
Well i gave you couple of examples:

  • balancing skill/ships issues, and it can be balanced in terms of skills, but its a difficult process and often never achieved.

  • balancing faction numbers - it cant be achieved without strict No to register new char to this one faction, that every one want to play cos they are OP or sth.

  • limited game play options for clans - you can as team can only use one faction ships for play. Even if you want to, its still forcing you to do so, not letting you.

  • limited players pulls for clans (and im still pro cap as well as you)

Well i gave you couple of examples:

  • balancing skill/ships issues, and it can be balanced in terms of skills, but its a difficult process and often never achieved.

This is an issue of Skills and mods, nothing to do with full racial factions.

  • balancing faction numbers - it cant be achieved without strict No to register new char to this one faction, that every one want to play cos they are OP or sth.

They are never balanced anyways, You think The horde or alliance has equal amount of people? Hardly, people will always pick what they like.

  • limited game play options for clans - you can as team can only use one faction ships for play. Even if you want to, its still forcing you to do so, not letting you.

This is actually a strength. the reason for this is because Empire cannot do federation tactics, so keeping a mix, causes all three races to do brute force, and not all of them are build for that. Empire for example is build for hit and run; A sort of picking stuff off and then cloaking.

  • limited players pulls for clans (and im still pro cap as well as you)

This may be so. But at the moment, population is only 2000-3000 people (500-600 at peak times) so give it time, the game needs 1-2 months before it becomes really good. Whats important now is getting the foundation layed as fast as possible, this is because if you dont, people may try the game say it sucks and spread it Via word of mouth. causing the game to grow slowly.

never underestimate word of mouth.

when the game does grow however, it does not matter if its a faction based guild, because people will join a guild anyways. Also, you have to remember a key rule. Faction is not ship based. I am jerico, but i fly empire ships.

" This is an issue of Skills and mods, nothing to do with full racial factions."

If factions have unique skills its more than that. Its simply not only skills and mods.

"They are never balanced anyways, You think The horde or alliance has equal amount of people? Hardly, people will always pick what they like."

So you are agreeing with me, its a problem.


This is actually a strength. the reason for this is because Empire cannot do federation tactics, so keeping a mix, causes all three races to do brute force, and not all of them are build for that. Empire for example is build for hit and run; A sort of picking stuff off and then cloaking."

No its not a strenghy. Its choosing for players and whole clans what tactic they will play. If clan want to plat mixed style let them. If they decide to recruit only from faction X cos thats theyr play style - they will choose it. Not developers. I know you can fly other ships, but its not like T5 player will do it without a blinking and get to do it from scratch where he want to play with new guild/clan mates.

"This may be so.(…)"

It is so. And I’m not talking bout players now, its only beta, and like you said, there is small number of players. But still it counts, and not as only reason.

If factions have unique skills its more than that. Its simply not only skills and mods.

Yes and balacing 3 skills is a lot easier then balacing 30-40 ships of skills.

So you are agreeing with me, its a problem.

_ No, I am telling you you will never satisfy them. _

No its not a strenghy. Its choosing for players and whole clans what tactic they will play. If clan want to plat mixed style let them. If they decide to recruit only from faction X cos thats theyr play style - they will choose it. Not developers. I know you can fly other ships, but its not like T5 player will do it without a blinking and get to do it from scratch where he want to play with new guild/clan mates.

its not choosing the tactic for them, its choosing the strategy. Its not the same thing. strategy is the over all plan, tactics are the small parts of the plan. so the strategy for empire is to use cloaking as a means to offense (sneak behind the line) but the tactic might be to hit 2-3 spots at once or to pick one off and recloak.

It is so. And I’m not talking bout players now, its only beta, and like you said, there is small number of players. But still it counts, and not as only reason.

that will change in time

  1. Balancing mirror classes shouldn’t be a problem too but in SWTOR they managed to do it wrong.

  2. So its still a problem if you go that way.

  3. Yes i swaped tactic with strategy. My bad:). But rest still apply, you are choosing for them not letting them to chose it.

  4. yes iut will, but like i sad it still will be a problem even when it does.

Well i do not see point in going further into this discussion between us:) We both had different opinions, and can talk a mount and want convince each other :slight_smile:

Its good that even now there are players that want to discuss and help to shape this game :slight_smile:

  1. There is not such thing as minor classes in the game. Its class only. Because you dont have a sub class like attack frigate, support frigate etc. (Btw you gave me a good idea based on the concept of another game)

  2. Yes, so using faction is better because of the various benefits over 1 positive for having a mix guild on top of this, See my new post here:


read the part about clan/alliance race/faction bonus’s this can be applied even with out a universe.

  1. no worries. in general there is 3 strats for gaming. Hit and run (often cloaking based) Brute force, and mass harass. And the races fall under this. thats not to say you dont have brute force race using hit and run factics etc. In fact the greatest is the one that uses all of them. facial stuff just offers motivate to use those concept. Also they are already in the game, i am only suggesting we give those concepts a more universal effect.

4.sooner before later i hope.

the conversation is good, it allows other to see out points, I find this discussion beneficial, and i am honored to have a strong person to discuss with who will not give so easily in their view. If there was more people like us, we would surely benefit from such health conversation.

I would like too to be more ppl wanted to talk about it, cos now it seems a little pointless, as not one of us is developing this game, and i dunno if they listen to us at all.

i do strongly believe the devs are listening to us…in cbt times they said: no pve or no possesion of multiple ships of one type … look where we got today…

the devs should have a master plan and if your ideas sound good to them they might give it a shot…

Here some resume how it is planned in the view of the devs:

Players are intended to be mercenaries, but they can stay “loyal” to one favorite faction.

Later in the future we will see faction based fights where the factions will fight against each other.

I think it’s better to have non faction based clans, but perhaps clans could also get some bonus if they stay loyal to a faction.