Stage 6. The Storm (Discussion)

No, it’s actually going to be 50%.

Lol. More sources have said 50% so that’s what I’m going with.

I just wonder which map Northstar is and why we get a mission for Tournament


There are 2 options:

  1. they mean SCL - as there no beacon capture in standard tourney

  2. they will create domination tourney (like 3 weeks or so ago)

I still haven’t seen this new map. Nor the alien one. Actually there hasn’t been a patch for me yet. XD

I just wonder which map Northstar is and why we get a mission for Tournament


If this is for SCL, then NA players wont be happy…im pretty concerned since that would mean i wont be able to get the achievement (30 GS) D:

If this is for SCL, then NA players wont be happy…im pretty concerned since that would mean i wont be able to get the achievement (30 GS) D:

The 30 monos quest is already repeatable, meaning majority of US cut off from 30 monos (45 with license) a week

It took me a whole week to finish it. XD I never got awful ping but I have nothing to complain about. The only thing that makes scl hard is organised teams. With my current team (and some substitutes occasionally) that was easy to counter. At this point it’s just normal PvP with better rewards.

majority of non school or “working from home” US players cant participate for how early those are

i got a feeling that this destroyers will be realesed around one and half month later am i correct?

i got a feeling that this destroyers will be realesed around one and half month later am i correct?

don’t know. Soon!

don’t know. Soon!

hmm 2 or 3 months then

Stage 4: Operation ‘‘Star Hook’’ aka only 3 more tournaments left that are attached to the Ms. Frost contracts. The end of this stage can’t come fast enough for me.

I still hate the fact that there were at day 8 only 2 of 3 Tournamenta and I wasn’t able to play one of these two(only had time for the first which would had been before the patch.)

Why again tournament ? It’s to give the cannon fodder for big corporations ?


My corp and so many friend’s don’t like the tournament.

So now, all missions of event is tournament, tournament and tournament ? STOP !

Are you serious, tournament missions again? Last time i couldn’t make it to even at least one… wtf

50 PvP or PvE won battles. 72 hours to complete this goal.

Tournament again, but this time only participation matters.

I had hoped, that you won’t repeat such high grind mission goals!

I would find it reasonable, that you want 30 won battles, but not 50 in such short timespan.

Well… I will have to spend all evening doing this xxxx. Time to bust out on the 2v2 squads again and farm the xxxx out of PvP :slight_smile:

I was wondering if I could get a clarification.  In stage 4, it says we’ll be getting a 65% cost reduction on regular ships for the winning faction, but then it also has an * with the message: *Discounts on other ships — 50%


Does this mean that faction’s premiums will be 50% off, or does it mean other faction’s ships will be 50%?

Wow i’m actually surprised, i thought i was the only forum member who disliked the tournaments because of so many corps members making up the forum community.

Maybe if they balanced the teams out a bit more i would like these tournaments, but i’ve played 12 matches thus far and pretty much all of them were a nightmare as a non-squad/wing player with teams being HIGHLY unbalanced either because of general MM being ‘‘meh’’ at best or because of solo/lone wolf teams vs full wings/squads matchups (only 2 out of my 12 matches played were against other solo/lone wolf teams).

I still hate the fact that there were at day 8 only 2 of 3 Tournamenta and I wasn’t able to play one of these two(only had time for the first which would had been before the patch.)

I missed 2 days myself (might become 3 days because of new year) so i’m crossing my fingers for that this event will be able to be played again next year because the achievements related to the event are categorized in the ‘‘Events’’ section of the achievements and not in the ‘‘Great Achievements’’ section were usually the non-repeatable achievements are categorized into.

That or i’m hoping for some extra days/contracts after the main event finishes to fill in days people might’ve missed.

50 PvP or PvE won battles. 72 hours to complete this goal.
Tournament again, but this time only participation matters.
I had hoped, that you won’t repeat such high grind mission goals!
I would find it reasonable, that you want 30 won battles, but not 50 in such short timespan.

I made a post in the 1.3 patch discussion thread about maybe not doing this kind of stuff in December, but Doomb0t said that they see a huge increase in players during Christmas, but yeah i myself find it quite tedious/annoying as well to do this kind of stuff in such a short amount of time, let alone in December during Christmas and now these 50 wins close to New Year.

I liked the Ms. Summer event more, were you could stack several days/contracts, then complete them when it would be convenient for you and heck that was during a period way calmer than December.

I was wondering if I could get a clarification.  In stage 4, it says we’ll be getting a 65% cost reduction on regular ships for the winning faction, but then it also has an * with the message: *Discounts on other ships — 50%

Does this mean that faction’s premiums will be 50% off, or does it mean other faction’s ships will be 50%?

Crossing my fingers for other faction ships being 50% off as well, means i can finally get my last couple of ships cheap.