upgraded items should also be possible to sell, like for 300-400 GS as a minimum price instead of 100-150.

That would solve my problem and procure someone with a fully upgraded item.


Again, if it’s so crucial to the game and its financial stability, why is then no cap limit, if you pay for such items in the Store?

You can go over the limit in such case. I think I’ve said enough already!





Just make the basic building materials trade-able for credits, rare ones for GS, leave it like that for a week without limits, introduce the storage limits after that, make everything GS and be done with experimenting ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) simple actually lol 

On another note, why change to vigilant instead of tyrant?

Wow, I am shocked that there is just the 1 page of discussion so far.

Fewer xenochips is a bad thing. Period. This is now an event that is more like a funeral than a party.
What was the player feedback or data collection that said we wanted fewer chances to collect these items?
Oh wait. 5 xenochips for 200 gs is the reason for this.
60k credits for a mission reward? pfft. That’s not worth the effort.

Why is the hangar clock gone? One nice feature and it’s gone.
I didn’t see it in the options to replace it. WHY?
A clock is necessary. Needed. Valuable. Put it back please. Soon.

While I didn’t initially like the look of the loyalty voucher totals across the top I learned to like it.
Now it takes an extra click to see the totals rather than a glance.
The look of it was cluttered but it WAS convenient. Now it’s inconvenient.
It should be visible when a different window is up. Like the upgrade window.

CinnamonFake. We collected a lot of resources because some of the builds require a lot of resources.
I realize that future trade is being considered here. But limiting items we can’t trade and having them get destroyed is poor decision making.
On the dev’s part. Not the players.
It takes 457 enriched mono to build a Tyrant. I would guess the other 2 are roughly the same.
With a limit of 500 that doesn’t leave much room for the other items a player will build for an r14 destroyer.

We earned them. We collected them. And you guys are destroying them. That’s not right.
Telling a player to use them so they won’t be destroyed is BS!
We need things by the hundreds to build the new destroyers. By the thousands in some cases. And you tell us to waste these items by building things?
The storage limits need to be raised on all items. 10k for all. Not 500. Not 200. Not 15.

Unless a player has a rare item trade is useless.
Nobody needs the plans for an r9 plasma gun. Nobody needs a Waz Got cabin interior.
There is no market for the garbage parts. So we have to sell them for credits or have them destroyed.
Again, we earn it. But we can’t have it. You destroy it.
Granted, the cabin interiors have no market for them so I am selling my extra’s to avoid their destruction.
I can’t save them on the off chance that at some point someone might need them.

The artificial price controls on trade are killing sales of garbage items. I can see setting a max limit.
But if I wish to sell something for 10 gs then let me do so.
You still get your 10%. And I sell an item I don’t need and someone gets something they do need at a reasonable price.
Forcing players to buy gs to utilize trade is what you are doing. You know it and I know it.

Conversely, 5 trades a day is too restrictive. When there is a chance to trade then let us trade.
It’s like telling a restaurant they can sell just 20 hamburgers a day. Artificial limits choke an economy.

The corporate limit for iridium is ridiculously low. It needs to be raised to 100 million.
Seriously. 100 million. As long as the game is taking it when a player earns it then it should always be awarded to the corp.
Or given to the players if the corp limit has been reached.
Again, these are things that the player has earned and yet we don’t get it`` and neither does the corp.

"For any three tasks completed, you will receive a reward — a container with cabin parts for Waz’Got. "
We don’t get the container. We get to buy the container. We get a chance at a needed part.
Granted, $50k isn’t much. But it isn’t “received.”  It’s a chance to purchase the reward.
The cache boxes for iridium is the same thing. It’s loot we can’t get unless we pay for it. And it’s usually garbage.
In most cases it’s wasted loot opportunities. We earn it. Yet we can’t always get it. Especially the new players.
We have a “chance” to get something good. OOOOH. How exciting.
At Christmas I wasted gs trying to get some of the few decent items in the loot crates. Wasted my gs.
I got several loyalty bonuses. Synergy bonuses. GARBAGE.
That’s not how the most successful games do things.
It’s having to buy your own present.
When my family gives me a present it may not be what I wanted but I didn’t have to buy it and still not get what I wanted.



Hiw long is that event about the vigilant CPU-Parts supposed to last ? 2 weeks or something like that ? Didn’t remember how long for the Sirius and don’t want to miss Vigilants turn…

3 hours ago, Nexusbot said:

Hiw long is that event about the vigilant CPU-Parts supposed to last ? 2 weeks or something like that ? Didn’t remember how long for the Sirius and don’t want to miss Vigilants turn…

It’s 2 weeks like the Sirius, do mission everyday and you’ll get it(at least you’ll get activator)

When building Destroyer modules now you need the previous tier of that item to build the next one. For example to build a r14 photon emitter I need to also build the r11 photon emitter, and same goes for other destroyer modules, way is this. And most parts are so rare cause people sell em for stupid high prices and don’t budge and trying to get them from a cache is worthless. All it does is screw us over. Why would you do this, it is a another limit that is bs and should not be in the game. 

4 hours ago, ComradeJedus said:

When building Destroyer modules now you need the previous tier of that item to build the next one. For example to build a r14 photon emitter I need to also build the r11 photon emitter, and same goes for other destroyer modules, way is this. And most parts are so rare cause people sell em for stupid high prices and don’t budge and trying to get them from a cache is worthless. All it does is screw us over. Why would you do this, it is a another limit that is bs and should not be in the game. 


