Star Conflict 1.4.4: Legacy of the Ancestors (Discussion)

That will never happen 

21 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

That will never happen 

Once the sales go down, they will try anything.


I’m not here to help, just to mock 

(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

Btw I’m an Inty pilot, and always will be even against the odds (but at least I can adapt to other ships). But I found the opness of Tai’chichuan offensive.

7 hours ago, TiLt said:

mybe you dont know with who u talking…we are not playng too much this period is right…but we are 2° in elite from 2 years so what a f…k u say??in the last 2 main turnament we classified 4° and 3°…where r u in that main event??and in this last 2 year??we dont need scrrnshot to proove that…u have official video on shut up please

Ok, this is going a little too far. Please calm down. . 

Clearly taikin needs a buff, even the number 1 league team for 100 months in a row can’t win with it!  1OPncW8.jpg

1 hour ago, Cr0 said:

Clearly taikin needs a buff, even the number 1 league team for 100 months in a row can’t win with it! 

Ninja > Tai’Kin loosers, tho destroyers are quite powerful in leagues, you guys are and then those guys cant even win in op ships ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)
So let me see, grande got very skillful ships, Tai’Kin, Thar’Ga, Proxy guard and destroyer? Yum.
ItalianBadBoy brought at least Jaguar and Cyning, that can pass. My respect.
Ah Mr. Rageous… So just interceptors? Bacon hunter? Hmm… and two others…

Fact is that if they mastered their ships, they would have rekt you guys. But they are not. I assume they tried to rush your beacons and failed miserably. So yeah… where is that ‘Can win against Ninja spirit’ from earlier?

Quite funny how the only non Taikin player was the last one alive ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

1 minute ago, OmegaFighter said:

Ninja > Tai’Kin loosers, tho destroyers are quite powerful in leagues, you guys are and then those guys cant even win in op ships ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


Does it mean Destroyers are more OP than a Taikin?

4 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Does it mean Destroyers are more OP than a Taikin?

No, but destroyers being well flown by good pilots are better than Tai’Kin’s with wannabe pros in them.

Hmm… Maybe Taikin got ninja-nerfed?


f4a858a08ab50866fbc409dcf50b8cbf.png lol priceless

Must be photoshoped

edit: Wrong thread.

deleted is in nasa iirc

New missiles disapproved. Old stuff much better, Visual and Tactical.

Taikin needs a serious nerf, otherwise i dont wanna imagine what later interceptors and alien destroyer gonna be capable of. Thats just the Recon, a goddamn recon! Now imagine CovOps or ECM

19 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Must be photoshoped

Naah ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


PS. I know it was an accident, but still ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

I suppose the alien technology more advanced than human technology.

Just now, aldermatias said:

I suppose the alien technology more advanced than human technology.

doesnt justifiy the incredible OPness

3 minutes ago, TheShooter36 said:

doesnt justifiy the incredible OPness

Everything that has tentacles is OP. That’s common sense.

Anyone mind explain me the xenochips missions? Can we miss them or if you miss them you can do them later?