Spy Drones Container change

I suggest that the module “Spy Drones Container” be changed considerably. I understand it’s purpose in quickly marking a given target to be seen by your allies, but at the moment it is a bit outrageous. I suggest that instead of being like an ECM module and being “click to apply debuff” it acts more like the Avalanche emitter and fire a projectile that has considerably high velocity. A buff to counter this could be the fact that if you have excellent aim, you can apply the debuff to any ship within line of sight, like LRF’s or CovOps under cloak. Though I suggest that its maximum range and active time be lowered significantly.

Fox, you did it. I was thinking about something for spy drones too. I thought it is so lame to have a little drone that is insta deployed instead of having some delay and flight speed. Not to mention the lack of skill to plant it.

It could also be lockable and possible to kill with Covi stun and such.


1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

 I suggest that instead of being like an ECM module and being “click to apply debuff” it acts more like the Avalanche emitter and fire a projectile that has considerably high velocity. 

Can we have ECM modules with travel time too ?  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)


Maybe, instead we can have a module with a passive and an active. 

A passive that upgrades your sensors. Showing all enemies in range, even without line of sight or if they are invisible. But if you can’t see them with normal radar you can’t lock them and their position refresh only once every 2 seconds (Like a real radar).


And the active would be similar to what you suggest, but instead of granting vision on them it does the opposite : It reduce their vision to only their sensors (so they can’t see what their allies can see).


What do you think of it ?

28 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Can we have ECM modules with travel time too ?  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)


Maybe, instead we can have a module with a passive and an active. 

A passive that upgrades your sensors. Showing all enemies in range, even without line of sight or if they are invisible. But if you can’t see them with normal radar you can’t lock them and their position refresh only once every 2 seconds (Like a real radar).


And the active would be similar to what you suggest, but instead of granting vision on them it does the opposite : It reduce their vision to only their sensors (so they can’t see what their allies can see).


What do you think of it ?

I love it. Every module needs and active and passive mode definitely.