As they stand right now, these weapons are as close to useless as one can get. Their range is less than that of lasers (even though in the real world this would not be the case… Lasers dissipate exponentially at longer ranges while solid slugs, i.e. railguns would actually continue on until they hit something or a gravity well would burn them up) and even worse their spread increase on each shot is TERRIBLE. Rapidfire Railguns, a.k.a. shotguns, are even more accurate and spread less than these.
As they are, they are the worst weapon in Tier 2 and the only people that use them are the ones who are trying them for the first time. They’re useless at long range (lasers are better), medium range (everything is better) and even close range because the spread is so terrible on them.
Please fix these railguns and make them actually usable by LRFs, who, as we all know, are getting the shaft anyways in the current patch.
The current stats on stab. railguns:
DPS (KIN): 167
Damage per shot: 223
ROF: 45/min
Critical Chance: 7%
Projectile Speed: 5810m/s
Range: 5400m
Spread: 0 degrees
Spread (min-max): 0-2.5 deg
Full overheating/cooling: 28/5sec
Now my suggested fixes to this useless weapon:
Increase DPS/Damage per shot
Decrease ROF.
Increase critical to 10% base.
Keep projectile speed.
Increase range to 8000~m.
Increase base starting spread to .5 deg.
Decrease max spread to 1-1.5 deg. OR increase the rate at which spread recovers.
try to play this weapon with 2x spread mod on a gunship and have some fun it’s really strong!
but yeah, without mods the weapon is really up, you can only use it in ships which don’t have to rely on resistances to make any use of the sniper rails.
personally i would also like to see a slower rof but more dmg per shot/increased crit, the rof seems equal to hail plasmas.
but… useless? i wouldn’t call this weapon useless, with 2x mods it really shines and has got the low spread you expect from a sniper weapon (no mods=big fail :/, so this could use a change). it is nice to see that you suggest a rework and not a plain buff. 8k range is a bit overkill tho, i think 5.5k is fine.
try to play this weapon with 2x spread mod on a gunship and have some fun it’s really strong!
but yeah, without mods the weapon is really up, you can only use it in ships which don’t have to rely on resistances to make any use of the sniper rails.
personally i would also like to see a slower rof but more dmg per shot/increased crit, the rof seems equal to hail plasmas.
but… useless? i wouldn’t call this weapon useless, with 2x mods it really shines and has got the low spread you expect from a sniper weapon (no mods=big fail :/, so this could use a change). it is nice to see that you suggest a rework and not a plain buff. 8k range is a bit overkill tho, i think 5.5k is fine.
Already tried this, they’re still pretty bad … but now with the addition of wasting two passive slots for an already terrible weapon. No other weapon in the game -requires- that you utilize BOTH slots to make it even usable. I disagree completely, they’re still the worst weapon in the game, hands down.
I am actively using stab rails and they are one of the strongest weapon type both in T2 and T3. You probably don’t have an affinity to use them or don’t know how to use them or the wrong ship and setup. They are fine as it is.
I am actively using stab rails and they are one of the strongest weapon type both in T2 and T3. You probably don’t have an affinity to use them or don’t know how to use them or the wrong ship and setup. They are fine as it is.
First of all, keep intys away from them, they really are useless in this situation. Fit to fighters or frigates.
They don’t necesarily need spread reduction, all it takes is 0.5-1 more second of waiting before the next shot to have the gun’s spread reduced to a decent level (especially vs intys or far away fighters - fire at will against frigates or anything close like @ 2k or closer). What they need to actually touch their target is extra bullet speed (at least 30%) so your shots have a better chance of landing on targets (the closer the lead indicator is to the target, the easier the shot). If you are very tanky or have mad maneuvering skills you can fit both spread reduction and add bullet speed bonus.
As a side note - this isn’t necesarily an autofire type of gun, it needs to fire at the right time and at the right spot; some aiming practice is heavily needed before making full use of them. The most important thing is to learn how your opponent will move as he will never necesarily go towards where the lead indicator shows, namely he can go in circles and here you have to imagine where he would be by yourself (easy to learn). Still, if he moves chaotically, they usually develop a sequence between their turns and in that niche between turns they will move in a straight line for a bit, try to aim for that line.
To learn this fast, do this: get a gunship or a guard that has spread reduction bonus or bullet speed bonus and get the jeri rank 6 implant. In the end try having 2-3x speed buffs (bonus, implant or module) and 1x spread reduction. See how target leading works and the better you start aiming, start removing bullet speed bonuses and later on the spread reduction. Right now i am using 2x speed stuff and 1x or no spread reduction depending on ship.
EDIT: forgot to add, this gun excels anywhere at 1.5-4k range.
First of all, keep intys away from them, they really are useless in this situation. Fit to fighters or frigates.
They don’t necesarily need spread reduction, all it takes is 0.5-1 more second of waiting before the next shot to have the gun’s spread reduced to a decent level (especially vs intys or far away fighters - fire at will against frigates or anything close like @ 2k or closer). What they need to actually touch their target is extra bullet speed (at least 30%) so your shots have a better chance of landing on targets (the closer the lead indicator is to the target, the easier the shot). If you are very tanky or have mad maneuvering skills you can fit both spread reduction and add bullet speed bonus.
As a side note - this isn’t necesarily an autofire type of gun, it needs to fire at the right time and at the right spot; some aiming practice is heavily needed before making full use of them. The most important thing is to learn how your opponent will move as he will never necesarily go towards where the lead indicator shows, namely he can go in circles and here you have to imagine where he would be by yourself (easy to learn). Still, if he moves chaotically, they usually develop a sequence between their turns and in that niche between turns they will move in a straight line for a bit, try to aim for that line.
To learn this fast, do this: get a gunship or a guard that has spread reduction bonus or bullet speed bonus and get the jeri rank 6 implant. In the end try having 2-3x speed buffs (bonus, implant or module) and 1x spread reduction. See how target leading works and the better you start aiming, start removing bullet speed bonuses and later on the spread reduction. Right now i am using 2x speed stuff and 1x or no spread reduction depending on ship.
EDIT: forgot to add, this gun excels anywhere at 1.5-4k range.
Alright, going to try this in the next few matches. Thanks!
Stabi rails are one of the most overpowered weapon in the game.
Only in the right hands still
Actually, anything is OP in the right hands
Maitri, try to get rid of one bullet speed buff as soon as you are confortable with it, 11km/s is too high for what is needed, 7-8k is enough, use the slot for something else you need.
Seriusly, my Hydra blows up engineer with ease, take out his shield with desintegrator if you lack a good weapon mod, then finish him off with missiles & stab rails.
I dont know about intys, because i kill em with minefields.