Star Coflict 2

I stated the title as Star Conflict 2, simply because i have no faith what so ever of any of these suggestions ever making it into this game, due to almost all of them affecting gameplay to its core.




Ship Designer


Since we are mercs, we are not the military, so we would logically upgrade/customise our ships to our own likeing. Examples would be, but not limited to wings, thrusters, guns, cockpits, armor, radars, special mods, paint jobs, 


Basically we could design an origional not only looking, but performance ship.


Destructable ship parts. basically every part of a ship should be able to be targeted and shot off or blown up.


Stats reduced effected by loss of parts. 1 example would be lossing a thruster would decrease max speed and acceleration by a fraction based on how many you have.


More custom crosshairs.


Customisable shields, example would be able to increase the shield strength in one area"front back side1 side 2 top and bot" by decreaseing the amount of shield in another area.


Managing energy levels, Example power to weapons, thrusters, shields. would give the ability to increase one by 25% while reduceing the other two by 12.5%


Customisable Zoom, 


Cockpits damaged crack players screen/hud


Cockpits destoryed completely disable ships because their’s no more pilot.


Hi-jacking type ships/abilitys   Example Take over an enemys ship


Kamikazi Ships - example Bomb boats.


Anyway just a thought I had that would be really cool to have in this game. Yes I know it won’t happen this game is already out, so Devs if your read this, please just keep it in mind for the next great game you place out there.

There is no Star Conflict 2 planned, but suggestions for Star Conflict are always welcomed.

My problem with a lot of these suggestions, is that they will increase the necessary computer specs to play the game.  ATM I am playing on a basic laptop, albeit on low quality settings, but the game is running fine.  If you add too many details, I and some other pilots will not be able to play.



Customisable shields, example would be able to increase the shield strength in one area"front back side1 side 2 top and bot" by decreaseing the amount of shield in another area.


Managing energy levels, Example power to weapons, thrusters, shields. would give the ability to increase one by 25% while reduceing the other two by 12.5%



These two sound really nice though!!

suggestions are welcome, but please follow this

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25406-guideline-for-suggestions/)