Star Conflict 1.4.4b Discussion

Welcome to discuss [Star Conflict Patch 1.4.4b!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/33795-star-conflict-144b/)



Yeah… We still didn’t have enough time to check new changes in [Star Conflict 1.4.3](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/33436-star-conflict-143-update-1/) ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

Why don’t keep the configured size the chat window? After every reopen must to resize.

OP things still OP. Some things even more now.

Seriously, stop watching statistics, make a incognito account and play few games in a normal ship  by yourself. You will see why we are complaining. 200 roll, 400 strafe perma-cloaked ship, with at least 3 different ways to jump away when in danger, hologram that exactly copy all your abilities, a nuke like rocket every 20 seconds, on top with one weapon that is barely avoidable and homing on bigger targets and rocket weapon that you barely can avoid in interceptor. Yeah, I don’t see any problems here!

I still say warp radius for return crystal should be set to -1. 

8 minutes ago, Shotan said:

I still say warp radius for return crystal should be set to -1. 


You mean 1km or 100m or no radius at all? I didn’t get it)

10 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:


You mean 1km or 100m or no radius at all? I didn’t get it)

He means no radius at all

17 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

You mean 1km or 100m or no radius at all? I didn’t get it)

-1. He has to return into himself. Like a black hole.  ![:004j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004j.png “:004j:”)

The resizable chat wont help fixing the trade spam issue but i appreciate the try, i like the full on map though.

As for the rest, the slight and not nearly complete nerf on tharok was negated by the buffs on the other aspects of the ship, meaning, the only change is we wont get blasted by just one weapon/build now.

Probably the change that was the most obvious for them was the 20% damage increase on Tai’thaq, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that weapon on the live server so far, its damage values are not shown either but as much as I remember they are still low, and with all the new changes that negate damage directly on hull there is nothing to worry about from that weapon which now explains everything.

The Quantum Leap increases manoeuvrability, not sure by how much but makes sense since the module won’t help you get across the map but rather distract and annoy the enemy.

The crystal satellite now reduces manoeuvrability by 50% and also increased its damage, the reduction in manoeuvrability is not really needed, and the damage is only ~360 EM DPS.

The inhibitor crystal has its damage increased and doubled the inhibitions as well as active radius increase, that’s not too good either, you can try and make it very slow but most frigates won’t still be able to move out of the way, so make it have more crowd control effects rather than damage dealing, no matter how big the reward is for hitting frigates or destroyers that wont bother to move.

The crystal mine got buffs only in its debuffs, more annoying than dangerous.

Everything else was just slightly nerfed.

This just in, the weekend event allows us to get both the Entangled Shards(8-9) and the Crystal Cascade(11-12) by playing on certain ranks, but the fact that it still requires iridium is still going to be a bother, well, time for another 15 disappointing containers? Am I right guys? Huh? No? Ok…



Endevour synergy bonus attribute dissapears when reaching a certain rank, I believe it’s the resistance bonus. (not sure if it applies the bonus nevertheless)

r10 games are empty. Why can I not queue rank 15 with r10 again?

The whole meta revolves around countering taikins, it’s doable but not very interesting.


  • It’s about time you buff the other ceptors, to the taikins standards. If you want to commit to this path.
  • And remove the firing arc limitation for ceptors, wich makes no sense to me, since the “turn keys” no longer exist. Why is this good? That would make “normal” ceptors a bit more competitive against all the wide variety of auto aim bs. The firing arc severely limits the ability to respond to somebody that will 1 shot you in some gamemode…(also in a laggy game, the firing arc often contributes to your ceptor stopping to shoot wich is really what xxxx you over everytime ppl join the game, hella annoying, hella deadly)
  • I’d like to fly a golden eagle again ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Also, to not be so negative and evil, and opinionated, I want to say, i really enjoy the current guard meta. (no i do not own the proxy mortar)


That obduction thingie is just useless tbh, most of the time it ends bad for the obducting one and his nearby friends. Hella cheesy and basically a medal for being a total EPIC pro.

I even clap sometimes, to highlight my ability to socialise.


29 minutes ago, Oregyen said:

  • remove the firing arc limitation for ceptors, wich makes no sense to me, since the “turn keys” no longer exist. Why is this good? That would make “normal” ceptors a bit more competitive against all the wide variety of auto aim bs. The firing arc severely limits the ability to respond to somebody that will 1 shot you in some gamemode…(also in a laggy game, the firing arc often contributes to your ceptor stopping to shoot wich is really what xxxx you over everytime ppl join the game, hella annoying, hella deadly)

You are onto something here. Why Taikin doesn’t have firing arc limitation for his “‘T’Har’Ok’ beamer”? Why not to add self-damage (similar to coil mortar earlier or photon launcher now)? Also - removing possibility to use supercooled charges would be nice - 3 bubbles instead of 6 every few seconds. 

Such logic Tai’kin =/= Tai’kin but I suppose that we also have kinetic projectiles that have a “friend or foe” system per projectile…

Photon Emitter does self damage?

1 minute ago, Elusif said:

Photon Emitter does self damage?

Yes, always did.



I suppose that would also mean that the EM resist debuff gets applied to you too?


[@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/) I’ve read this before. This includes nothing of what I proposed,

  • easy - rank 1 to rank 5
  • medium - rank 6  to rank 9
  • hard - r 10 to r 15

This is how it should be, +1/-1 ranks and the damage & resistance bonus for lower ranked ships.

And for gods sake, tell someone to make a video on how to fit ships in that system, so we don’t have mod’s who do not know how to fit ships.




For me this all just means long waiting times, small games and vets sitting in cookie cutting tiers, where they don’t belong.

I know there is people who enjoy those small games, wich makes sense, since there the OP ships are even more OP.

I’d like to see skill rewarded and mistakes punished. Currently that is just relative. It’s only a matter of time, till you get overrun by taikin xxxx.

Coupled with survival mode, as a total playground for auto aim Alpha damage weapons, like fuse blaster, scatter gun, taikin missile sheet, blablabla. This is where the Aces really learn well, how to not win.

Playing this game is no pleasure atm, such a shitshow. Play your game, and please do it on the official matchmaker, to get the full experience.




6 minutes ago, Oregyen said:

It’s only a matter of time, till you get overrun by taikin xxxx.

too late. It already happened.

Survival mode really is a bit of an abomination. If everyone was forced to have the same class of ship it might be a bit more reasonable, but that isn’t really feasible. It is a mode that shouldn’t exist. If you aren’t in a LRF at the edge of the map, a tai’kin, or a destroyer, then you may as well not even be in the match.

22 hours ago, Oregyen said:

also in a laggy game, the firing arc often contributes to your ceptor stopping to shoot wich is really what xxxx you over everytime ppl join the game, hella annoying, hella deadly


BTW this is a real thing, not some invention of mine, every join lag xxxx up the heading of a ceptor, at least the guns should keep firing…