Why anybody would  waste all their resources on a R-14 destroyer is  beyond me  … the Elly destroyer will make the Vigilant look like a frigate …

its unlikely the elly destroyer will use standard parts; maybe some but anyway. The summer event is giving a lot of stuff. I built all the premies, a r14 and a sp ship this summer already. I doubt that it will be a problem for me. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:

its unlikely the elly destroyer will use standard parts; maybe some but anyway. The summer event is giving a lot of stuff. I built all the premies, a r14 and a sp ship this summer already. I doubt that it will be a problem for me. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


Yup Indeed, the vigilant is the last destroyer I don’t have and i’m only 2 parts away from building it so I guess It won’t be such a problem to get the elly one. Gotta build them all!

I dropped gravlens r13-15 bp from cache!!! Impossible?

I’m ready to build mine in terms of resources, its gonna take me a while to research how to build it how I want though lol. Its a shame you can’t try before you build ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)


I have to say I like the above suggestion of making basic materials available for trade using credits. Lowering the minimums and the tax on GS trades would also get things moving market wise. As mentioned already over 90% of the trade chat is WTS. Not enough GS in the market. The taxes reduce that amount every trade that is performed, net effect negative impact on trading. 5% is high enough.

It’s very bad idea for devilopers, they must get profit from game.

I’m back again with the complaint that the Guard Missile Shield does not work against the Tai’kin Tal’al Launcher. This time though, I brought a video for evidence. If they say missiles, they should be stopped like missiles.

They took free gs for achievements out of the game in order to boost gs sales.
That immediately shrank the economy for trade and essentially froze all the free players out of trade.
While the recent 300 gs event was a step in the right direction, all it really did was make 1 or 2 minimum price trades available.
Other than the garbage, what sells for the minimum? Nothing. Unless they put free gs back in the game the trade function will fail.
Only the cashers can afford the rare items. The rest of us will do without unless we get very lucky.

Yes, I know. They need cash to keep the game going. we all need cash to keep going. That’s how the world works.
A games trade economy works best when all of the players can participate. Right now most of us can’t participate.
Russian capitalism creates oligarchs with the State getting a cut. That’s what we are seeing here. 
The State set exorbitant minimum prices to ensure that the party members dachas are among the finest.
Remove the trade tax completely and open it all up.
Let us trade everything and let the market forces determine the bottom.

And allow credits based trade as well.



5 hours ago, Pylinaer said:

I’m back again with the complaint that the Guard Missile Shield does not work against the Tai’kin Tal’al Launcher. This time though, I brought a video for evidence. If they say missiles, they should be stopped like missiles.


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/34211-taikin-co-op-missile-warning/#comment-405152)


there’s my thread on it

4 hours ago, Dastard said:

They took free gs for achievements out of the game in order to boost gs sales.
That immediately shrank the economy for trade and essentially froze all the free players out of trade.
While the recent 300 gs event was a step in the right direction, all it really did was make 1 or 2 minimum price trades available.
Other than the garbage, what sells for the minimum? Nothing. Unless they put free gs back in the game the trade function will fail.
Only the cashers can afford the rare items. The rest of us will do without unless we get very lucky.

Yes, I know. They need cash to keep the game going. we all need cash to keep going. That’s how the world works.
A games trade economy works best when all of the players can participate. Right now most of us can’t participate.
Russian capitalism creates oligarchs with the State getting a cut. That’s what we are seeing here. 
The State set exorbitant minimum prices to ensure that the party members dachas are among the finest.
Remove the trade tax completely and open it all up.
Let us trade everything and let the market forces determine the bottom.

And allow credits based trade as well.




The biggest problem is that you still have to sit in front of your PC and wait for hours to find the  5% of the players base that’s actually buying something at that time. i sold 2000 GS 2 days ago but it was luck that i saw a “WTB” in the trade window just before i went into PVE… the whole trade system in this game is a freaking joke  and is worthless 95% of the time … the 10% tax is nothing compared to the  2 weeks at a time you wait to find a buyer

The trade system. The rework was nice, but the language barrier is annoying, there should also be a max price for items and no limit on daily trades. 


And why are y’all making certain items artificially rare? All the destroyer modules have a rare component, for example, the R7-9 Tempest Launcher Rotary gear or the R10-12 Tempest Launcher Blueprint. Why do that? We already have to save up a ton of components, and it really sucks when you’re a relatively new player and already spend enough time building the destroyer, only to find you need more monocrystals and a rare part to build a missile launcher! I built a Procyon and found out that the rotary gear I needed was only available for 3K+ GS on the trade market (I’ve only gotten the container that has a tiny chance to drop it a couple times). I’m about to build the Brave, I looked up the stuff I needed for weaponry and literally can’t find the tempest launcher blueprint on the trade market. Not one have I seen up for sale. Why make specific parts so rare? If it were for the ship itself, like the actuators/ship-specific CPUs for R14 destroyers, that’s fine, but for a module? Ehhhhhhhh…


This game has been around for awhile, and I’d think that the devs would be trying to attract new, dedicated players. I’m loving the game, but this kind of thing really throws me off…

Just wondering when are we going to get beryllium dailies?