Stage 6. The Storm (Discussion)

50 battles won. Done.

But please, don’t do this again. And stop with those tournaments. Or actually no - I had a laugh when my corp members were asking each other how to play T2 in a team :smiley:

Kidding. The only positive response was “maybe there will be T5 tournaments as well?”

How did you manage in just a day and a half???

How did you manage in just a day and a half???

You need like 3 hours tops

i finished those 50 along with other NASA guys…its exhausting. On the bright side i got plenty of mk2 kits to salvage and get materials, even from T3

50 PvP or PvE won battles. 72 hours to complete this goal.

Tournament again, but this time only participation matters.

I had hoped, that you won’t repeat such high grind mission goals!

I would find it reasonable, that you want 30 won battles, but not 50 in such short timespan.

I finished them tonight. Git gud.

I finished them tonight. Git gud.

This present no problem for me. Just an annoyance.

Thank you… No sincerly. 50 victories ? In a so short time ? My example is based on my person. I’m really bad at pvp, so I try PVE and it’s undoable. 30min/match, 50 victories with a 100% success mean 25 hours. This is already hard but I do not have 100% success rate, maybe 50%. Why ?


  • Fire support got its difficulty highly rised. For a team or a corpo group, it can be done without too many problems but in pick up, I meet less than 25% success. I don’t know why but I get this mission so often (more than the other) I have to discard the “random” battle to choose a scenario.

  • While veterans go away, new players are rising but the difficulty level is now so hard that mk I and mk II modules with partially synergized ships exclude new comers groups.

  • When you enter a tournament, you lock almost 1h.

  • This is the end of the year… Many players have a familly, may even come to party… Finding players for a match can be up to 6min.


You may have already met this problem before… Do you remember halloween event ? The one with 666 kills for one module ? Developpers or designers or whoever is in charge of the balance chose to reduce it.


I wonder if the following parts of the events are to be unreachable for casual players.

Thank you… No sincerly. 50 victories ? In a so short time ? My example is based on my person. I’m really bad at pvp, so I try PVE and it’s undoable. 30min/match, 50 victories with a 100% success mean 25 hours. This is already hard but I do not have 100% success rate, maybe 50%. Why ?


  • Fire support got its difficulty highly rised. For a team or a corpo group, it can be done without too many problems but in pick up, I meet less than 25% success. I don’t know why but I get this mission so often (more than the other) I have to discard the “random” battle to choose a scenario.

  • While veterans go away, new players are rising but the difficulty level is now so hard that mk I and mk II modules with partially synergized ships exclude new comers groups.

  • When you enter a tournament, you lock almost 1h.

  • This is the end of the year… Many players have a familly, may even come to party… Finding players for a match can be up to 6min.


You may have already met this problem before… Do you remember halloween event ? The one with 666 kills for one module ? Developpers or designers or whoever is in charge of the balance chose to reduce it.


I wonder if the following parts of the events are to be unreachable for casual players.

-Play T3, if you take 30 minutes in a T3 PVE then you have some serious skill problems you can of course improve!.

-Form a group, the sole fact of coordinating which ship and task is going to do each player helps sustancially the outcome of the game. Using TS is even better.

-If in a group: choose a specific map and build your ship accordingly so you have the best build for it.


In Nasa we managed to complete fire support T3 in 3 minutes 20 seconds. I also made the same mission in about 3:45 (i guess it was less) along with another Nasa member (2 man squad). If you dont know how to succeed, ask other players for advices, plenty of them know what they are doing. My advice for fire support T3 is to bring JLRFs with coils and EM torps (torps shoot down snipers, coils kills all ships and cruiser turrets, EM torps are a nice dmg increase against cruiser turrets).

EDIT: i agree its a huge amount of missions (i took several hours even doing those fast speed runs. I finished it in 2 days), but it can be done.

We did T3 fire support in 3:20 with some random dudes, while 4th was useless Tackler, i am sure we could have done it at about 3 minutes.

Thank you… No sincerly. 50 victories ? In a so short time ? My example is based on my person. I’m really bad at pvp, so I try PVE and it’s undoable. 30min/match, 50 victories with a 100% success mean 25 hours. This is already hard but I do not have 100% success rate, maybe 50%. Why ?


  • Fire support got its difficulty highly rised. For a team or a corpo group, it can be done without too many problems but in pick up, I meet less than 25% success. I don’t know why but I get this mission so often (more than the other) I have to discard the “random” battle to choose a scenario.


I wonder if the following parts of the events are to be unreachable for casual players.

