Star Conflict 1.3.9 Discussion

1 minute ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

So it looks like the Thi’lith is still useless. I had two fighters on me in my Reaper and I thought that I was receiving weak drone fire before I noticed the green bolts.

This is madness. Not only does the weapon still not dead enough damage to matter in battle, but it also drains tons of energy.

And does anyone know -why- they changed the anomaly generator? It seemed fine to me.

No idea. And still no nerf to rank 11 destroyers tank or a fix for the gravity BS. Stupid.

37 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

So it looks like the Thi’lith is still useless. I had two fighters on me in my Reaper and I thought that I was receiving weak drone fire before I noticed the green bolts.

This is madness. Not only does the weapon still not dead enough damage to matter in battle, but it also drains tons of energy.

And does anyone know -why- they changed the anomaly generator? It seemed fine to me.


AG: Q.Q from ELRF player. Nothing else. If someone hit me with that in my destroyer, I deserved it, but the ELRF I heard are 100% Q.Q faction about this. They aren*t immortal how surprising, isn’t it?

Thi’lith weapon concept is good. Execution is bad. To be honest, there should be no energy drain, or it should be reduced by 75%.

17 hours ago, Koromac said:

Thi’lith weapon concept is good. Execution is bad. To be honest, there should be no energy drain, or it should be reduced by 75%.

Agree… looks the idea was to make weapon for new players similar to scatter gun but i’ts so weak I feel ashamed mounting it - even ‘no weapon’/‘empty’ railgun is better

1 hour ago, gheni4 said:

Agree… looks the idea was to make weapon for new players similar to scatter gun but i’ts so weak I feel ashamed mounting it - even ‘no weapon’/‘empty’ railgun is better

Well I really want to be able to put it on my tackler as a replacement for gauss, to be able to hit squirming inties :confused: But it’ll need a big buff to be as useful as gauss

hm, got killed few times by it yesterday. it seems, its helpful on a spark being next to a large ceptor battle and just shooting in. so while its damage seems lower than other weapons, the simple fact it hits stuff easy, also in a fast moving mass, make up for it maybe?

you say its bad now, but once people figure out how to troll you with it, … took a while with the scatter aswell ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

Millan, your gauss surprise “attack style” is imho perfect for the gauss, and i think no weapon will ever replace that - i think you would need a different “approach” for this on a tack ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

how does it work from a cruise build…


Anomally gen was changed because too many ships were getting 1 shotted from it. This is why the “wind up” time was slightly increased (no idea how many seconds though). Damage was reduced slightly. Now you can have more of them, it’s still not bad to use and will be even more effective vs destroyers. Range was reduced also to lower the single shot to deal with certain lrfs.

1 hour ago, RennieAshII said:

Anomally gen was changed because too many ships were getting 1 shotted from it. This is why the “wind up” time was slightly increased (no idea how many seconds though). Damage was reduced slightly. Now you can have more of them, it’s still not bad to use and will be even more effective vs destroyers. Range was reduced also to lower the single shot to deal with certain lrfs.

Le me playing anomaly on archelon with low lvl… i think i get spotted xD

The Thi’lith gun can’t target or shot on reacon’s holoship.

Can we get an offical response if it’s WAI that
a) We need to have both weapons (dagtnith and Thilith) for the PvP mission(as it seem to change each day to the other one)?
b) That we need to hunt 5 hunters in Leviathan - contrary to the text saying 2 and even after killing said 2 the ‘mission finished’ text appeared but not being shown as completed?

51 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Can we get an offical response if it’s WAI that
a) We need to have both weapons (dagtnith and Thilith) for the PvP mission(as it seem to change each day to the other one)?
b) That we need to hunt 5 hunters in Leviathan - contrary to the text saying 2 and even after killing said 2 the ‘mission finished’ text appeared but not being shown as completed?

Yup i saw this too some kind of bug?

2 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Can we get an offical response if it’s WAI that
a) We need to have both weapons (dagtnith and Thilith) for the PvP mission(as it seem to change each day to the other one)?
b) That we need to hunt 5 hunters in Leviathan - contrary to the text saying 2 and even after killing said 2 the ‘mission finished’ text appeared but not being shown as completed?

You need to get as more live crystalls as you can before the event will end, and then you can get the main prize. Weapon blueprints can be bought in the workshop btw.

It should be saying 5 when you progress through this mission. If it’s saying 2 and you need to kill 5, then bug report is needed I guess.

Also, the spatial scanner is in seizure mode all the time, turning on and off and then showing stuff that isn’t there and not showing when there is actually something and so on.

On 14/07/2016 at 1:09 PM, g4borg said:

hm, got killed few times by it yesterday. it seems, its helpful on a spark being next to a large ceptor battle and just shooting in. so while its damage seems lower than other weapons, the simple fact it hits stuff easy, also in a fast moving mass, make up for it maybe?

you say its bad now, but once people figure out how to troll you with it, … took a while with the scatter aswell ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

Millan, your gauss surprise “attack style” is imho perfect for the gauss, and i think no weapon will ever replace that - i think you would need a different “approach” for this on a tack ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

how does it work from a cruise build…


Oh yeah it would be different approach ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) I’d fit totally for speed and rotation and dogfight. I already tried dogfighting, and I can hit them fine, it’s just that it does no damage. I’d use the tackler as a kind of shrapnel cov ops…

I don’t think it’d work on cruise. Too low range, and it’s so easy to fly out of range with cruise. I dunno, it could work… There’s a challenge for you ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

3 hours ago, JaVi said:

The Thi’lith gun can’t target or shot on reacon’s holoship.

make a bug report

8 minutes ago, millanbel said:

make a bug report

Actually this is probably a feature.

There are many effects that do not affect holoships and I guess this is one of them.

Though he Thi’lith -will- hit holoships if you are locked on to them.


The fact that it does not auto-target holoships makes it a useful detection mechanism for finding out which one is the real ship.

55 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Actually this is probably a feature.

There are many effects that do not affect holoships and I guess this is one of them.

Though he Thi’lith -will- hit holoships if you are locked on to them.


The fact that it does not auto-target holoships makes it a useful detection mechanism for finding out which one is the real ship.

I noticed that xD its a great detection tool, but im quite sure devs did not make that on purpose.

Thanks everyone for your feedback! It was gathered and will be closely considered ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)