Squad Rewards

Following on from this thread: https://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/30400-the-case-for-squads-in-pvp/?view=getnewpost


To address some of the concerns about new players being farmed if squads come back, here are a few ideas to make squadding beneficial to everyone, regardless of skill level.


Note: this is intended for 3-4 man squads only, to encourage players to form larger groups and participate in high end play.


Income Boost: Players in a squad all receive a +5% boost to synergy and credit income. This will offset some or all of the losses that would be incurred in a lopsided match.


Bonus Lost Attempt: Players in a squad get +1 loot attempt. In addition, if they lose the battle they still get a single loot attempt! Players with a Premium Licence get 2 loot attempts on defeat.


Squad Based Achievements: These can be as simple as “play / win x games as a squad” to “have a squad of four players all from the same faction”. The intent is to give another small reward and sense of accomplishment that can only be obtained in a squad.


These are just a few ideas. I’m sure other people will have more. The goal is not to try and punish good pilots who form squads, nor to try and bribe the best pilots to only squad in certain game modes, but to offer rewards to everyone of every skill level, so that even if they play as they normally would, it is more profitable for them to do so in a squad.

Yeah so screw those who rarely play in squads, am I right?

Yeah so screw those who rarely play in squads, am I right?

Actually, that’s the kind of player this idea is aimed at - to reward people for stepping out of their comfort zone and squadding up.

I don’t know… I don’t think that giving players buffs to squad players will make more people want to form squads, because then they’ll get matched with vets, and get obliterated. 


My idea would be to have an option, as a solo player, to get queued (or not get queued) with 2+ pilot squads. But I fear that then most of the solo players will stick to the solo queue, and the team queue will be as empty as leagues. 

Devs could instead give squads more MM weight, but that would make lots of other issues…


I just don’t know. I want squads back, but I don’t know how. Maybe the developers should just forget about all the others and just put them back, and see what happens. Make some polls, ask for feedback… 

They get matched with vets already. If you have unrestricted squads, then casual squads aren’t guaranteed to face vets.

Yeah so screw those who rarely play in squads, am I right?


Yes. People who want to play solo can play PVE. This should be a team game.


I’m not sure Jasan. Vets in squads would farm the hell out of this. Maybe only have an extra reward for losing? And reward for winning stays the same (still high)?

 This is a great idea Jasan. IMO they should put you in a squad regardless of queuing solo or not, your team would be green and having their health bars on the side would really incentivize team play and would really, really help coordinate modules with the team, especially engie modules.

 The rewards could be handed if you form a squad before queue.

 This is a great idea Jasan. IMO they should put you in a squad regardless of queuing solo or not, your team would be green and having their health bars on the side would really incentivize team play and would really, really help coordinate modules with the team, especially engie modules.


Now THIS is a good idea!!! Please make a new thread with details, so it isn’t lost!

I have seen this in other games like Warthunder

So, in essence the same thing as lance system in BattleTech / MechWarrior. As per experience over there, it doesn’t usually get people cooperating any better.
Anyway, +1 to the original topic. Squads need to be brought back, and should be promoted to get things really going.

I have seen this in other games like Warthunder

In War Thunder everybody is in a squad afaik. even he goes random; he just gets into temporary squads, similar to battlefield.

The loot attempts would of course be nice, but at least the credit and synergy boosts are to be considered vet-farm-safe.

ofc. +1, as i think, its important to entice and reward social stuff.

War Thunder gives you bonus xp for earning kills with or near your partner, which is a nice idea.

In my opinion, a good matchmaker condition that in the queue reside quite large number of players. Players skill and rating should be close enough to two balanced team can be produced. This is complicated by the squad because they are in a team.

Let’s face it, we are very few! Most of the few players play in PVE or Open Space because the ship parts, neodium, beryllium easier to collect.

It does not help any bonus-malus system or compromise.

The only thing misgiving me about your idea is: Are you asking to kill the MM rule to pair always 4-man squads in both teams?


Option 1: Yes, then i fear this idea is not possible because of this:


All of that was discussed many times. What we all know, that squad system can’t be back in it’s old state, cause it was’t working properly one time. avarshina have already represented some issuees with it.

Let’s try to summarize something this time. I’m sure, the whole SC Team will be pleased to see some undiscussed solutions and compromises from all of you here.



Option 2: No Then You are proposing an improvement over the current situation. It’s not perfect, but seems possible to be implement. It’s not going to harm anyone more than the current situation and it could lower queue times to 4-man squads because more players will consider beneficial to get into them. Devs should consider it because squads can be a driven force to get more players into the game. 


I don’t like the MM rule to keep squads in both teams. I prefer any solution which allow a 4-man squad to fight against other team with or without squads keeping equal chances to win to both teams. But an improvement it’s more than squads got from this game in ages.

I don’t like the MM rule to keep squads in both teams. I prefer any solution which allow a 4-man squad to fight against other team with or without squads keeping equal chances to win to both teams.


That is an entirely different topic, to have squads queue vs. total randoms.

Stop mixing stuff up.

Rewards are to make squadding enticing. MM is a separate issue.


That is an entirely different topic, to have squads queue vs. total randoms.

Stop mixing stuff up.

Rewards are to make squadding enticing. MM is a separate issue.


Ok i understand now. Nobody is asking to change MM, but to give rewards to squads. It’s a clear improvement over the current situation.

\o/ yay what took u so long :stuck_out_tongue:


i dont want them rewarding for me btw.

i want them rewarding for ppl who need credits and synergy.

i see a reward in it simply by learning a lot from friends.

take their fear. give them hope to queue again even after a heavy loss.


simply because its not really different, if you lose as singular player to a crushing blow.


how the MM is solved is completely up to debate. i even liked the “queue squad” which ends up in the same game but not neccessarily on the same side. just to ensure, you can solo and land in the same game.