Stage 2 of the new PVE mission - It's great! :)

Stage 2 of the PVE mission is a good change. I’m glad to see that you guys made a part of the game where you fly around inside of something. I hope in the future you add more objects that you can fly into and a PVP map with indoor areas.

While its quite odd that you fly through fortified tunnel instead flying around that asteroid, I quite enjoying It. Those plasma turrets are too big compared to projectile it makes (my friend flought with ceptor between twin cannons and they did nothing) and they deal derpastic damage.

While its quite odd that you fly through fortified tunnel instead flying around that asteroid, I quite enjoying It. Those plasma turrets are too big compared to projectile it makes (my friend flought with ceptor between twin cannons and they did nothing) and they deal derpastic damage.


Actually that’s a good point.The projectile that comes out of them does’t look right with how big the barrels are.

Maybe change them to ol’ heavy plasma cannon projectile?

Maybe change them to a singularity.