Star Conflict 1.4.5: Engineer Evolved (Discussion)

Ppl are so salty… cmon think about the good point a bit^^’…

28 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Ppl are so salty… cmon think about the good point a bit^^’…

What good points?

10 minutes ago, Tillowaty said:

What good points?

thing like free prem ship, a cool looking ui and new effect in the game, a better (but not finished) trading… u know all of theses

I think they wanted them handed to them on a silver platter Endeav lol





Your Premium Ship Sir…

2 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

I think they wanted them handed to them on a silver platter Endeav lol





Your Premium Ship Sir…

Hahaha must be it ^^

How long is that Waz’got DLC-PACK supposed to be available in the store ? Not sure I like the idea of missing that one too…

For what exact reason did you increase the frequency of ‘Survival’? Did statistics ™ show that people love ‘Survival’? Do you hope that the skyrocketing repair costs will make peoply buy more premium ships and licence? All I can see is a gamemode, that makes laser Vigilants and Tailal Taikins unbearably powerful and reduces the game to respawn simulator.

So for the love of rng jesus, either reduce repair costs or the frequency of that ‘experimental’ mode.


And yes, I am salty. I just had 4 survival in a row. And I am massively sick of loosing credits every time someone has a laser vigi aimed at the spawn.

Patch highlight for me is the lifted rank restrictions. Being able to fly a few R10 and R15 together - most positive. Finally. Not that it matters much in the current meta.


Wait, did I just say meta? Is there even such a thing anymore?


Also kudos to the new missions, they feel somewhat more rewarding, even if i would prefer, that most missions can be done either in pvp or pve


Taikin got nerfed a bit. Unfortunately, I am not sure how much this will help the game find a new equilibrium, nor if the nerf was enough, or could be ever enough. That rocket launcher², with the blink, the super manouverability, and this new approach of “adding a few abilities to the abilities” mentality - I am not sure if this game isn’t just fooling itself into evolving, while it actually starts to disintegrate into a big chaotic mess.

Oh, Destros didn’t need buffs (at least the r14s are imbalanced, the vacuum-vigi even op), and please, do not let people abduct the captain with that ridiculous module.


It seems like, new ships are more and more “less risk, more damage”, and the maps and gamemodes feel slightly disconnected, as if some of the ships just weren’t meant to be.




I love flying ships with SC 3rd person mechanics, I do like the craftmanship and detail behind some of the new effects, but, honestly, where is the fun in this?

Without excuses like “you just need to…”

Problem is, there is no way back from this alien stuff expansion, and it seems the only way to make it look advanced is by adding stuff, that should look smart, but rather feels “overdone” and very much wannabe

The problem which arises for me is, do you really think you are original and innovative here? I mean, yeah if I would look at it from a sheer mechanical perspective, possibly if you compare it to what you have done in the past, but not as a game, and not compared to what others do! I can feel the ego still overcooking in the details, the self pity mixed with the self love; Less is just sometimes more!

In the end, you will one day wonder, why some title, that only does 5% of this games’ highly sophisticated but unbalanced mechanics, will basicly become a bigger hit over night, and suddenly all the excuses are out of the window.



Oh, and nice new UI. I mean, it isn’t really worth much, coming from me, as I am really not the guy you should listen to about UI designs.


²) why do we need these new ship exclusive weapons again?

Warning Long post!.

I see most of you are mad and thats understandable, however not everything in the update is bad. Now this lists will point out things i’ve noticed in the patch, things that are still the same/not updated and good changes.



  1. The trading system was improved no doubt but its not there yet, there are a lot of things that need fixing and we all know that. We post a blueprint or component for 2 hours that is enough time for the average user since it requires the person to be online in order to obtain or send the trade offer, but there are problems with that. 


The language barrier (personal experience) someone wanted to buy a blueprint from me but contacted me in Russian, i had no way to understand him since i can’t copy the message and use google translate (using Mac) at the end we both gave up, we couldn’t understand each other. The prices are fixed no one will want to sell it for less that is posted 100 gs for common blue print, we want the 100 gs no less, another problem is the rarity of the item. Rare items (Rotatory Gear tempest r8 Destroyer) are 4000 gs, No one Will spend 4000 on a component. Common items at 100 but will not sell because no one wants it they have a better chance in obtaining it than spending money. 


We don’t want to talk to other players for price reduction if we put in the market for 300 is because we want that amount you don’t go to a computer store and ask for a price reduction most likely they will kick you out or just ignore you because the prices are fixed to a value. 


Look at STEAM!!! base the trading system from them put charts, demand and supply info, Item sell history if you want  the player to sell an item for minimum of 100 keep it but let us put a price to it and instant sell, that will make the GS flow, if we see the selling history we could get an idea of how valuable the item is and let us know how much it should go for sale. If someone wants to put an item for 10,000 let him do it why? because no one in the right mind will buy it! that will force the player based economy to put a value to that item depending on rarity. 

Side note: allow only one post per kind of item if you have 10 of the same blueprints allow only one to be posted We don’t want 20,000 rail guns MK5 in the market for the same price!


  1. Bugs with the chat box, I know that when you change the UI things will not work since the code is different thats to be expected. This are the current problems i’ve seen.

usernames blurred out with square or rectangles or text is blurred instead of user names. When the chat box is not open often messages over lap each other making it impossible to read.


  1. The Waz’got I’m excited about this ship in fact is my favourite class but manufacturing is luck based when completing hourly security missions. Most people wont spend money on the cache to obtain the cabin and if we want to manufacture the only available component (alien engineer structure) it will take 3000 alien composite blocks when we are only allowed to store 500.

side note: people say it like a r8 Brokk? other than that i’m happy with the new Ellydium ship, the main problems with it are the balancing But remember the entire Ellydium faction is in WORK IS PROGRESS!! things are not going to be perfect or balance at first


  1. Nerf the tai’al or remove it many fellow players told me or have said they hate that weapon, it requires no skill just lock on and hold fire!!!. suggestion form my point of view:

 if the weapon works like missiles let use anti missile modules… 


  1. Dreadnought battles are still being dominated by alien ships.



  1. Stingray update (Thank you devs ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”))

  2. new and more Clean UI

  3. improvement of trading NOT PERFECT its a start

  4. addition of corp Logos

  5. NEW NPC giving us more xenochips and 50k alien engineer parts for the cabin luck based (PLZ dont remove this ncp me love it)

  6. Bring able to use R10 with R15 WONDERFUL ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

  7. Being able to choose how much loyalty you will gain by choosing 3 difficulties easy, medium and hard!! perfect good idea!!


Thanks for reading I know it was long. This was my point of view about the current state of the game!.




Thanks everyone for the participation in the discussion of the update Star Conflict 1.4.5: Engineer Evolved  ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) This time, the new ship from the green ship tree comes out step by step, and soon new ranks and special modules will be opened for further progression. The conflict between traditional factions and the Ellidium Corporation is at its heights, and Empire is preparing to launch mass production of their most advanced destroyer - Vigilant. However, there are also reports about the preparation of some unexpected announcements ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)
Follow the news and see you in space!