Star Conflict 1.4.10: Halloween in Space (Discussion)

Welcome to discuss new [Star Conflict 1.4.10 Update: Halloween in Space!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/35078-star-conflict-1410-halloween-in-space/)



Some of the tasks are just like the ones from crossout, eh, can’t turn down some monos.

Nice more mono’s! I’m happy. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

What is that ship? That Jericho-ish looking interceptor in these promo videos?


Some players have no bonus matrixes, how about people who accumulating thousands of this bonus? They will get a advantage in battles. Please remove bonus matrixes for all players.

Hmmm… Pretty quiet here  ![:002j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002j.png “:002j:”)

"CinnamonFake (Posted 1 hour ago)

We showed one new ship in one coub to take a look if anyone notice. So you did!) Unfortunately not so much information about it for now, but stay tuned ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)"

Looking forward to it! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


Why has the bonus matrix system been removed? I really liked having those +10 shield resists…


I also noticed it, but wasn’t sure if it really was that, the first time I saw it was on the school computer, 1280x720 is so painfully small once you get used to HD.

So what could it be? A recon? A Secret Project for the secondary class?(Covert ops that is) A DLC?(hopefully available for parts or tasks).

Matrices=GS bonusses. The +50% credits/synergy/vouchers booster thingies.


Also hype for the Jerry ship. I hope it’s not impossible to get like most new content.

Looks like a new interceptor. Also looks like a part of it might be destructible. Looks cool.

At the first look i thought i was just a wakizashi but nevermind ^^ i’ll say it’s a cov ops! The bets are open ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Also hype for the Jerry ship. I hope it’s not impossible to get like most new content.


How many destroyers do you have?

How many green ships did you build? 

14 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

How many destroyers do you have?

How many green ships did you build? 

Procyon, Sybil, and Tyrant all from missions. Three Thar’Gas from missions. The other greenies were a gift from friend in game via gold. Otherwise I’d only have Thar’Ga.


I just don’t want it to be a “12/600 parts” kind of ship. And definitely not a “3/80 parts” special module. That is the worst grind in the game due to awful missions and horrible yield.



Keep in mind that destroyers are absolutely worthless now because of the module and weapon change as of recent. You can throw your heart and soul (or wallet) in to making one, but then it’s useless because all you have is tiny turrets and a pyro beam that even frigates can dodge.

Could it be, that the servers are lagging, because there is an unusually large amount of players AFKing? That assignment, needs an achievement.

There is Always a lot of ppl that came on at each update so it’s normal ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

When I see an update I’m always super hyped. Always. Even the smol ones. I wanna see what changed. The little icons. The HUD. The modules. The ships. Then I realize it’s just stickers and missions that require you to afk.



Please re-think the game’s DLC offerings. I only want the maximum permanent Synergy bonus (at this point in time at least) but i sure as hell am not going to pay around 65 euros (that’s at a 50% discount) for that.

Well this is just a bonus, whole point of these dlc are mostly for ships

1 hour ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Well this is just a bonus, whole point of these dlc are mostly for ships

Not for me ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) I’m a Fleet Strength grinder ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

So I’ve found that open space is once again a great place to grind after this update. You now get the same amount of cred and materials as PvP, but it just takes three times the time so you progress your missions (what feels) faster. XD

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

So I’ve found that open space is once again a great place to grind after this update. You now get the same amount of cred and materials as PvP, but it just takes three times the time so you progress your missions (what feels) faster. XD

It always as been, nothing changed  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)