Star Conflict 1.4.5: Engineer Evolved (Discussion)

Nice overall patch, graphical upgrades are on point as always, the one that I like the most is the new nuke animation, reminds me of the one from Dreadnought.

As for balance, not sure why they did a slight nerf on the Photon Emitter, it was alright to me,

The new trade system is great, but it can be better, I’d say that if you set a minimal price then there is no point in negotiating the price any further, but eh, you do you.


[CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-CinnamonFake) (Posted 1 hour ago)

The point of talking with seller to try to cut the price or maybe trading some items in return. This looks more like real market than auction type without social element. We want to keep social activity in trading)


But thats the problem, dude writes the minimum price, when you ask him, its one million GS. 

CinnamonFake (Posted 1 hour ago)

Phases were planned more often than once per mounth)



oh look what i’ve found^^ R8 ship in T5 battle…





Yes indeed

CinnamonFake why not let Elly faction change max rank with the ship selected rank ?  that way the  players you guys boosted to rank 10 with one of the Thar’Ga patches can put their Thar’Ga and Tai’Kin to rank 8 and you guys can milk the  Was’Got for months … you guys were so set on forcing everybody to move to rank 15 when Thar’Ga came out and now that most of the server is rank 15 because of it you bring a forced rank 8 Elly ship into the game and prevent ALL the rank 15 players to use other ships to get loot and loyalty when they want to use their Was’Got but cant …  please make up your minds !!! … by the way I dropped my Thar’Ga to 630 when you patched in the 65 points in the Thar’Ga speed boost so i am still at rank 9 … HA HA HA

I sooo glad I can finally use my stingray in T5 that awesome!



But you can’t cancel them! I have been asking for the ability to cancel any loyalty missions for months.

Why shouldn’t I be able to cancel a loyalty mission, if I don’t like it?

Of course, rewards are so low and measly that there is not worth to complete anything other than just Hard missions.

With the old loyalty system I got much more vouchers than with this one. Grind is actually also worse. One good example is the Research function.

You can’t upgrade a module, by just playing the game. You can only activate the research option by having no free loyalty left. A bug or not?


CinnamonFake copy & paste responses to EVERYTHING " Loyalty missions now has 3 difficulties and only the hardest for max rank. If you want easier task, just chose and do them ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) "  Is that an answer to any of the posts  ???’ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  

It p easy to get R7 ships in to R15 battles because of the silly three MM thing.

Juat equip an R10 and bam: R15 battle. Not a skill jump at all.



And as for Alt+F4 complainers just keep task manager open like me. It helps switch screens easier in Windows 10 etc, and allows ease of exit.


But in all reality we really need to be able to exit PvE without repercussions because tackler chickens will make you wait in battle for 30 minutes if they have a say in things. Same for Taikins, but at least some of them can actually complete the missions if it involves destroying things.

Well i will say that its a good thing with the 8 hour refresh on loyalty missions with premium license you can get 201,000 loyalty a day if you time it right … sadly the new xeno chip missions have made the sale of spiral and endeavor non-exsistant  i feel bad for the players that spent 50 chips on the ships to sell … as the whole server has them now the parts will never sell …  GREAT JOB CinnamonFake FOR DESTROYING YET ANOTHER PART OF THE TRADING SYSTEM

4 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

Well i will say that its a good thing with the 8 hour refresh on loyalty missions with premium license you can get 201,000 loyalty a day if you time it right … sadly the new xeno chip missions have made the sale of spiral and endeavor non-exsistant  i feel bad for the players that spent 50 chips on the ships to sell … as the whole server has them now the parts will never sell …  GREAT JOB CinnamonFake FOR DESTROYING YET ANOTHER PART OF THE TRADING SYSTEM


The same could be said of Federation Destroyer CPU’s but not everyone is grinding daily. Those are the ones that you sell to.


I honestly think this game is going in a good direction for a change at least compared to previous months.


I think the whole GIVING us these premium ships thing is an attempt to make PvP more balanced and honestly think its a great start.

17 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:


The same could be said of Federation Destroyer CPU’s but not everyone is grinding daily. Those are the ones that you sell to.


I honestly think this game is going in a good direction for a change at least compared to previous months.


I think the whole GIVING us these premium ships thing is an attempt to make PvP more balanced and honestly think its a great start.