Dude I am as casual as they come and speedrun Fire Support with a few friends in the coalition I’m in for FUN (literally dicking around and loling, not trying to be skillfull) in under 6 mins a match, sometimes as low as 4. If it’s taking you that long, that’s not that it’s hard, it’s that you’re doing it wrong. Like, really wrong. And find some mates to play with, be vocal in chat, meet people. It’s not THAT hard…

@ Saintjavelin


I say nothing really different from what you answered me ;). In a coordinated group (like a team or a corpo), firesupport is not that hard. But with random pick up, the situation is, most of the time, different. A common reason which can be found in any “fully random”  group are players who are playing for their own score instead of for the common goal. Take a map like “fort muerto” or “Crimson”, most of the time in pick up groups, I find players who are shooting at “high score objects” (like charging cells), ignoring the real danger (npcs).

And I have to struggle with tons of ships…

In fire support, this kind of “race” leads to ships destroyed by snipers or commander or devastators…


There are good reasons why I don’t want to be in a corporation but I won’t explain it on a forum :).


@ Papitas :

I play T5 pve. I know each map, I choose the ship I will play according to the group composition. Most of the time I take my guard frigate (Inquisitor S before, now I play a Ronin) in order to protect the other players from enemy fire, take down ennemy defense/ships.
All my modules are purple and dedicated to the protection of the group.
All my implants fit to the role I take most of the time.

30min is a sum including average waiting time. In mission when you are the only one who is alive, you take a little more time to finish the mission… If you can. To give you an example, on my last crimson map try, on the third part, there were 3 LRF and me. I took the east line (where the transport appears first), I shoot down enemies while building turrets and… Defeat. Because the others players didn’t have the fire power needed to destroy the transports.

@ Saintjavelin


I say nothing really different from what you answered me ;). In a coordinated group (like a team or a corpo), firesupport is not that hard. But with random pick up, the situation is, most of the time, different. A common reason which can be found in any “fully random”  group are players who are playing for their own score instead of for the common goal. Take a map like “fort muerto” or “Crimson”, most of the time in pick up groups, I find players who are shooting at “high score objects” (like charging cells), ignoring the real danger (npcs).

And I have to struggle with tons of ships…

In fire support, this kind of “race” leads to ships destroyed by snipers or commander or devastators…


There are good reasons why I don’t want to be in a corporation but I won’t explain it on a forum :).

Every time I play with my mates we compete against each other more than working together, and it’s for xxxx and giggles. Screaming through the field and stealing sniper kills, making each other waste torps, messing around and not at all taking it seriously.


It’s faster when we do it that way, it’s absolute slaughter to the rats, and we’ve done 3:00 missions in that way. So your excuses really don’t hold water, you just need to change how you do things. It sounds like you’re just bad, no offense. We  never* die on it. 



*That swinging mechanical arm at the back killed me this morning by swinging into me. Laughs were had.

I laughed hard. I saw multiple times people in chat were seeking for pve farming group. I was helping other people. Just because I can I did 100 runs. Best time 3:11. Best time doing it solo: 4:20. Yes I carried 3 people. So if anyone will complain that “in corp is different than with randoms” it means he is the one to be carried. And I hardly can believe that you won’t get a hang of the map and figure the best ships and positions to do it as quickly as possible.


I just wanted to write this:

HAPPY NEW YEAR to EVERYONE! Let 2016 will be better than 2015!


Mechanical arm was hilarious. Pity you cannot be killed by those mechas on platforms :stuck_out_tongue:

I got in to one and by the second wave everyone else was dead so I carried the whole round. Made it in 5:35*. Blood Tormentor FTW.

*Hit 4 instead of 5

I got in to one and by the second wave everyone else was dead so I carried the whole round. Made it in 5:35*. Blood Tormentor FTW.

*Hit 4 instead of 5

I tend to use a Styx, or a Crus S when I feel like switching it up. Tried on a DEagle and it was hilarious.

the 50 victories thing was easy at tier 5.

Too all pilots who keep asking when Destroyers are out:

We got the answer already!! Just look at the image of ‘Star Hook’

Stage 6 starts 8 Jan, each stage took around 4 days so my estimation 12 Jan (+/- 3 days) destroyers are out - you can see the silhouette after last stage. Ta-Da!!!

Too all pilots who keep asking when Destroyers are out:

We got the answer already!! Just look at the image of ‘Star Hook’

Stage 6 starts 8 Jan, each stage took 4 days so my estimation 12 Jan destroyers are out - you can see the silhouette after last stage. Ta-Da!!!

There is an issue

which is


Too all pilots who keep asking when Destroyers are out:

We got the answer already!! Just look at the image of ‘Star Hook’

Stage 6 starts 8 Jan, each stage took around 4 days so my estimation 12 Jan (+/- 3 days) destroyers are out - you can see the silhouette after last stage. Ta-Da!!!

Look again…




 They are never coming! It’s all just a hoax!

*X-Files theme plays in the background*