So your saying that compared to the worst patch EVER (the one that made 20% of the player base quit and spend their money on another MMO) this is a good patch ???   That’s like saying that compared to the Holocaust during WW2 that 911 wasn’t so bad after all … premium ships are being given away because they are worthless now … the trading system will never be like other games and thus the economy will suffer for it Cinnamon said that they WANT us to negotiate not just post items and sell them … so it will always be like this  (a broken system) and ALL the weapons and MODUALS will be parted out eventually … getting every part but one that only drops to .01% of the player base those parts selling for 4000GS to the players who buy GS because 99% of what you can sell wont sell because the entire server has it already … (º_º)

13 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:


So your saying that compared to the worst patch EVER (the one that made 20% of the player base quit and spend their money on another MMO) this is a good patch ???   That’s like saying that compared to the Holocaust during WW2 that 911 wasn’t so bad after all … premium ships are being given away because they are worthless now … the trading system will never be like other games and thus the economy will suffer for it Cinnamon said that they WANT us to negotiate not just post items and sell them … so it will always be like this  (a broken system) and ALL the weapons and MODUALS will be parted out eventually … getting every part but one that only drops to .01% of the player base those parts selling for 4000GS to the players who buy GS because 99% of what you can sell wont sell because the entire server has it already … (º_º)


1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:

I honestly think this game is going in a good direction for a change at least compared to previous months.


Something tells me they did not have much of a choice there.

25 minutes ago, OmegaFighter said:


Something tells me they did not have much of a choice there.

LOL yeah, I am thinking same. Without customers you have nothing. This is why I think they are giving the premium ships to us so fast MM being a mess and all. Also I try to look at the positive side of this whole mess so I don’t lose my marbles like some are…

I dislike where the launch button is. Seriously guys. Why?
I know I’m not the only pilot to move the mouse towards where it was only to say “(expletive)” then mouse to the top of the screen.
The smaller button is fine. But the placement sucks. Why not make a UI that allows US to rearrange things?
Let US choose the defaults. Instead of having to press various keys every time we change sectors in os or when we join a match.
Like many modern games allow.

3000 composite blocks to build the Waz got? I Waz haven’t got the cash to waste buying crates/chips/whatever.
Sorry guys but that’s just nuts. Typical, but nuts.

The chat text bug is ridiculous.How did you manage to break the chat box?
“If it isn’t broken yet it will be in the next update” seems, to me, to be the motto of the devs.
Chat appearing when the box is closed.
Chat overlapping and becoming unreadable.
Well done. NOT!

The trade system was bad before. Imo it’s now worse. Much worse.

I realize that a free market is an alien concept to you.
The state setting the prices and taking a cut is what you were raised on. It’s your national history.
But that’s not trade. It’s not even close.




24 minutes ago, Dastard said:

I dislike where the launch button is. Seriously guys. Why?
I know I’m not the only pilot to move the mouse towards where it was only to say “(expletive)” then mouse to the top of the screen.
The smaller button is fine. But the placement sucks. Why not make a UI that allows US to rearrange things?
Let US choose the defaults. Instead of having to press various keys every time we change sectors in os or when we join a match.
Like many modern games allow.

3000 composite blocks to build the Waz got? I Waz haven’t got the cash to waste buying crates/chips/whatever.
Sorry guys but that’s just nuts. Typical, but nuts.

The chat text bug is ridiculous.How did you manage to break the chat box?
“If it isn’t broken yet it will be in the next update” seems, to me, to be the motto of the devs.
Chat appearing when the box is closed.
Chat overlapping and becoming unreadable.
Well done. NOT!

The trade system was bad before. Imo it’s now worse. Much worse.

I realize that a free market is an alien concept to you.
The state setting the prices and taking a cut is what you were raised on. It’s your national history.
But that’s not trade. It’s not even close.



Most of the Dev’s were born AFTER the curtain fell … I think they were more used to a western philosophy but that’s just me .



32 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:


Most of the Dev’s were born AFTER the curtain fell … I think they were more used to a western philosophy but that’s just me .


The in-game trade is not trade.
it is state controlled and run. Thus my comparison.
You cannot trade. It’s a state store where the state strictly controls the volume of goods and decides what is rare and what is common.
And the state sets the prices.

1 item fills 1 cargo slot. You cannot stack like items in ship cargo.
A computer chip takes up the same space as a weapon.
You cannot get 2-3 of an item in loots. The only acquisitions of any resource in volume, in many cases, requires cash.
Even the loot isn’t free. You win a crate which you must pay to open. That’s not loot. It’s Highway Robbery.

How is this different from the Soviet era?
Only the medium is different. The controls are the same.








Well done on the limitations of the Waz’Got! THIS is how they should have been introduced.

[CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-CinnamonFake) (Posted 6 hours ago)

Well, not everybody’s doing that) But this is how the market works. Through bidding the economy builds itself


We all would really prefer to not talk with others when doing business because sci-fi loving people are not the social kind by default + language barriers.


SO the 2 missing parts to complete the trade system are instant buy from the spot + item stacks of weapon parts, and i really hope, future building materials trading.